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Pu   /pu/   Listen

A solid silvery grey radioactive transuranic element whose atoms can be split when bombarded with neutrons; found in minute quantities in uranium ores but is usually synthesized in nuclear reactors; 13 isotopes are known with the most important being plutonium 239.  Synonyms: atomic number 94, plutonium.

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"Pu" Quotes from Famous Books

... of those phenomena on the nature of specific difference had been from time to time drawn by naturalists. Maupertuis, for example, wrote "Ce qui nous reste a examiner, c'est comment d'un seul individu, il a pu naitre tant d'especes si differentes." And again "La Nature contient le fonds de toutes ces varietes: mais le hasard ou l'art les mettent en oeuvre. C'est ainsi que ceux dont l'industrie s'applique a satisfaire le gout des curieux, sont, pour ainsi dire, creatures d'especes nouvelles." ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... un Yndio del Pueblo de Zia llamado Bartolome de Ojeda que fue el que mas se senalo en la vatalla acudiendo a todas partes se rindio viendose herido de un balazo y un flechaso lo cual como dicho es mando que debajo de juram.^to declare como se halla el Pu.^o de Pecos aunque queda muy metido a donde el sol sale y fueron unos Yndios Apostatas de aquel Reyno ...
— Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico; Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos • Adolphus Bandelier

... pity, the mair's the pity," said the old man. "Your father, and sae I have aften tell'd ye, maister, wad hae been sair vexed to hae seen the auld peel-house wa's pu'd down to make park dykes; and the bonny broomy knowe, where he liked sae weel to sit at e'en, wi' his plaid about him, and look at the kye as they cam down the loaning, ill wad he hae liked to hae seen that braw sunny knowe a' ...
— The Black Dwarf • Sir Walter Scott

... parle que des assurances officielles de concours qui m'ont ete adressees. J'aurais pu y ajouter les nombreux temoignages de sympathie que j'ai recus de la part des ecrivains, des savants, des artistes les plus illustres; mais j'aurais ete trop long. Je suis pret a vous soumettre a cet egard toutes les justifications que ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... met their death at the hands of man; and so little does he dream of there being any other destructive causes at work, that, in discussing the possible existence of fossil shells, he asks, "Pourquoi d'ailleurs seroient-ils perdues des que l'homme n'a pu operer leur destruction?" ('Phil. Zool.,' vol. i. p. 77.) Of the influence of selection Lamarck has as little notion, and he makes no use of the wonderful phenomena which are exhibited by domesticated animals, and illustrate its powers. The ...
— Lectures and Essays • T.H. Huxley

... choquer en vous ecrivant avec un ton si familier, et comme il conviendrait a une ancienne connaissance; car il me semble que nous le sommes; l'affection et l'estime de ma part et une grande bonte de la votre, ont bien pu suppleer le temps. Permettez-moi d'esperer que le bonheur que j'ai de vous connaitre n'aura pas ete un accident dans une vie, et que des causes plus heureuses que d'autrefois vous rameneront bientot encore dans ce pays; ...
— Memoirs of James Robert Hope-Scott, Volume 2 • Robert Ornsby

... l'habiller, des grains pour se nourrir pendant l'espace d'une annee, des ustensiles pour le menage et d'autres choses necessaires: et outre cela plusieurs onces d'argent, pour se pourvoir de ce qu'on aurait pu oublier. On a designe des lieux particuliers, fertiles en paturages; et on leur a donne des boeufs, moutons, &c. pour qu'ils pussent dans la suite travailler par euxmemes a leur ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... prospettiva, cio ragione, la quale fa l'effetto dell' occhio, facendo crescere e calare secondo gli effetti degli occhi. Questo crescere e calare non procede della cosa propria, che in se per esser lontana, ovvero vicina, per quello effetto non pu crescere e sminuire, ma procede dagli effetti degli occhi, i quali sono piccioli, e perci volendo vedere tanto gran cosa, bisogna che mandino fuora la virt visiva, la quale si dilata in tanta larghezza, che piglia tutto quello che vuoi vedere, ed arrivando a quella ...
— The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci

... [Footnote 119: Kan-chih-pu-lo. Watters, Yuan Chuang, II. 226. The identification is not without difficulties and it has been suggested that the town is really Negapatam. The Life of the pilgrim says that it was on the coast, but he does not say so himself and his ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Charles Eliot

... {.}. Four times in this chapter the character called pu occurs, and in the first and two last instances it can only have the meaning, often belonging to it, of "copy." The second instance, however, is different. How should there be eighteen copies, all different from the original, and from one another, ...
— Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms • Fa-Hien

