"Preliminary" Quotes from Famous Books
... Enthusiasm for the details of industry Meaning of the importance assigned to industry and science Intellectual side of the change Attitude of the Encyclopaedia to religion Diderot's intention under this head How far the scheme fulfilled his intention The Preliminary Discourse Recognition of the value of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Diderot and the Encyclopaedists (Vol 1 of 2) • John Morley
... disappointment which was felt by those serving under Admiral Knowles, who was cruising off the Havannah to intercept the expected Plate fleet, when a Spanish advice-boat brought into the squadron informed the admiral that the preliminary articles for a general peace were signed. The unpleasant news caused a general dejection throughout the whole squadron. Dissensions among the officers had for some time before prevailed, and these at length terminated in various courts-martial. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves - Updated to 1900 • W.H.G. Kingston
... after a little preliminary chat on the Chinese character and the Californian climate, Mrs. Ryan launched forth into her favorite theme ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Spinner's Book of Fiction • Various
... Tablets were affixed to the walls of these temples recording the name of the patient, the disease and the cure prescribed. There is evidence that diseases were closely observed. The patients brought gifts to the temples, and underwent a preliminary purification by ablutions, fasting, prayer and sacrifice. A cock was a common sacrifice to the god. No doubt many wonderful cures were effected. Mental suggestion was used greatly, and the patient was put to sleep, his cure being often revealed to him in a ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Outlines of Greek and Roman Medicine • James Sands Elliott
... a table in the center of the room, upon which a seventh, who seemed to be the cook, was placing dishes of bacon and beans. The chief, whose arm had been bathed and rebound in a cotton bandage, was seated at the head of the table. A bottle of whiskey was passing from hand to hand as a preliminary to the more substantial part of the meal, and the men who had just arrived were evidently retailing to their fellow rascals the events that had ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Bert Wilson in the Rockies • J. W. Duffield
... for an instant, and the fight started. There was little or no preliminary sparring. Each knew the other's tactics by heart. It was just grim, dogged, ding-dong fighting. In height and weight they were singularly evenly matched, but Harcourt soon gave evidences of being unquestionably the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Long Trick • Lewis Anselm da Costa Ritchie
... a suite of rooms near the hospital, a few days sufficed for preliminary arrangements, and Irene was installed in a ward of the building to which she had requested ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Macaria • Augusta Jane Evans Wilson
... light, and that conscientious and hard-working young lawyer spared no pains on his own part or the part of the dead man's daughter to make every point that would tell for his client; but Chris was not more moved than at the preliminary investigation. She told the truth simply, and no effort on the part of the barrister could shake her evidence or break through the unnatural calm in which she appeared to have enveloped herself. Harry saw her several ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Gold-Stealers - A Story of Waddy • Edward Dyson
... the first proposition submitted to them would have been to make good out of the public purse all the losses individuals were liable to sustain from an abolition of the Slave Trade. This ought to have been, as Lord Penrhyn had observed, a preliminary measure. He did not like to be generous out of the pockets of others. They were to abolish the trade, it was said, out of a principle of humanity. Undoubtedly they owed humanity to all mankind; but they also owed justice to those ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the - Abolition of the African Slave-Trade, by the British Parliament (1839) • Thomas Clarkson
... vein of sentiment has suffered unmerited neglect among us. No other vein of sentiment in human nature, perhaps, has so much need to be cherished. In the lives of women, friendship is, First, the guide to love; a preliminary stage in the natural development of affection. Secondly, it is the ally of love; the distributive tendrils and branches to the root and trunk of affection. Thirdly, it is, in some cases, the purified fulfilment and repose into which love subsides, or rises. Fourthly, it is, in other cases, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Friendships of Women • William Rounseville Alger
... undoubted fact that when a man curls himself up with two or three preliminary twists, after the fashion of a dog going to bed, in a perfectly circular shell hole on a night as black as this, he is extremely likely to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders • Clair W. Hayes
... frequent reports on his progress—daily reports, if any significant developments occur. And I want a model of that device as soon as it's developed and has had preliminary tests. If it works, it might be valuable for community defense." He ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Final Weapon • Everett B. Cole
... supine in his chair, knew the preliminary stages of the process well. They took longer than usual to-night; both of them were unkeyed and had to compose themselves to the affair. But at last the visible world, the wall before him, commenced to dislimn; it shifted; it became mist, writhing and tinged with faint colors, that ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Second Class Passenger • Perceval Gibbon
... send a scout or two in the dark to make preliminary observations. Why not take the lightning off the outer fences, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... friends who were in Basle when Erasmus first began to think of sending his work there to be printed. By the summer of 1514 the preliminary negotiations had been satisfactorily concluded and he set out. The story which he tells of his arrival is well known. Amorbach was now dead; so he marched into the printing-house and asked for Froben. 'I handed him a letter from Erasmus, saying that I was a familiar friend of his, and that he had ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Age of Erasmus - Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London • P. S. Allen
... before 1787; but, unfortunately for the theory, Calhoun was able to produce instances exactly parallel after 1787. If the fact that each State predicated its own sovereignty as an essential part of the steps preliminary to the convention of 1787 be a sound argument for State sovereignty before 1787, the fact that each State predicated its sovereignty as an essential part of the ratification of the Constitution must be taken as an equally sound argument for State sovereignty under ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — American Eloquence, Volume III. (of 4) - Studies In American Political History (1897) • Various
