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Outflank   /ˈaʊtflˌæŋk/   Listen

Go around the flank of (an opposing army).  Synonym: go around.
Get the better of.  Synonyms: best, outdo, scoop, trump.

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"Outflank" Quotes from Famous Books

... rocks and drift, within the canon, and below the great gap which formed its mouth. We had chosen the position from necessity, at at this point the bank shelved out and offered a way to the open country, by which our pursuers could outflank us, should we allow them to get so far up. It was necessary, therefore, to prevent this; and we placed ourselves to defend the lower or second narrowing of the channel. We knew that below that point beetling cliffs walled in ...
— The Scalp Hunters • Mayne Reid

... chose for his charge. Like a thunderbolt his Walloons fell upon them. The Swedish fire mowed them down like ripened grain and checked their impetuous rush. They tried to turn the King's right and so outflank him; but the army turned with them and stood like a rock. The extreme mobility of his forces was Gustav Adolf's great advantage in his campaigns. He revised the book of military tactics up to date. ...
— Hero Tales of the Far North • Jacob A. Riis

... with a faint apology for a smile, "it appears that we have to do with tacticians—they are going to outflank us." This remark was caused by our antagonists separating themselves; the leader advancing directly towards us, while the others approached, two on the right and two on ...
— The Island Home • Richard Archer

... ball and frolicking like no enemy was near. Others were falling into line of march; others had muskets stacked ready to fall in at a moment's notice. Far back in the rear endless columns were marching to the left flank of their lines to outflank Lee's right. At Meade's headquarters we were joined by two thousand more of our men who had been captured that morning on Hotche's Run. About 2 p. m. we were reviewed by General Grant and President Lincoln, riding horseback, followed by a troop of ...
— The Southern Soldier Boy - A Thousand Shots for the Confederacy • James Carson Elliott

Words linked to "Outflank" :   locomote, beat out, shell, outmaneuver, outsmart, move, go, beat, vanquish, travel, crush, trounce, outmanoeuvre

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