... lo'cal cu'bit na'tal re'gal fo'cal du'el pa'pal re'al vo'cal hu'man pa'gan pe'nal o'ral u'nit ba'by ta'per o'val du'ly la'dy di'al to'tal fu'ry la'zy tri'al bo'ny ju'ry ma'zy fi'nal co'ny pu'ny na'vy vi'tal go'ry pu'pil ra'cy ri'val ro'sy hu'mid Sa'tan vi'al ...
— McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book • W. H. McGuffey

... calendrier Qu'o dix huitiesme de Janvier Fut pris et ravy notte BOISE Boise dont j'etions pu jaloux Et pu glorieux entre nous Que ...
— The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook

... me, for I am wearied wi' doudling the bag o' wind a' day, and I am gaun to eat my dinner quietly in the spence.—And, now I think on't, the Laird of Lickitup (that's him that was the laird) was speering for sma' drink and a saut herring—gie him a pu' be the sleeve, and round into his lug I wad be blithe o' his company to dine wi' me; he was a gude customer anes in a day, and wants naething but means to be a gude ane again—he likes drink as weel as e'er he did. And if ye ken ony puir ...
— Old Mortality, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott

... disciples; and the latter, without waiting to see the end, fled northwards towards their homes. When brought before Pilate, Jesus probably answered 'Yes' to the question whether He claimed to be a king; but 'la parole du Christ johannique, Mon royaume n'est pas de ce monde, n'aurait jamais pu etre dite par le Christ d'histoire.' This confession led naturally to His ...
— Outspoken Essays • William Ralph Inge

... a doleful dream, I fear there will be sorrow! I dreamed I pu'd the heather green With ...
— Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2) • John Roby

... distinguished, or simple syllables composed of only one consonant and one vowel, or vice versa. The Egyptians had carried this system still further, and in many cases had kept only one part of the syllable, namely, a mute consonant: they detached, for example, the final u from pu and bu, and gave only the values b and p to the human leg J and the mat Q. The peoples of the Euphrates stopped halfway, and admitted actual letters for the vowel sounds a, i, and u only. Their system remained ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 3 (of 12) • G. Maspero

... long form: Republic of Guinea-Bissau conventional short form: Guinea-Bissau local long form: Republica de Guine-Bissau local short form: Guine-Bissau former: Portuguese Guinea Digraph: PU Type: republic highly centralized multiparty since mid-1991; the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC) held an extraordinary party congress in December 1990 and established a two-year transition program during which the constitution will be revised, ...
— The 1993 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... like the wo'lf on the fo'ld, And his co'horts were gle'aming in pu'rple and go'ld; And the she'en of their spe'ars was like sta'rs on the se'a, When the blu'e wave rolls ni'ghtly ...
— El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections • George Tyler Northup

... The Wai Chiao Pu (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) freely granted permits for the expedition to travel throughout China and extended other courtesies for which I wish to express appreciation on behalf of the President and Board of Trustees of the American Museum of ...
— Across Mongolian Plains - A Naturalist's Account of China's 'Great Northwest' • Roy Chapman Andrews

... at ease till the morn be by," said the old woman. "Ye canna du naething till that be ower. Upo' the Mononday mornin' we s' haud a cooncil thegither—you an' me an' my man: I can du naething wantin' my man; we aye pu' thegither ...
— Donal Grant • George MacDonald

... la presente lettre de vous faire agreer mes remercimens et mes excuses, pour la peine qu'elle a pu vous donner. ...
— The Surrender of Napoleon • Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland

... determined to punish Li Dsing. Taking advantage of a moment when he was not watched, he went away, thundering along on his rolling wheels to Li Dsing's dwelling. The latter was unable to withstand him and fled. He was almost exhausted when his second son, Mutscha, the disciple of the holy Pu Hain, came to his aid from the Cave of the White Crane. A violent quarrel took place between the brothers; they began to fight, and Mutscha was overcome; while Notscha once more rushed in pursuit of Li Dsing. At the height of his extremity, however, the holy ...
— The Chinese Fairy Book • Various

... 'tween Pitt and Fox, And our guid wife's wee birdie cocks; The tane is game, a bluidie devil, But to the hen-birds unco civil: The tither's something dour o' treadin', But better stuff ne'er claw'd a midden— Ye ministers, come mount the pu'pit, An' cry till ye be hearse an' roupet, For Eighty-eight he wish'd you weel, An' gied you a' baith gear an' meal; E'en mony a plack, and mony a peck, Ye ken yoursels, for ...
— The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham

... mathematics. On putting his question and giving the diameter, he was surprised at getting the following answer from the Professor: 'Qu'il lui etait impossible de le lui dire au juste, attendu que personne n'avait encore pu trouver d'une maniere exacte le rapport de la circonference au diametre.'[43] From this he was led to attempt the solution of the problem. His first process was purely mechanical, and he was so far convinced he had made the discovery that he took to educating himself, ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II) • Augustus De Morgan

... shall pu' this flour o' the flours? Lilac blossom blooms cheerily; Wha hae for aye to grace their booers, Where the merle and lark ...
— Bog-Myrtle and Peat - Tales Chiefly Of Galloway Gathered From The Years 1889 To 1895 • S.R. Crockett

... scrupule de s'en servir; il s'est presque comme perdu, car une personne distinguee dans le monde a eu la curiosite (a ce qu'on assure) d'en offrir plus de mille florins pour un seul exemplaire, encore ne l'a-t-on pu decouvrir que depuis peu dans la bibliotheque d'un tres-grand homme, qui l'a bien voulu donner pour ne plus priver le public d'un si ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 24. Saturday, April 13. 1850 • Various

... hae I rov'd by bonie Doon, To see the woodbine twine; And ilka birds sang o' its Luve, And sae did I o' mine: Wi' lightsome heart I pu'd a rose, Upon its thorny tree; But my fause Luver staw my rose And left the thorn wi' me: Wi' lightsome heart I pu'd a rose, Upon a morn in June; And sae I flourished on the morn, And sae was ...
— Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns • Robert Burns

... He howls, and the Barin, Perched up on the balcony, Listens in rapture. 710 He drinks in the sound Like the loveliest music. And who could help laughing To hear him exclaiming, 'Don't spare him, the villain! The im-pu-dent rascal! Just teach him a lesson!' Petrov yells aloud Till the vodka is finished. Of course in the end 720 He is perfectly helpless, And four peasants carry him Out of the stable. His state is so sorry That even the Barin ...
— Who Can Be Happy And Free In Russia? • Nicholas Nekrassov

... [Anno 1659], que le vaisseau le Dragon, qui venoit de Hollande aux Indes, avoit fait naufrage sur les cotes d'une Terre Australe inconnue, on y envoia la flute la Bouee a la Veille, pour ramener ceux des gens de l'equipage qui auroient pu se sauver, et les efets qui ...
— Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia - Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 • Phillip Parker King

... the said Prince should carry on the succession as the heir of Tung Chih. But now the late Emperor has ascended upon the dragon to be a guest on high, leaving no son, and there is no course open but to appoint Pu I, the son of Tsai Feng, the Prince Regent, as the successor to Tung Chih, and also as heir to the Emperor Kuang Hsu," which is quite in keeping with the conduct and character of the Empress Dowager all her life except those ...
— Court Life in China • Isaac Taylor Headland

... which he had formulated as early as 1833, but had hesitated to lay in print before the general theological public. These are as follows:— "1. L'element historique du Pentateuque peut et doit etre examine a part et ne pas etre confondu avec l'element legal. 2. L'un et l'autre ont pu exister sans redaction ecrite. La mention, chez d'anciens ecrivains, de certaines traditions patriarcales ou mosaiques, ne prouve pas l'existence du Pentateuque, et une nation peut avoir un droit coutumier sans code ecrit. ...
— Prolegomena to the History of Israel • Julius Wellhausen

... Up she got, an' there wasnae an auld story in Ba'weary but she gart somebody lowp for it that day; they couldnae say ae thing but she could say twa to it; till, at the hinder end, the guidwives up and claught haud of her, and clawed the coats aff her back, and pu'd her doun the clachan to the water o' Dule, to see if she were a witch or no, soum or droun. The carline skirled till ye could hear her at the Hangin' Shaw, and she focht like ten; there was mony a guidwife ...
— The Merry Men - and Other Tales and Fables • Robert Louis Stevenson

... run about the braes And pu'd the gowans fine; But we've wandered mony a weary foot Sin auld lang syne. We twa hae paidl'd in the burn, Frae morning sun till dine: But seas between us braid hae ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

... Highness Prince Pu Lun, imperial high commissioner; Sir Robert Hart, Bart., G.C.M.G. (inspector-general of customs), president ex-officio; Mr. Wong Kai-Pah, imperial vice-commissioner; Mr. Francis A. Carl, imperial vice-commissioner; Mr. D. Percebois, secretary of Chinese imperial commission; Mr. J.A. Berthet, assistant ...
— Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission • Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission

... father see Captain Cook! Me—no!" None of them liked to have anything said about Captain Cook, for the sailors all believe that he was eaten, and that, they cannot endure to be taunted with.—"New Zealand Kanaka eat white man;—Sandwich Island Kanaka—no. Sandwich Island Kanaka ua like pu na ...
— Two Years Before the Mast • Richard Henry Dana