... his were dark. But this was an unimportant preliminary. In sleep there come to the surface buried genealogical facts, ancestral curves, dead men's traits, which the mobility of daytime animation screens and overwhelms. In the present statuesque repose of the young girl's countenance Richard ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Mayor of Casterbridge • Thomas Hardy
... was thus engaged, I heard my name repeated by a stranger who was talking with Mr. Blodget, and erelong the man sauntered over, spoke to me, and after some preliminary remarks asked if I was Carter Brassfield. He was dark, had a sweeping mustache, and wore eye-glasses. Upon being assured that I was Carter Brassfield, he took from his pocket a gold ring, and, turning it around carefully in the light, read the inscription ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Stories Worth Rereading • Various
... wish to make Katharine realize the importance of this work, which she discussed so coolly, as though she, too, had sacrificed what Mary herself had sacrificed. The swinging of the gloves ceased, and Katharine, after ten minutes, began to make movements preliminary to departure. At the sight of this, Mary was aware—she was abnormally aware of things to-night—of another very strong desire; Katharine was not to be allowed to go, to disappear into the free, happy world of irresponsible individuals. She must ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Night and Day • Virginia Woolf
... especially bound to aid their parish priests in everything pertaining to worship and the observance of religious laws. They try civil causes up to the value of two taels of gold, or forty-four pesos. They take action in criminal cases by collecting the preliminary evidence, which they submit to the provincial chiefs. They are under obligation to see to the collections of the royal revenue, and further to give notice of the ordinances for good government. They are permitted to collect certain dues that are specified in their own credentials. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume XVII, 1609-1616 • Various
... might get poor, and she knew enough about mining to realize the difficulties that must yet be overcome. Getting the money she would need for the preliminary work was perhaps the worst; and if the money could be raised, it would be a long time before she could look for much return. Still she was not alone; Thirlwell had promised to help and she knew he would not fail her. She meant to let him help, not because she wanted to get ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Lure of the North • Harold Bindloss
... Rabbinical school to which Saul of Tarsus had belonged, and was brought over by him from his Jewish past; such experiences were rare in Orthodox Christianity.[16] According to Jewish classical tradition but one Rabbi had successfully passed the test, other aspirants either failing at a preliminary stage, or, if they persevered, losing their senses permanently. The practice of this ecstatic ascent ceased among Jews in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — From Ritual to Romance • Jessie L. Weston
... the Bible, and the right of private judgment—here, then, are the two great charters in which Protestantism commences; these are the bulwarks behind which it intrenches itself against Rome. And it is remarkable that these two great preliminary laws, which soon diverge into fields so different, at the first are virtually one and the same law. The refusal of an oracle alien to the Bible, extrinsic to the Bible, and claiming the sole interpretation of the Bible; the refusal of an oracle that reduced the Bible to a hollow masque, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Theological Essays and Other Papers v1 • Thomas de Quincey
... After the usual preliminary devotions, in which Robert Bruce "engaged," the business of the meeting was solemnly introduced. The only part which Thomas Crann took in it was to expostulate with the candle-snuffer, who being violently opposed ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Alec Forbes of Howglen • George MacDonald
... lists she was astonished to find that she was to play against Catherine. Catherine for the last two years had been South's choice to play in the School Tournament, and although she had been beaten by Nelly Smith of West last year, it was pretty generally conceded that she would win in the preliminary House Tournament and play again in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Judy of York Hill • Ethel Hume Patterson Bennett
... that it is announced in the paper to-day that a violent artillery bombardment is in progress between Ypres and the sea. There you are—that is the preliminary bombardment which always precedes a great battle ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — At Ypres with Best-Dunkley • Thomas Hope Floyd
... Between the Montagnards and the Girondists there was no distinct difference of principle—both were keen republicans and levellers; but in carrying out their views, the Montagnards were the most violent and unscrupulous. The Girondists expected that, after a little preliminary harshness, the Republic would be established in a pacific manner; by the force, it may be called, of philosophic conviction spreading through society. They were thus the moderates; yet their moderation was unfortunately ill manifested. At the outset, they countenanced ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 426 - Volume 17, New Series, February 28, 1852 • Various
... Partners. Partnerships in Patents. Form of Protection Issued by the Government. Life of a Patent. Interference Proceedings. Concurrent Applications. Granting Interference. Steps in Interference. First Sketches. First Model. First Operative Machine. Preliminary Statements. Proving Invention. What Patents Are Issued For. Owner's Rights. Divided and Undivided Patents. Assignments. How Made. What an Invention Must Have. Basis for Granting Patent in the United States. Reasons ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Practical Mechanics for Boys • J. S. Zerbe
... Lord John Russell bringing in a Bill for settling the Irish Tithe question, Sir Thomas Acland moved, as a preliminary step to this discussion, that the celebrated resolution of the 8th of April, 1835, for the appropriation of the surplus revenues of the Irish Church should be rescinded. Upon a division the Government proposal was carried by 317 to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Greville Memoirs (Second Part) - A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852 - (Volume 1 of 3) • Charles C. F. Greville
... coming up again with a lamp, or a doll, or a piece of glassware, like a magician. Fanny, perched on an overturned box, used to watch him, fascinated, while he laboriously completed a water set, or a tea set. A preliminary dive would bring up the first of a half dozen related pieces, each swathed in tissue paper. A deft twist on the part of the attendant Aloysius would strip the paper wrappings and disclose a ruby-tinted tumbler, perhaps. Another dive, and another, until six gleaming glasses stood ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Fanny Herself • Edna Ferber
