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Prognosticate   /prˌɑgnˈɑstəkˌeɪt/   Listen

(past & past part. prognosticated; pres. part. prognosticating)
Make a prediction about; tell in advance.  Synonyms: anticipate, call, forebode, foretell, predict, promise.

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"Prognosticate" Quotes from Famous Books

... was a philosopher, and was deeply impressed with the belief that the smallest possible hint upon any subject whatever was sufficient to enable him to dive into the marrow of it, and prognosticate the probable issue of it, with much greater certainty than any one else. On the present occasion, however, the grunt above referred to ...
— The Golden Dream - Adventures in the Far West • R.M. Ballantyne

... another rankling in his bosom, seeking some unlucky one upon whose head to wreak his resentment. We had come to recognise the heavy, slow tapping of his thick cane as a harbinger of trouble, even as you might prognosticate a thunderstorm from the rumbling beneath ...
— The Fortune Hunter • Louis Joseph Vance

... roome, and to ease me of my miserable labour: but I pray God thou maist long live and please my Master well, to the end thou maist continually deliver me from so great paine. When I heard these words I did prognosticate my ...
— The Golden Asse • Lucius Apuleius

... must have felt that it was no mean advantage he had acquired by having taken his seat in our house of parliament, and mingled personally in the affairs of a popular government. What the future volumes of the history may disclose, we will not venture to prognosticate; but, hitherto, we have met with nothing which deserves the opprobrium of being attributed to party spirit. There is a certain tone in some of his political observations which, as may be supposed, we should not altogether adopt; but many of them are excellent ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847 • Various

... to and fro in the streets, and talk about the corners, and prognosticate with passion, and defy, in the way of cowardice, where safety rather than the truth is well assured. If one woman could console another, Jacqueline wished that she might console Leclerc's mother. And if any words of wisdom could drop from the poor old woman's lips while her soul was ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 6, No. 34, August, 1860 • Various

... hearth, according to custom immemorial. At the door of the bridegroom his mother was awaiting the young couple with burning torches in her hand. In case no wedding meal had been served at the bride's house, the company now sat down to it. To prognosticate the desired fertility of the union, cakes of sesame were distributed. The same symbolic meaning attached to the quince, which, according to Solon's law, the bride had to eat. After the meal the couple retired to the thalamos, where for the first time the bride unveiled ...
— Museum of Antiquity - A Description of Ancient Life • L. W. Yaggy

... the limitation of the word to the sense of prediction had gradually begun to appear. This secondary meaning of the word had by the time of Dr. Johnson so entirely superseded the original Scriptural signification that he gives no other special definition of it than 'to predict, to foretell, to prognosticate,' 'a predicter, a foreteller,' 'foreseeing or foretelling future events;' and in this sense it has been used almost down to our own day, when the revival of Biblical criticism has resuscitated, in some measure, the Biblical use of the word." ...
— Who Wrote the Bible? • Washington Gladden

Words linked to "Prognosticate" :   prophesy, outguess, read, indicate, wager, bespeak, bet, foretell, threaten, prognosis, prognostication, venture, vaticinate, signal, foreshow, pretend, point, second-guess, prognosticator, prognosticative, hazard, guess, presage, calculate

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