... que n'ai je pu le voir," interjaculates mademoiselle. "Lui dont parle l'univers, dont mon pere m'a si souvent parle!" but this remark passes quite unnoticed by mademoiselle's friend, ...
— The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray

... his sermon amid the smiles and nods and tears of his congregation. No one had a harsh word for him now, and even Brother Dyer wiped his eyes and whispered to his next neighbor, "Dat man sholy did sleep to some pu'pose," although he knew that the dictum was a deathblow to his own pastoral hopes. The people thronged around the pastor as he descended from the pulpit, and held his hand as they had done of yore. One old woman went out, still mumbling under her breath, "Sleep ...
— The Strength of Gideon and Other Stories • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... hae run about the braes And pu'd the gowans' fine —in a figurative point of view—on several occasions. I am not exactly aware,' said Mr. Micawber, with the old roll in his voice, and the old indescribable air of saying something genteel, 'what gowans may be, but I have no doubt that Copperfield and myself would frequently ...
— David Copperfield • Charles Dickens

... cultivat pas encore le sanscrit, l'hindotistani, le thibetain et l'arabe: il les eut contraints a lui livrer des etymologies francaises. Il ne se met pas en peine des chemins par ou un mot hebreu ou carthaginois aurait pu passer pour venir s'etablir en France. Il y est, le voila, suffit! L'identite ne peut etre mise en question devant la ressemblance, et souvent Dieu sait quelle ressemblance! Compare Ampere, Formation de la Langue Francaise, ...
— On the Study of Words • Richard C Trench

... strings o' his hert hingit doun to hell, They war pu'd sae ticht aboot the mou; And hence it comes that I hae to tell The warst ill tale that ever ...
— Poetical Works of George MacDonald, Vol. 2 • George MacDonald

... a su," says Buffon, speaking of man, "plus il a pu, mais aussi moins il a fait, moins il a su." This holds good wherever life holds good. Wherever there is life there is a moral government of rewards and punishments understood by the amoeba neither better nor worse ...
— Evolution, Old & New - Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, - as compared with that of Charles Darwin • Samuel Butler

... s'agiroit a present de dire quelle force a pu donner a ces couches cette situation; comment elles out pu etre retroussees de facon que les plus basses soient devenues ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... cruel rocks that battered 'is fore'ead would ha' throttled them rascal pushers same as rattan in tarrier's grip; for my man 'olds there was ne'er a fisticuffer like 'im in hall the Jackets. But, doctor! doctor! Oh, drat the man! now 'e'll go hand wake Maister Peril, which I were a-settin' 'ere a pu'pos' to tell ...
— The Copper Princess - A Story of Lake Superior Mines • Kirk Munroe

... bulk, like dis yer," said he, pointing to a pile of sticks laid crosswise of each other with the plants still on them, and carefully covered to keep out the weather. "Yer see," he continued, "dis answers two pu'poses; fust yergits yer barn empty an' uses it again. Den de weather don't git in ter signify, yer know, an' so it don't come inter order any more an' color up wid de wet; dat is, 'less yer leaves it too long or de wedder ...
— Bricks Without Straw • Albion W. Tourgee

... Et moi, j'entends, moi aussi. Tu veux me jouer centre elle. La Grangeur—pah! Consoles-toi avec elle, mon vieux. Je ne veux plus de toi. Tu m'as donne de tes sales rentes Groenlandoises, et je n'ai pas pu les vendre. Ah, vieux farceur, tu vas voir ce ...
— The Inheritors • Joseph Conrad

... was born on the braes o' Yarra. Ye ken, the time's gane lang wi' me sin' A rin aboot the braes, an' pu'd the gowans ...
— Such is Life • Joseph Furphy

... London Districts, with all they contained in the way of natives in top hats, natives painted and powdered, tribes with tribal laws of which he knew little, tricks of which he knew less, convenances, ju-pu's and fetishes. And he was entering this dark and intricate and dangerous country, not as an explorer carrying beads and bibles, but disguised as a top ...
— The Man Who Lost Himself • H. De Vere Stacpoole

... down the bay. He saw the mountains droop, as they approached the entrance, and break down in cliffs; the surf boil white round the two sentinel islets; and between, on the narrow bight of blue horizon, Ua-pu upraise the ghost of her pinnacled mountain tops. But his mind would take no account of these familiar features; as he dodged in and out along the frontier line of sleep and waking, memory would serve him with ...
— The Wrecker • Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne

... were finished, the 'pu,' or war conch, was sounded from the back veranda and the front, so that it might be heard by all. I don't think it ever occurred to us that there was any incongruity in the use of the war conch for the peaceful invitation to prayer. ...
— A Lowden Sabbath Morn • Robert Louis Stevenson

... a dream last night," she says, "I wish it binna sorrow; I dreamt I pu'd the heather green Wi' my true ...
— The Book of Old English Ballads • George Wharton Edwards

... constituents of the rabbit's pelvic girdle occur in relatively identical positions. The greatly elongated ilium (il.) articulates with the single (compare Rabbit) sacral vertebra (s.v. in Figure 5). The ischium (is.) is relatively smaller than in the rabbit, and the pubis (pu.) is a ventral wedge of unossified cartilage. The shape of the pelvic girdle of the frog is a wide departure from that found among related forms. In connection with the leaping habit, the ilia are greatly elongated, and ...
— Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells

... dreamed a dreary dream last nicht; God keep us a' frae sorrow! I dreamed I pu'd the birk sae green, Wi' ...
— The Folk-lore of Plants • T. F. Thiselton-Dyer

... n'espere pas la conserver au-dela de quelques semaines, et mon pauvre oncle est dans l'ile de Wight avec elle, ou tout cela se passe. La tante Susan, de son cote, est malade d'une fievre gastrique—maladie bien dangereuse, comme tu sais; elle a pu m'ecrire quelques mots au crayon; elle se trouve un peu mieux, ce qui me fait esperer que probablement sa bonne constitution triomphera du mal. Je voudrais aller la voir de suite, mais je suis tellement retenu par mon travail; et puis le bon arrangement de ce travail et son heureux succes ...
— Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al

... ducks of different sorts) are principally the black, the grey, the blue-winged, and the paradise-duck, or 'pu tangi tangi,' as it is called by the natives. The last is nearly as large as a goose, ...
— A Dictionary of Austral English • Edward Morris

... "Pu-si'-na, and Chuk'-ka (the squirrel and the acorn-cache), a tall, sharp needle, with a smaller one at its base, just east of Cathedral Rock.... The savages... imagined here a squirrel nibbling at the base of an ...
— Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest • Katharine Berry Judson

... gaed up the glen; But it wasna to meet Duneira's men, Nor the rosy monk of the isle to see, For Kilmeny was pure as pure could be. It was only to hear the yorlin sing, And pu' the cress-flower round the spring, The scarlet hip and the hindberry, For Kilmeny was pure as ...
— Essays in English Literature, 1780-1860 • George Saintsbury

... sitting leuking on, when she smelt something oot. Chacobsen she says, 'She'll hae to mind, Andra, for she's purning her foots'; and Andra she says tat Chacobsen should keep her chokes to hersel when she's pusy wi' the pipes; and chust then Chohannes lays holt upo' her py the shouthers an' pu's her ower, and shows her the toes wass purning, ...
— Steve Young • George Manville Fenn

... whom they thus became sojourners. He ventures even to suggest a possible identity between the names Jehovah and Buddha: "Les voyelles du mot Buddha sont les memes que celles du mot Jehovah, qu'on prononce aussi Jouva; mais d'ailleurs le nom de Boudda a bien pu etre tire du mot Jeoudda Juda, le dieu de Joudda Boudda."—Chap. ix. p. 235. To account for the purer morals of Buddhism, MAUPIED has recourse to the conjecture that they may have been influenced by the ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... name, from whom we have several letters, in one of which mention is made of the Egyptian commissioner Rianap, or Ra-nofer. The jurisdiction of Rianap extended as far north as the plain of Megiddo, since he is also referred to by Pu-Hadad, the governor of Yurza, now Yerzeh, south-eastward of Taanach. But it was more particularly in the extreme south of Palestine that the duties of this officer lay. Hadad-dan, who was entrusted with the government of Manahath and Tamar, to the west of the Dead Sea, calls him "my Commissioner" ...
— Patriarchal Palestine • Archibald Henry Sayce

... can only mean that which is other than knowledge, viz. prescribed works. The word has the same sense in the following passage: 'Firm in traditional knowledge he offered many sacrifices, leaning on the knowledge of Brahman, so as to pass beyond death by non-knowledge' (Vi. Pu. VI, 6, 12).—Antagonistic to knowledge (as said above) are all good and evil actions, and hence—as equally giving rise to an undesirable result—they may both be designated as evil. They stand in the way of the origination of knowledge in so ...
— The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48 • Trans. George Thibaut

... of one of the concubines of the penultimate feudal ruler of Ch'in was living as a hostage in the neighbouring state of Chao, in what is now northern Shansi. There he made the acquaintance of an unusual man, the merchant Lue Pu-wei, a man of education and of great political influence. Lue Pu-wei persuaded the feudal ruler of Ch'in to declare this son his successor. He also sold a girl to the prince to be his wife, and the son of this marriage ...
— A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] • Wolfram Eberhard