... each other with beak and claw, their preliminary utterances had to my ears anything but a hostile sound. Indeed, for the bluebird to make a harsh, discordant sound seems out of the question. Once, when the two males lay upon the ground with outspread wings and locked beaks, a robin flew ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Bird Stories from Burroughs - Sketches of Bird Life Taken from the Works of John Burroughs • John Burroughs
... the space which they circumscribe. Polygonal or curved perimeters may be circumscribed with equal facility by joining the piles, the sides of one serving as a guide to that of its neighbor, and special pieces being adapted to the angles. Preliminary studies will give the dimensions, form, and strength of the iron to be employed. The latter, in fact, will be rolled to various thicknesses according to the application to be made of it. We may remark that the strength of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XIX, No. 470, Jan. 3, 1885 • Various
... The preliminary operations conducted by Rameses on the Palestinian coast were attended with much success. Then, in his fifth year, he marched northward with a great army, with purpose, it would appear, to emulate the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Myths of Babylonia and Assyria • Donald A. Mackenzie
... did! Suddenly, without a preliminary sprinkle, the floods dropped straight from the heavens. A drenching, pouring rain that soaked the occupants of the open car before they could realise what had happened. Gusts of wind added to their discomfort, and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Patty's Butterfly Days • Carolyn Wells
... have the charm of novelty of presentation to the members of the home circle, and the theology of which was not too clear to tender apprehensions; with three hymns more or less lugubrious, rendered by a village-choir, got into voice by many preliminary snuffles and other expiratory efforts, and accompanied by the snort of a huge bassviol which wallowed through the tune like a hippopotamus, with other exercises of the customary character,—after all this in the forenoon, the afternoon walk to the meeting-house in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)
... Suddenly, without preliminary bars, there arose from afar the great hoarse roar of a factory whistle. It raised and swelled to a sinister note, and then it sang on the night wind one long call that held the crowd in the park immovable, speechless. The ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Monster and Other Stories - The Monster; The Blue Hotel; His New Mittens • Stephen Crane
... and Spelling: containing a Full Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Language, with a Preliminary Exposition of English Orthoepy and Orthography; and designed as a Work of Reference for General Use, and as a Text-Book in Schools. By Richard Soule, Jr., A.M., and William A. Wheeler, A.M. Boston. Soule & ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 44, June, 1861 • Various
... a little over-zealous for the purity of the faith. In the old Auchterarder fashion, they had been thinking for themselves, instead of taking ready-made opinions from other people. One good result of the commotion was that Presbyteries were henceforth prohibited from putting queries of their own, preliminary to license, but "those and no other" which had received the authority of the Church. Yet it had other results which were evil. The discussion over the "Auchterarder Creed" led to the re-publication of the "Marrow of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Chronicles of Strathearn • Various
... cheerful mien. He knew all the men present by name, as they knew him. He had a few sheets of notes, which he laid on the little table which had been placed for him, and when the introductions were finished he went to this and with scarcely any preliminary began. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Clue of the Twisted Candle • Edgar Wallace
... addition to extending an invitation to hold its meeting at St. Louis during the World's Fair, each organization was told that a place of meeting would be provided, and that all possible aid would be given in making preliminary arrangements by a board of information which would be ready to supply any assistance necessary in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission • Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
... having as a preliminary inscribed his brother's unwieldy name all over the fly-leaf, was proceeding most happily to read the book aloud, lying on the hearth-rug, with his heels in the air. He read his mamma into a slumber, his papa into a ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Heartsease - or Brother's Wife • Charlotte M. Yonge
... purpose of some part of a singer's preliminary education is to strengthen and fit the voice for the exacting demands of a professional career. As the training of an athlete—rower, runner, boxer, wrestler—not only perfects his technical skill, but also, by a process of gradual development, enables him to endure the exceptional ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Style in Singing • W. E. Haslam
... shoulder-blades in the armchair. "It is the preliminary canter," he announced. "Now we're off, and you watch ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Foe-Farrell • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
... The Register was printed in Adelaide. It was also The Government Gazette. It gave the proclamation of the province, which was made under the historic gum tree near Holdfast Bay, now Glenelg. It also records the sales of the town acres which had not been allotted to the purchasers of preliminary sections. These were of 134 acres, and a town acre, at the price of 12/6 an acre. This was a temptation to invest at the very first, because afterwards the price was 20/ an acre, without any city lot. From this cheap ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — An Autobiography • Catherine Helen Spence
... time he tossed off a glassful without leaving a drop at the bottom, and after a preliminary little cough, he related ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Droll Stories, Complete - Collected From The Abbeys Of Touraine • Honore de Balzac
... it pays to give two or three hours to some preliminary reading that will make you see the general scope of the subject, and the points on which there is disagreement. An article in a good encyclopedia or one in a magazine may serve the purpose; or in some cases you can go to the opening chapter ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Making of Arguments • J. H. Gardiner
... interest him in a colonization scheme for his countrymen. A thousand Japs in the San Gregorio can raise enough garden-truck to feed the city of Los Angeles—and they will pay a whooping price for good land with water on it. So I brought him along for a preliminary survey ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Pride of Palomar • Peter B. Kyne
