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Palmate   Listen

(of the feet of water birds) having three toes connected by a thin fold of skin.
Of a leaf shape; having leaflets or lobes radiating from a common point.  Synonym: palm-shaped.

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"Palmate" Quotes from Famous Books

... reached the outskirts of the forest, and it was not long before Ned discovered in a little greed patch of sward a small grove of banana trees with huge bunches of fruit, more or less ripe, depending from the crown of immense palmate leaves. He saw that the trees were of two or three different kinds, and, looking more closely, he quickly discovered that of which he was in search. Then, approaching one of the trees, he reached up and dragged the bunch of fruit down toward him, and, detaching several of the bananas, ...
— The Missing Merchantman • Harry Collingwood

... the slopes of the open fields and on the dry sides of the long embankment, that we saw the faded remnants of the beauty with which the lupins had surrounded Watermouth a few days ago. The innumerable plants with their delicate palmate leaves were still fresh and vigorous; no drought can wither them even in the dryest soil, for their roots reach down to the hidden waters. But their winged blossoms, with which a little while since they had ...
— Days Off - And Other Digressions • Henry Van Dyke

... the evil spirit haunting about him, he would have joined in Lucia's admiration of the beautiful creature, as it dropped into the foam from its narrow ledge, with its fan of palmate leaves bright green against the black mosses of the rock, and its golden petals glowing like a tiny sun in the darkness of the chasm: as ...
— Two Years Ago, Volume II. • Charles Kingsley

... together of the same kind, were now far away above us, in another world as it were. We could only see at times, where there was a break above, the tracery of the foliage against the clear blue sky. Sometimes the leaves were palmate, or of the shape of large outstretched hands; at others finely cut or feathery like the leaves of Mimosae. Below, the tree trunks were everywhere linked together by sipos; the woody flexible stems of climbing and creeping trees, whose foliage is far away ...
— The Beauties of Nature - and the Wonders of the World We Live In • Sir John Lubbock

Words linked to "Palmate" :   palm-shaped, palmate leaf, webbed, compound

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