... taught the ancestors of the Zuni, Taos, Oraibi, and Coconino Indians their agricultural and other arts, their systems of worship by means of plumed and painted prayer-sticks; to have organized their medicine societies; and then to have disappeared toward his home in Shi-pae-pu-li-ma (from shi-pi-amist, vapor; u-linsurrounding; and i-mo-nasitting place of—"The mist-enveloped city"), and to have vanished beneath the world, whence he is said to have departed for the home of the Sun. He is still the conscious auditor of the prayers of his ...
— Zuni Fetiches • Frank Hamilton Cushing

... parted in different directions, the good woman said, 'Oh, sir, if ye wad but ask Willie to tell ye ane of his tales to shorten the gate! He can speak like ony minister frae the pu'pit, and he might have been a ...
— Redgauntlet • Sir Walter Scott

... down in our gudeman's chair, The wee, wee German lairdie! And he's brought fouth[37] o' foreign trash, And dibbled[38] them in his yairdie: He's pu'd the rose o' English loons, And brake the harp o' Irish clowns, But our Scots thristle will jag[39] his thumbs, The ...
— The Jacobite Rebellions (1689-1746) - (Bell's Scottish History Source Books.) • James Pringle Thomson

... l'opprobre de son lit? Devois-je en lui faisant un recit trop sincere, D'un indigne rougeur couvrir le front d'un pere? Vous seul aves perce ce mystere odieux, Mon coeur pour s'epancher, n'a que vous et les dieux: Je n'ai pu vous cacher, juges si je vous aime, Tout ce que je voulois me cacher a moi-meme. Mais songes sous quel sceau je vous l'ai revele; Oublies, si se peut, que je vous ai parle, Madame; et que jamais une bouche ...
— The Works of John Dryden, Volume 5 (of 18) - Amboyna; The state of Innocence; Aureng-Zebe; All for Love • John Dryden

... avions laisse le temps aux Russes de se rendre presque imprenables a Cronstadt comme en Crimee. Je crois donc que nous aurions paye trop cherement sous tous les rapports les avantages que nous eussions pu obtenir. Je suis pour cette raison heureux de la paix, mais je suis heureux surtout que notre Alliance sorte intacte des conferences et qu'elle se montre a l'Europe aussi solide que le premier jour de notre union. (Je prie le Prince Albert de ne pas ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... blossom'd bonnilie, I 'd pu' them from the stem, An' rin in noisy blithesomeness to thee, my Bess, wi' them, To place them in thy lily breast, for ae sweet smile on me, I saw nae mair the gowans then, then saw ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... de ce moyen, il faut, au contraire, eloigner tout flux, produire la fusion, par la seule violence et la promptitude du feu. Et telle est la propension naturelle et prodigieuse de la manganese a la vitrification, qu'on n'a pu parvenir encore a reduire son regule en un seul culot; on trouve dans le creuset plusieurs petits boutons, qui forment autant de culots separes. Dans la mine de manganese native, elle n'est point en une seule masse; elle est disposee ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... the Senate-house, said to have been first erected by Tullus Hostilius; and near the Comitium, or place of meeting for the patrician Curiae.[17] This area was at first uncovered, but a roof was erected at the close of the second Pu'nic war. ...
— Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome • Oliver Goldsmith

... pu-pleasure!" she moaned, and immediately, uttering a loud yell, flung herself face downward upon the ...
— Penrod • Booth Tarkington

... kenna wha to send wi't till the gudeman comes hame, for auld Caxon tell'd me that Mr. Lovel stays a' the day at Monkbarnshe's in a high fever, wi' pu'ing the laird and Sir Arthur ...
— The Antiquary, Complete • Sir Walter Scott

... time by that terrifying pu-pu-pu. It approached through the forest but it stopped at the point where the dead body of the black giant lay. He knew that it was the voice of the mate. He listened a long time, but he did not hear it ...
— The Texan Star - The Story of a Great Fight for Liberty • Joseph A. Altsheler

... turn noo; an' efter Dauvid Kenawee, auld Geordie Steel, an' Moses Certricht had gotten the chairman pu'd oot o' the butter kit, an' on to the boiler-heid again, Sandy raise ooten his seat wi' a look on his face like a nicht watchman. They a' swang their airms roond their heids, an' hurraed like onything, an' Sandy took lang breaths, an' lookit roond ...
— My Man Sandy • J. B. Salmond

