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Pic   /pɪk/   Listen

A form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement.  Synonyms: film, flick, motion-picture show, motion picture, movie, moving-picture show, moving picture, picture, picture show.  "The film was shot on location"
A representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material.  Synonyms: exposure, photo, photograph, picture.

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"Pic" Quotes from Famous Books

... regards the controverted questions of the descent of the modern Roumanians and the foundation of the Principalities, I would direct his attention more especially to the recent publications of Roesler and Pic, the first an Austrian and the second a Slav writer, where he will find those subjects fully and ...
— Roumania Past and Present • James Samuelson

... he climbed the Pic de Sancy, not without difficulty, and visited the higher valleys, the skyey nooks, undiscovered lakes, and peasants' huts about Mont Dore, a country whose stern and wild features are now beginning ...
— The Magic Skin • Honore de Balzac

... permanent abode. Several of his successors in office, however, as well as various ether residents of York, used occasionally to resort to it as a kind of camping ground in the summer time, and it soon came into vogue for pic-nic excursions. Captain John Denison, a well-known resident of Little York, seems to have taken up his quarters in it for a few weeks, but not with any intention of permanently residing there. In. or about the month of June, 1829, the building was wantonly set on fire ...
— Canadian Notabilities, Volume 1 • John Charles Dent

... is the best way of securing one's self from the bodily damages to which all persons who attend pic-nic parties now seem to ...
— Punchinello Vol. 1, No. 21, August 20, 1870 • Various

... Horse Egan, ransacking everybody's valise but his own. He was engaged in making up deficiencies of kit preparatory to a campaign, and in that work he steals best who steals last. "Ah, Mulcahy, you're in good time," he shouted, "We've got the route, and we're off on Thursday for a pic-nic ...
— This is "Part II" of Soldiers Three, we don't have "Part I" • Rudyard Kipling

... of Time! Its latest turn see In this phenomenon who hails from Guernsey. We've often met, at pic-nics or at dances, Young ladies who were good at shooting—glances! And glances that, alas! have often filled us With tender feelings, if they have not killed us. We've met fair maidens, who have found it pleasant To tramp the moors for ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, July 25, 1891 • Various

... "History of Sandford and Merton," if our memory serves us aright, there is an instance quoted of remarkable presence of mind relating to an Umbrella and its owner. The members of a comfortable pic-nic party were cosily assembled in some part of India, when an unbidden and most unwelcome guest made his appearance, in the shape of a huge Bengal tiger. Most persons would, naturally, have sought safety in flight, and not stayed ...
— Umbrellas and their History • William Sangster

... was in a mountain excursion or a pic-nic by the side of one of the lakes, tarns, or streams; and these parties, of which he was the life and soul, will long live in the recollections of those who shared them. An excellent pedestrian (thinking little of a walk of twenty-five miles ...
— Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8, January, 1851 • Various

... absolutely right. One glance at Miss Nugent told me that the poor old boy had got the correct idea. I hardly know how to describe the impression she made on me. On the way to the Pic, Archie had told me that what first attracted him to her was the fact that she was so utterly unlike Mabel Doughnut; but that had not prepared me for what she really was. She was kind of intense, if you know what I mean—kind of spiritual. She was perfectly pleasant, and drew me out about golf ...
— Death At The Excelsior • P. G. Wodehouse

... man as I ever see; but if he had his head he would be worse than any young man I ever see to foller up pic-nics, and 4th of Julys, and camp meetin's, and all pleasure exertions. But I don't encourage him in it. I have said to him, time and agin, "There is a time for everything, Josiah Allen, and after anybody ...
— The Universal Reciter - 81 Choice Pieces of Rare Poetical Gems • Various

Words linked to "Pic" :   episode, slow motion, headshot, arial mosaic, skiagraph, synchronize, magnification, collage film, spectrogram, film, mugshot, still, credits, beefcake, daguerreotype, dub, representation, mug shot, telefilm, shot, sequence, microdot, film noir, snap, photomosaic, photocopy, silents, product, documentary film, telephoto, telephotograph, radiogram, feature film, blowup, 3D, musical theater, production, vignette, photographic print, blueprint, docudrama, black and white, musical comedy, musical, print, infotainment, reshoot, short subject, monochrome, silent movie, three-d, enlargement, time exposure, final cut, skin flick, coming attraction, shoot, stereo, scene, rough cut, skiagram, silent picture, documentary, hologram, cinema verite, subtitle, closeup, mosaic, shoot-'em-up, shadowgraph, snapshot, credit, 3-D, talkie, photomicrograph, feature, caption, glossy, show, synchronise, videotape, longshot, spectrograph, home movie, radiograph, tape, holograph, take, cheesecake, stereoscopic picture, frame

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