... the first runner that arrived from the coast with news of the approach of the European ships was, by the order of Montezuma, placed in confinement. "This was done to keep the news secret until the matter could be investigated, and was therefore a preliminary measure of policy." Placed at the tecpan as the official head of the tribe, he had power to appoint his assistants. But this power to appoint implied equal power to remove, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Prehistoric World - Vanished Races • E. A. Allen
... 280. place before; prefix; premise, prelude, preface. Adj. preceding &c. v.; precedent, antecedent; anterior; prior &c. 116; before; former; foregoing; beforementioned[obs3], abovementioned[obs3], aforementioned; aforesaid, said; precursory, precursive[obs3]; prevenient[obs3], preliminary, prefatory, introductory; prelusive, prelusory; proemial[obs3], preparatory. Adv. before; in advance &c. (precession) 280. Phr. seniores priores[Lat]; prior tempore ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Roget's Thesaurus • Peter Mark Roget
... of a more premeditated character. He paused at the Palazzo Vecchio, and awaited there the return of the Ten, who managed external and war affairs, that he might duly deliver to them the results of his private mission to Pisa, intended as a preliminary to an avowed embassy of which Bernardo Rucellai was to be the head, with the object of coming, if possible, to a pacific understanding with the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Romola • George Eliot
... school eleven and the others were just built for track athletics and basket ball. Dick tried for the eleven but he wasn't heavy enough for one thing and so didn't make anything but a substitute's position with the freshmen. I was just as well satisfied. I didn't mind the preliminary training but I felt I would as soon he added a couple more years to his age before he really played football, even if it was in him to play. My point had been won when he went ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — One Way Out - A Middle-class New-Englander Emigrates to America • William Carleton
... take place the inquest on the double crime of ten days ago. To my mind it would be well if a preliminary public inquiry could be held at once. Say, on the very day the discovery of a fresh murder is made. In that way alone would it be possible to weigh and sift the evidence offered by members of the general ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Lodger • Marie Belloc Lowndes
... most intimate and, to tell the truth, the most agreeable to me was my acquaintance with Luganovitch, the vice-president of the circuit court. You both know him: a most charming personality. It all happened just after a celebrated case of incendiarism; the preliminary investigation lasted two days; we were exhausted. Luganovitch looked at me ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Wife and Other Stories • Anton Chekhov
... classical honors and their accompanying emoluments in the University, and virtually in all the Colleges, except Trinity, is through mathematical honors, all candidates for the Classical Tripos being obliged as a preliminary to obtain a place in that mathematical list which is headed by the Senior Wrangler and tailed by the Wooden Spoon.—Bristed's Five Years in an Eng. Univ., ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Collection of College Words and Customs • Benjamin Homer Hall
... him for his guidance—he returns, after a prolonged absence, with the copper stick. Anne laughs at him; but really it would seem as though she herself were almost as stupid, for not until her hands are covered with flour does it occur to her that she has not taken that preliminary step in all cooking operations of rolling ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — John Ingerfield and Other Stories • Jerome K. Jerome
... 11.15, and I timed myself (so well I know the road in all weathers) to reach the magistrates' door on the stroke of the quarter. Now Sir Felix, as Chairman, makes a point of arriving ten or fifteen minutes ahead of time, for a preliminary chat with the Clerk over the charge-sheet and any small details of business. I was astonished, therefore, when, turning at the sound of wheels, I beheld Sir Felix's carriage and pair descending the street behind me. 'Truly the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Corporal Sam and Other Stories • A. T. Quiller-Couch
... him to be an harmless, amusing little thing, I could not return his smiles with any degree of severity: so we walked forward on terms of the utmost intimacy, and in a few minutes discussed all the usual topics preliminary to particular conversation. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — English Satires • Various
... flying banners and a brass-band, I suppose— where he will reign a thousand years. At the conclusion of this felicitous period Satan is to be loosed for a little season, and after he has pawed up the gravel with his long toe-nails and given us a preliminary touch of Purgatory, we are to have the genuine pyrotechnics. Some of the divines did not agree with the spectacular ceremonies arranged by Dr. Seasholes for the Second Coming; but he seems determined to carry ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Volume 1 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann
... of this story, with which you are no doubt perfectly familiar, is only a preliminary. I have come to claim my own, and to appeal to you as a woman of honour to do me justice. Nay, I will say as a woman of common honesty; since there is no nice point of honour in question, only the plain laws of mine and thine, which I ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Phantom Fortune, A Novel • M. E. Braddon
... suspicion by virtue of the fact, known to a few of the neighborhood, that he himself was a distiller of brush whiskey. No one else had seen the stranger till the finding of the body. He gathered this from the trend of the inquiry after the formal preliminary queries. The seven men, as they sat together on a bench made by passing a plank between the logs of the wall diagonally across the corner of the room, chewed meditatively their quids of tobacco, and now and then spat profusely on the ground, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain and Other Stories • Charles Egbert Craddock
... brief preliminary sketch of the more salient features of the Utopian school, I have, I hope, said enough to show that its scholars differ toto coelo from those who attend that familiar type of school which I have recently described. Yet the Utopian children are made of the same clay as the children ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — What Is and What Might Be - A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular • Edmond Holmes
... of the whole matter. Government, however, consented to institute a full inquiry; and Mr. Maule, the Solicitor to the Treasury, was sent down, and held sittings at the Hen and Chickens Hotel. His inquiries, however, were only preliminary to the full and exhaustive investigation made afterwards by Mr. Dundas, who, in his report to Parliament (presented October 26, 1840), fully absolved the Mayor and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men • E. Edwards