... naething 'bout him ava; They ca' him Inspector, or Poor's Rate Collector— My faith! he's weel kent in Leith, Peter M'Craw! He ca's and he comes again—haws, and he hums again— He's only ae hand, but it's as good as twa; He pu's't out and raxes, an' draws in the taxes, An' pouches the ...
— My Schools and Schoolmasters - or The Story of my Education. • Hugh Miller

... for grape is admittedly of foreign origin, like the fruit itself. It is [pu][tao] pu t'ou. Here it is easy to recognise the Greek word Botrus, a cluster, or bunch, ...
— China and the Chinese • Herbert Allen Giles

... Tous les esprits qui avaient a coeur la liberte civile et la liberte religieuse, tous ceux que l'imperitie et la suffisance de la classe aristocratique degoutaient, tous ceux qui voyaient avec mepris ce que l'Eglise avait pu faire de la religion, avaient embrasse la cause de la France revolutionnaire. Fox, a la prise de la Bastille, s'exclamait: "C'est le plus grand evenement qui se soit passe au monde, et c'en est le meilleur." Il ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... a north line, Miao villages are met with fairly well the whole way; then, three days from Tong-ch'uan-fu, in a north-westerly direction, we come to the Miao village of Loh-In-shan; and then, striking south-west, through country absolutely unsurveyed part of the way, Sa-pu-shan is met. This last place is the headquarters of the China Inland Mission, where, at the present rate of progress, one might modestly estimate that in twenty years there will be no less than a million people receiving Christian teaching. These are ...
— Across China on Foot • Edwin Dingle

... Punjab.[300] Pliny tells us that Alexander the Great employed surveyors to measure {77} the roads of India; and one of the great highways is described by Megasthenes, who in 295 B.C., as the ambassador of Seleucus, resided at P[a]tal[i]pu[t.]ra, ...
— The Hindu-Arabic Numerals • David Eugene Smith

... He pu's the bells o' heather red, and the lily-flowers sae meek, Ca's the lily like my bosom, and the heath-bell like my cheek; His words are sweet and tender, as the dews frae heaven shed; And weel I ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... pu'd a nut, a nut, Nor broken a branch but ane, Till by it came a young hind chiel, Says, 'Lady, ...
— Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series • Frank Sidgwick

... savants qui raillent le sentiment religieux. Ils ne savent pas que c'est a ce sentiment, et par son moyen, que la science historique doit d'avoir pu sortir de l'enfance.... Depuis des siecles les ames independantes discutaient les textes et les traditions de l'eglise, quand les lettres n'avaient pas encore eu l'idee de porter un regard critique sur les textes de l'antiquite ...
— A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton

... le haut calife et l'altier padischah, En sortant de la rue ou les gens de la ville L'avaient pu voir toucher a cette bete vile, Fut le soir meme pris d'une ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... ye, sir," quo' he, "I'll thank ye to gie me it back again, and I'll gang to some ither place." And he stretchit out his hand to tak hand o't, when my frien' wi' the tail, lifting up his stick, lent him sic a whack ower the fingers as made him pu' back in the ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 10, - Issue 275, September 29, 1827 • Various

... vous avez mand sur l'excution de l'Armnien Serkiz Papazoghlou n'a pu manquer de nous inspirer un intrt aussi vif que douloureux. En effet tous les dtails de cette sanglante catastrophe sont bien de nature mriter la srieuse attention des Puissances Europennes. Ce sont autant de symptmes d'une tendance ...
— Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism • Various

... mother, who spoke English beautifully, remember that her children could not do so. When they arrived, Nelly was alone with Chu Ma, her amah, and they all laughed a great deal when they found that they could not understand one another. Bertha Wolf had picked up the Chinese word 'pu,' which means 'not,' and she kept repeating that and mixing it up with German. It sounded very funny. Nelly showed them her dolls' house, and Liza made the dolls sit down and stand up in a marvellous way by bending their legs and sticking pins into them. When tea-time came the ...
— The Little Girl Lost - A Tale for Little Girls • Eleanor Raper

... aboot, so withoot mair ado I fetched oot my bit stick with the intention o' tryin' it upon the limmer's heid. He seed me comin' towards him, and readin' my intention frae my look maybe, or frae the stick in my hand, he pu'ed oot a lang knife frae his pocket and swore wi' the most awfu' oaths that if I didna stan' back he'd be the ...
— The Mystery of Cloomber • Arthur Conan Doyle

