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Minimum wage   /mˈɪnəməm weɪdʒ/   Listen
Minimum wage

The lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay; determined by contract or by law.

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"Minimum wage" Quotes from Famous Books

... surpassed agriculture as the primary locus of economic activity and income. Encouraged by duty-free access to the US and by tax incentives, US firms have invested heavily in Puerto Rico since the 1950s. US minimum wage laws apply. Sugar production has lost out to dairy production and other livestock products as the main source of income in the agricultural sector. Tourism has traditionally been an important source of income, with estimated arrivals of nearly 5 million tourists in 1999. Growth fell off in 2001, ...
— The 2002 CIA World Factbook • US Government

... "good" labor union ought to conform are more easily definable than the conditions to which a "good" trust ought to conform. In the first place the union should have the right to demand a minimum wage and a minimum working day. This minimum would vary, of course, in different trades, in different branches of the same trade, and in different parts of the country; and it might vary, also, at different industrial ...
— The Promise Of American Life • Herbert David Croly

... that there should at any time exist a large number of unemployed. A very small number, in effective competition with those employed, will be quite as effectual in keeping down the rate of wages. The same applies to all grades of skilled labour, with this important difference, that the minimum wage can never fall below what is required to induce less skilled workers to acquire and apply the extra skill which will enable them to furnish the requisite supply of highly-skilled workers. Trade Unions have instinctively directed ...
— Problems of Poverty • John A. Hobson

Words linked to "Minimum wage" :   pay, earnings, salary, wage, remuneration

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