... his advisers had the good sense to see that the chances in a struggle of arms would be too unequal, and always submitted at the last moment. At last the Chinese government, having agreed to all the preliminary conditions, and having also despatched a high officer, Li-hang-chang, to Yunnan to thoroughly investigate the affair, "without regard to persons," the British minister agreed to let the English mission of investigation proceed. Mr. Grosvenor, a secretary of legation, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Galaxy, Volume 23, No. 2, February, 1877 • Various
... the arm-chair which dominates the other chairs round the elm table in the magistrates' room, emitted a preliminary cough. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Grim Smile of the Five Towns • Arnold Bennett
... This cave was suitable as a habitation before the material now choking the mouth had accumulated, provided water was obtainable. The nearest spring now is more than a mile away. An exploration would require, as a preliminary, the removal of several hundred cubic yards of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Archeological Investigations - Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 76 • Gerard Fowke
... because it was necessary then to detach from the blockade and to assemble elsewhere the numerous small vessels needed to check the possible harmful activity of the Spanish gunboats along the northern coast, and afterwards, because the preliminary operations about Santiago, concurring with dark nights favorable to Cervera's escape, made it expedient to retain there many of the lighter cruisers, which, moreover, needed recoaling,—a slow business when so many ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles • Alfred T. Mahan
... to speak twice," said Betty blushing at the commotion she had caused, "but if we are to change our vote, some of us think it would be fun to hold a preliminary debate now, and choose our speaker on her merits. We ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Betty Wales Freshman • Edith K. Dunton
... preliminary act, the sportsmen crouched in a dry ditch and crawled stealthily along in order to approach the tempting covey ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Complete • Robert Seymour
... may not be a wise thing to do, but at least let us be certain before taking action, or before taking thought which is preliminary to action, that we know our facts, and all our facts. The second point is as important as the first. On hastily reading Mr. Williams's book for the first time, my impression was that he had only erred by overlooking facts which told on the other side. On general ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Are we Ruined by the Germans? • Harold Cox
... brief and preliminary remarks, tending to such hypotheses as appear to me most probable and simple, I shall hasten from unprofitable researches into the Unknown, to useful deductions from what is given to our survey—in a word, from the origin of the Grecian religion to its influence and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... of privilege and from the embarrassment of choosing, all men are at last constrained, whatever may be their standard, to pass the same ordeal; all are indiscriminately subjected to a multitude of petty preliminary exercises, in which their youth is wasted and their imagination quenched, so that they despair of ever fully attaining what is held out to them; and when at length they are in a condition to perform any extraordinary acts, the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Democracy In America, Volume 2 (of 2) • Alexis de Tocqueville
... read the letter over and over again, but he could not come to a correct conclusion as to whether it intended to imply that he, Sir Francis Varney, would wish to fight him at the hour and place mentioned, or merely give him a meeting as a preliminary step. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Varney the Vampire - Or the Feast of Blood • Thomas Preskett Prest
... chair, placed a dozen yards apart, the feat was with a table knife to carry the most peanuts in five minutes. After the preliminary try-out, Dick chose Paula for his partner, and challenged the world, Wickenberg and the madroo grove included. Many boxes of candy were wagered, and in the end he and Paula won out against Graham and Ernestine, who had proved the next best couple. Demands for a speech changed to clamor for ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Little Lady of the Big House • Jack London
... officers of colored troops, and a larger number who wished to become such, were urgent for further experiments in the same line; and the Florida tax-commissioners were urgent likewise. I well remember the morning when, after some preliminary correspondence, I steamed down from Beaufort, S. C., to Hilton Head, with General Saxton, Judge S., and one or two others, to have an interview on the matter with Major-General Hunter, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Army Life in a Black Regiment • Thomas Wentworth Higginson
... took out of his trouser pocket his exquisite hand with its long tapering pink nails, a hand which seemed still more exquisite from the snowy whiteness of the cuff, buttoned with a single, big opal, and gave it to his nephew. After a preliminary handshake in the European style, he kissed him thrice after the Russian fashion, that is to say, he touched his cheek three times with his ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Fathers and Children • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
... 1783, at the office of the Count de Vergennes at Versailles, in the presence of Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams, the representatives of England, France and Spain affixed their signatures to the preliminary documents declaring war at an end between America and England. A little over seven months later, on September 3, 1783, at the Hotel de York in Paris, the final treaty between Great Britain and the United States was signed. Later on the same day, the definitive treaty ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Story of Versailles • Francis Loring Payne
... preliminary speeches and introductions, and then came the turn of the candidate. The usual flutter of expectation ran over the audience, followed by the usual deep hush, but just at that moment there was an interruption. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Candidate - A Political Romance • Joseph Alexander Altsheler
... a preliminary, the two girls who brought in the bride handed round a tray with three cups containing sake, which each person was expected to drain till he came to the god of luck ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Unbeaten Tracks in Japan • Isabella L. Bird
... preliminary to a long argument carried on without temper. Harry listened attentively, but as soon as it was over and Whitridge and Fowler had gone, he tumbled into his ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Guns of Bull Run - A Story of the Civil War's Eve • Joseph A. Altsheler
