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Philosophical system   /fˌɪləsˈɑfɪkəl sˈɪstəm/   Listen
Philosophical system

A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school.  Synonyms: doctrine, ism, philosophy, school of thought.

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"Philosophical system" Quotes from Famous Books

... ataraxia, and its origin was in the troubled state of mind induced by the inequality of things, and uncertainty in regard to the truth. Therefore, says Sextus, men of the greatest talent began the Sceptical system by placing in opposition to every argument an equal one, thus leading to a philosophical system without a dogma, for the Sceptic claims that he has no dogma.[6] The Sceptic is never supposed to state a decided opinion, but only to say what appears to him. Even the Sceptical formulae, such as "Nothing more,"[7] or "I decide nothing,"[8] or "All is false," include themselves ...
— Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism • Mary Mills Patrick

... impulses of the heart. The name of mystic ought to be applied only to those Christians to whom immediate relations with Jesus form the basis of the religious life. In this sense St. Paul (whose theologico-philosophical system is one of the most powerful efforts of the human mind to explain sin and redemption) is at the same ...
— Life of St. Francis of Assisi • Paul Sabatier

... for the political revolution in France. The "Encyclopaedists" went much beyond Voltaire and Rousseau. D'Alembert, Helvetius, Holbach, advocated atheism and materialism. Condillac (1715-1780) sought to reduce this species of infidelity to an exact philosophical system by tracing even conscience to sensation and self-interest. All religious sentiment was condemned as ...
— Outline of Universal History • George Park Fisher

Words linked to "Philosophical system" :   animalism, humanism, dualism, nuclear deterrence, pacificism, descriptivism, divine right of kings, democracy, functionalism, passivism, millennium, phenomenology, expansionism, ethicism, absolutism, animism, amoralism, irridentism, credo, divine right, reincarnationism, imitation, monism, commandment, nationalism, multiculturalism, secular humanism, formalism, teaching, precept, gospel, creationism, theological doctrine, gymnosophy, religious doctrine, irredentism, internationalism, establishmentarianism, pacifism, populism, nihilism, kabbalism, philosophy, freethinking, utilitarianism, prescriptivism, individualism, epicureanism, secessionism, church doctrine, secularism, majority rule, reformism, egalitarianism, belief, Girondism, philosophical doctrine, presentism, equalitarianism, abolitionism, cabalism, rationalism, philosophical theory, laissez faire, asceticism, establishmentism, dogma, antiestablishmentism, states' rights, feminism, contextualism, creed, humanitarianism, unilateralism, literalism, dynamism, pluralism, antiestablishmentarianism

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