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Muscularity   Listen

The physiological state of having or consisting of muscle.
Possessing muscular strength.  Synonyms: brawn, brawniness, heftiness, muscle, sinew.
An imaginative lively style (especially style of writing).  Synonyms: energy, vigor, vigour, vim.  "A remarkable muscularity of style"

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"Muscularity" Quotes from Famous Books

... his extreme delicacy. At the opposite extreme we find cases of men so extraordinarily powerful that they are obliged to abandon all exercise and lead a purely sedentary life in order to counteract their abnormal muscularity. Thus Lord HALDANE, who in his earlier days thought nothing of walking to Cambridge one day and back to London on the next, has now become more than reconciled to the immobility imposed on the occupant ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, March 11, 1914 • Various

... umbrella, and only on days like this donned a light overcoat to guard himself against what he called 'the sooty spittle' of a London sky. Yet he was not the man of four or five years ago. He had the same appearance of muscularity, the same red neck and mighty fists; but beneath his eyes hung baggy flesh that gave him a bilious aspect, his cheeks were a little sunken, and the tone of his complexion had lost its healthy clearness. In temper, too, he had suffered; perhaps in ...
— The Whirlpool • George Gissing

... anything on dry land, or on the water either, that we feared. Mr. Townley used very often to accompany us to the hills, to the river and lake, but not invariably. We dearly loved our tutor. What a wonderful piece of muscularity and good-nature he was, to be sure, as I remember him! Of both his muscularity and good-nature I am afraid we often took advantage. Flora invariably did, for out on the hills she would turn to him with the utmost sang-froid, saying, 'Townley, I'm tired; ...
— Our Home in the Silver West - A Story of Struggle and Adventure • Gordon Stables

Words linked to "Muscularity" :   physiological state, heftiness, physical condition, verve, liveliness, life, brawn, muscular, vitality, muscle, sprightliness, strength, sinew, spirit, physiological condition

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