... you, for you look uncommonly like taking a short-cut to heaven, and, if I know anything about this house, you've got your work cut out for you here below for a long time to come. Through with this business? Pooh! we've only taken a preliminary canter as yet. That boy's out of the common in more ways than one, and, cripple or no cripple, he's bound to lead you all a pretty lively ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of Sir Richard Calmady - A Romance • Lucas Malet
... to invade Pennsylvania with a force formidable in numbers and with the added strength of a supreme confidence in its invincibility. General McClellan moved promptly westward to cut off Lee's progress northward. After preliminary engagements the main battle of Antietam was fought on the 17th of September, resulting in a Union victory. Lee was severely repulsed and retreated ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Twenty Years of Congress, Vol. 1 (of 2) • James Gillespie Blaine
... Roald Amundsen has qualified for his pilot's certificate at the military camp near Christiania. An officer of the Flying Corps first took him for a preliminary flight round the course, showing him what tests were required. Suddenly the elevator broke and the aeroplane fell nose downwards to the ground 40 feet below. Captain ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, July 8, 1914 • Various
... tribute must be paid, addressed a report of protest to the German Ambassador at Constantinople, and wrote an open letter to the Reichstag on the subject of what he had seen with his own eyes in that town. In his preliminary matter he ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Crescent and Iron Cross • E. F. Benson
... complaining of the invidious work he and his soldiers had been set to do—a work which served only to bring them into discredit with the city—and peremptorily demanding that every seat in the House should be filled up by the following Friday (17 Feb.) as a preliminary to the calling together of a new parliament. When the aldermen heard of this letter they were delighted, and ready to accede to anything Monk might suggest. He proposed quartering troops in the city "for a few days." The aldermen raised ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — London and the Kingdom - Volume II • Reginald R. Sharpe
... the social income has to go through a preliminary division before it is shared by laborers, capitalists, and entrepreneurs. In each industry the pay of all these functionaries comes from the selling price of the commercial article that they cooeperate in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Essentials of Economic Theory - As Applied to Modern Problems of Industry and Public Policy • John Bates Clark
... day Mr Offord's door was closed was therefore a dark date in contemporary history. It was raining hard and my umbrella was wet, but Brooksmith received it from me exactly as if this were a preliminary for going upstairs. I observed however that instead of putting it away he held it poised and trickling over the rug, and I then became aware that he was looking at me with deep acknowledging eyes—his air of universal ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Some Short Stories • Henry James
... same time an uprising took place in Parthian Illyricum, but was put down by Pollio after some conflicts. There was another on the part of the Ceretani in Spain, and they were subjugated by Calvinus after he had had some little preliminary successes and also a preliminary setback; this last was occasioned by his lieutenant, who was ambuscaded by the barbarians and deserted by his soldiers. Their leader undertook no operation against the enemy until he had punished them. Calling them together as if for some other purpose he ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Dio's Rome, Vol. III • Cassius Dio
... heard. He leaned against a corner of the window, and spoke without directly looking at Mrs. Chump; so that she was some time in getting to understand the preliminary, "Madam, you must leave this house." But presently her chin dropped; and after feeble efforts to interpose an exclamation, she sat quiet—overcome by the deliberate gravity of his manner, and motioning despairingly with her head, to relieve the swarm ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith
... miscellaneous poems, which did not excite any particular attention. In 1798, she published, though anonymously at first, "A Series of Plays: in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger Passions of the Mind, each Passion being the subject of a Tragedy and a Comedy." In a lengthened preliminary dissertation, she discoursed regarding the drama in all its relations, maintaining the ascendency of simple nature over every species of adornment and decoration. "Let one simple trait of the human ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Modern Scottish Minstrel , Volume I. - The Songs of Scotland of the past half century • Various
... have to begin with one most formidable preliminary. You saw an article the other day in one of the journals, perhaps, in which some old Doctor or other said quietly that patients were very apt to be fools and cowards. But a great many of the clergyman's patients are not only fools and cowards, but ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 4, February, 1858 • Various
... escapes the worst disease of all; but if he neglects education he walks lame to the end of his life, and returns imperfect and good for nothing to the world below. This, however, is a later stage; at present we must treat more exactly the subject before us, which involves a preliminary enquiry into the generation of the body and its members, and as to how the soul was created—for what reason and by what providence of the gods; and holding fast to probability, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Timaeus • Plato
... was opened cautiously but widely, and the praetor Lucius Aurelius Verus, his wife Domitia Lucilla, the young Balbilla and, last of all, Annaeus Florus, the historian, entered. All four were in the best spirits, and immediately after the preliminary greetings, were eager to report what they had seen at Lochias; but Sabina waved silence with her hand, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Uarda • Georg Ebers
... by this time that Grady meant business, that his speech was preliminary to something more emphatic, and he knew that he ought to stop it before the laborers ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Calumet "K" • Samuel Merwin and Henry Kitchell Webster
... ask him for the letters patent to relieve me from my oath of fidelity, which I had certainly kept faithfully in spite of all his ill-treatment of me. He at first appeared somewhat surprised at my request, and, after a little hesitation, he said, 'There is a preliminary condition to be fulfilled; a question has been raised by one of the members of the Privy Council.'—'What condition, Sire?'—'You must pledge yourself not to bear arms against me.'—'Does your Majesty ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
... to do," he insisted. "Indispensable preliminary. You can't enjoy the opera without a ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Real Adventure • Henry Kitchell Webster
... composed of the First and Second American Divisions, immediately to the south of Soissons, who were operating under Mangin with the First French Moroccan Division between them. Straightway, without the orthodox preliminary artillery fire, a deep thrust was made against the western side of the salient; near Soissons, despite fierce resistance, advances of from eight to ten kilometers and large numbers of prisoners were reported in the first twenty-four ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Woodrow Wilson and the World War - A Chronicle of Our Own Times. • Charles Seymour
... were out of their beds at ten minutes to nine A.M.; on the other, if they had sat up all night in the hope of a fight with the police they would most certainly have anticipated that diversion by a preliminary "shindy" among themselves, and have broken ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Disturbed Ireland - Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81. • Bernard H. Becker
... adjoining Beaufort grounds and gardens, spent 12,000 on the property, had the house remodelled in grandiose style, erected, close by, the "Clock" chapel and a minister's house, laid out a cemetery, known to this day as "Sharon," and thus made preliminary arrangements for the establishment in Chelsea of a Moravian settlement in full working order. In those days Chelsea was a charming London suburb. From the house to the river side lay a terrace, used as a grand parade; from the bank to the water there ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — History of the Moravian Church • J. E. Hutton
... and surveyed Cassidy's club with vast appreciation. The train underwent a preliminary convulsion and began ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — McClure's Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1, May 1908 • Various
... to this, before I touch upon it directly, it will be necessary to lay down a few Preliminary Maxims, viz. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele
... he supposes, but when he attains it this cannot but be in every way more beneficial to him, and as he grows more and more able to elevate and concentrate his thoughts, he may gradually find that new worlds are opening before his sight. As a preliminary training towards the satisfactory achievement of such meditation, he will find it desirable to make a practice of concentration in the affairs of daily life—even in the smallest of them. If he writes ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers • Bhakta Vishita
... not know, and whose rhythm and step you fail as yet to follow. And it is not only music, as Nietzsche said, but all art, that is but a kind of dancing, a definite rhythmic carrying and moving of the soul. And for this reason there can be no artistic enjoyment without preliminary ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Laurus Nobilis - Chapters on Art and Life • Vernon Lee
... Another preliminary assumption in the theory of the impulse which we cannot relinquish, states that the bodily organs furnish two kinds of excitements which are determined by differences of a chemical nature. One of these forms ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex • Sigmund Freud
... project was made public, in the latter part of 1901, borings were begun in the East River, and a few weeks later in Manhattan and Long Island City. A preliminary base line was measured on the Manhattan side, and temporary transit stations were established on buildings from which all borings in the river were located. The river borings were all wash-borings made ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 • Alfred Noble
... strangely in its hopefulness with the desperation of Carlyle's later utterances. Even in presence of the doubt as to man's personal immortality he takes refuge in a high and stoical faith. "I think all sound minds rest on a certain preliminary conviction, namely, that if it be best that conscious personal life shall continue it will continue, and if not best, then it will not; and we, if we saw the whole, should of course see that it was better so." It is this conviction that gives to Emerson's writings their ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Initial Studies in American Letters • Henry A. Beers
... with a welcome which convinced the before anxious youth that he met a friend, rather than a rival, in the heart of Wallace. And every preliminary being settled by the three friends respecting their immediate return to Scotland, they repaired to Philip, to inform him of Lord Ruthven's dispatches and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Scottish Chiefs • Miss Jane Porter
... University, but for the solicitation of two intelligent and highly-esteemed friends. In submitting the work, as it now is, to the judgment of the truth-loving and impartial reader, we beg leave to offer one or two preliminary remarks. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Cotton is King and The Pro-Slavery Arguments • Various
... The fire—that essential preliminary to household operations—had not even been made, when Fenwick reached home, and the dinner table remained still on the floor, with its unwashed dishes strewn ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Home Lights and Shadows • T. S. Arthur
... Deuser paused to settle her sables preliminary to recognizing with an expansive smile an acquaintance who flashed by them in a victoria; after which she adjusted the diamonds in her large, pink ears, and proceeded with unctuous tranquillity. "On this occasion, my dear Philura, you will have the pleasure of listening to an address by Mrs. B. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Transfiguration of Miss Philura • Florence Morse Kingsley
... till its disk turned without a trace of the mechanism. A new record—it had cost a dollar and a half and was by a celebrated violinist—was fixed, and a halftone semi-permanent needle selected. Lizzie was to start this after the first storm of knocking, or any preliminary jocularity of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Best Short Stories of 1919 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various
... by some preliminary handling of the caplin-seine, also, to find out the broken places and get them about him. Ralph and Prudence deftly helped him. Then, making his story wait, after this opening, he took one hole to begin ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Little Classics, Volume 8 (of 18) - Mystery • Various
... spent on board in examining the ship, and in forming our plans, and in making some of the preliminary arrangements. The first of them was to build a couple of sledges, which Andrew showed us how to do, very similar to those used by the Esquimaux. We also packed up some tea, cocoa, and sugar, as also some meat and bread to serve us for present use, till we ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Peter the Whaler • W.H.G. Kingston
... However, Mr. Fogg's preliminary sniffing at the affairs of the Vose line had informed him where he could pick up at least ten scattered shares of their stock. He figured that before midnight he would have them in his possession. As to the next day and the next ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Blow The Man Down - A Romance Of The Coast - 1916 • Holman Day
... of the place of a life in Europe in the chain of existences, although in this case also the statement is made only about "ancient days." "The Jivatma [soul] was prepared for entrance into each [Indian] caste through a long preliminary stage outside India; then he was born into India and passed into each caste to receive its definite lessons; then was born away from India to practise these lessons; usually returning to India to the highest of them, in the final ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century - A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments • John Morrison
... which man intervenes and which I shall distinguish as artificial education—is to make good these defects in Nature's methods; to prepare the child to receive Nature's education, neither incapably nor ignorantly, nor with wilful disobedience; and to understand the preliminary symptoms of her displeasure, without waiting for the box on the ear. In short, all artificial education ought to be an anticipation of natural education. And a liberal education is an artificial education, which has not only prepared a man to escape the great evils of disobedience to natural ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886 • Ministry of Education
... Mechanicsville was fought by A. P. Hill without Jackson's aid. This was the first of the seven days' fighting around Richmond. We arrived in the neighborhood of Cold Harbor about two P. M. on June 27, and approached more and more nearly the preliminary cannonading, most of which was done by the enemy's guns. About three o'clock the musketry began, and soon thereafter the infantry of our brigade was halted in the road alongside of us, and, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson • Edward A. Moore
... [FN157] This preliminary move, called in Persian Nakl-i Safar, is generally mentioned. So the Franciscan monks in California, when setting out for a long journey through the desert, marched three times round the convent and pitched tents for the night ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton
... truly excusatory, shall be shewn in their order: the bare mention of the causes is here premised, that this concubinage, which we are about to treat of, may be distinguished from that which we have previously described. (See note to No. 450, and the Preliminary note.) ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love • Emanuel Swedenborg
... story of a fraud," he said; and proceeded without further preliminary. "There was once a man—a second son, without prospects and without fame—who had the good fortune to do a service to a woman. He went away immediately afterwards lest he should make a fool of himself, for she was miles above his head, anyway. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Swindler and Other Stories • Ethel M. Dell
... work in July, 1907, with preliminary engineering, the actual construction not beginning until January 1908. Work began with one engine, a Baldwin locomotive rebuilt, which had been there since 1878. Gradually the number of engines—all Baldwin locomotives—was ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Across Unknown South America • Arnold Henry Savage Landor
... weakened the hope in the Khalifa's breast of closing with us. Although the range was longer, the central columns had been subjected to almost as destructive a cannonading as the dervishes on Surgham's slopes got. So far it had been a gunner's day, and to the artillery in the preliminary stages, if not—with one exception—in the later, belonged the full honours of the fight. At length with one mind, banner-bearers and all, swiftly the dervish columns, remaining intact, faced to the left, and moved behind the western hills. There was a pause, a respite for some minutes, which their ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Khartoum Campaign, 1898 - or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan • Bennet Burleigh
... Mary. Her plan had been, as we well know, to marry Mr. Carson, and the occurrence an hour ago was only a preliminary step. True; but it had unveiled her heart to her; it had convinced her that she loved Jem above all persons or things. But Jem was a poor mechanic, with a mother and aunt to keep; a mother, too, who had shown her pretty clearly that she did not desire her for a daughter-in-law: while Mr. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Mary Barton • Elizabeth Gaskell
... upon me, doubly heavy because of the gastric condition I was regularly in at this reason, and it continued so until the nightwatchman, wrapped in his long blue cloak, came into the hall at midnight and, after blowing a preliminary signal on his horn, wished everybody a happy New Year. Then, as if by magic, my feeling of sentimentality vanished entirely, and I was carried away by the comic grotesqueness of the scene, and soon regained my freedom and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The German Classics Of The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12 • Various
... or impracticable; or, possibly, Sherman might be compelled for some reason to make his new base at Pensacola or Mobile, though he was determined to make it at Savannah, if possible; and hence it was necessary to have, in reserve as it were, a sufficient logical reason for the preliminary operation, if that finally had to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Forty-Six Years in the Army • John M. Schofield
... convicts, and a waggon-load of provisions drawn by two bullocks. He crossed the Nepean and established a depot at a place known as Nattai, whence the waggon was sent back to Sydney for provisions, Barallier, with the remainder of his men and a native, pushing out westwards. After this preliminary examination he returned to the depot, and made a fresh departure on the 22nd of November, and, continuing mostly directly westwards, he reached a point (according to his chart) about one hundred and five miles due west from Lake Illawarra. If this position is even ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Explorers of Australia and their Life-work • Ernest Favenc
... howled, and while they gazed and shouted, a navy-blue wasp, that Master Middlerib had put in the bottle for good measure and variety, and to keep the menagerie stirred up, had dried his legs and wings with a corner of the sheet, and after a preliminary circle or two around the bed to get up his motion and settle down to a working gait, he fired himself across the room, and to his dying day Mr. Middlerib will always believe that one of the servants mistook him for a burglar ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Masterpieces Of American Wit And Humor • Thomas L. Masson (Editor)
... back on those conversational staples with a strange man. That's just the preliminary skirmishing. But she was here all afternoon, and we didn't spend five hours ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Hidden Places • Bertrand W. Sinclair |