... where Sombreuil, Renee de Herce, bishop of Dol, and twenty-two others of the emigrants, were shot. Sombreuil was about twenty-six or twenty-seven years of age, a native of Perigord. He always persisted in the same account of the capitulation. His last words were:-"Si j'avais pu imaginer que des militaires pussent manquer a leur parole donnee sur le champ de bataille, je n'aurais jamais consenti a une capitulation; elle me cause des regrets amers qui me suivront jusqu'au tombeau. Adieu, Messieurs, nous trouverons justice ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... of good Scots linnen; Her stool being placed next to the chimley, (For she was auld, and saw right dimly,) My lucky dad, an honest whig, Was telling tales of Bothwell-brigg; He could not miss to mind the attempt, For he was sitting pu'ing hemp; My aunt, whom' nane dare say has no grace, Was reading on the Pilgrim's Progress; The meikle tasker, Davie Dallas, Was telling blads of William Wallace; My mither bade her second son say, What he'd by heart of Davie Lindsay; Our herd, whom all folks ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish border (3rd ed) (1 of 3) • Walter Scott

... dont le sang coula pour la patrie soient bnis! Ils n'ont pas fait en vain le sacrifice de leur vie. Glorieusement frapps en Artois, en Champagne, en Argonne, ils ont arrt l'envahisseur qui n'a pu faire un pas de plus en avant sur la terre sacre qui les recouvre. Quelques-uns les pleurent, tous les admirent, plus d'un les envie. Ecoutons les. Tendons l'oreille: ils parlent. Penchons-nous sur cette terre bouleverse par la mitraille o beaucoup d'entre ...
— Defenders of Democracy • Militia of Mercy

... swaying dizzily upon his feet and looking back with dazed eyes at the door, then he muttered: "Pu' me out, wi' you? Pu' me out, damn you! Well, I ki' you. See 'f I don't;" and he half walked, half fell ...
— The Sport of the Gods • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... dancing about busily. We had just halted to prepare for a final charge when something moved in front of us. "Halt," we all cried, marking our different nationalities by our different intonations of the word. A sobbing Chinese voice called back to us: "Wo pu shih; wo pu shih," which merely means, "I am not," leaving us to infer that he was referring to the Boxers; and then without waiting for an answer the night wanderer, whoever he might be, scampered away hurriedly. The immediate result was ...
— Indiscreet Letters From Peking • B. L. Putman Weale

... would be difficult to refute. Voltaire might well say in this case, "Ainsi le seul fruit des chretiens dans leurs barbares croisades fut d'exterminer d'autres chretiens. Ces croises, qui ruinaient l'empire auraient pu, bien plus aisement que tous leurs predecesseurs, chasser les Turcs de l'Asie." Essai sur les Moeurs, tom. ii. p. 158. Voltaire's general view of the Crusades ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... hall, and I am feared to gae in in the dark for the dogle; and if I didna see the bogle, I could as ill see the hen, for it's pit-mirk, and there's no another light in the house, save that very blessed lamp whilk the Master has in his ain hand. And if I had the hen, she's to pu', and to draw, and to dress; how can I do that, and them sitting by ...
— Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott

... me, for the puir callant than! He wambles like a poke o' bran, An' the lowse rein, as hard's he can, Pu's, trem'lin' handit; Till, blaff! upon his hinderlan' Behauld ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 14 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... the punak system.—Another means of exploitation practiced on the Manbos of the upper Agsan was the punak system, invented by the Bisya trader. The punak was some prosperous Manbo who was chosen as an intimate friend and who, ...
— The Manbos of Mindano - Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir • John M. Garvan

... no the w'y fowk ruins themsel's nooadays, my lord. They'll pu' doon an auld hoose ony day to save themsel's blastin' poother. There's that gran' place they ca' Huntly Castel!— a suckin' bairn to this for age, but wi' wa's, they tell me, wad stan' for thoosan's o' years: ...
— Malcolm • George MacDonald

... was quite fascinated by this brilliant conversation. She began to trot out scraps of French, just for all the world as they do in the novels; and kissed her hand to me quite graciously, telling me to come soon to caffy, UNG PU DE MUSICK O SALONG—with which she tripped off ...
— The Book of Snobs • William Makepeace Thackeray

... McPherson. "If we'd had a ship that wasna rotten to the hairt, like her owners, we'd ha pu'ed through." ...
— The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... d'Espagne, et une piece facetieuse, sous le titre El Diabolo Cojuelo, novella de la otra vida: sur quoi M. de La Monnoye fait cette note. Comment un homme qui fait tant le modeste et le reserve a-t-il pu ecrire un mot tel que celui-la? Cette note n'est pas juste. Il semble que M. de La Monnoye veuille taxer Baillet de n'avoir pas sontenu le caractere de modestie, qu'il affectoit. Baillet ne faisoit pas le modeste, il l'etoit veritablement par etat ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... sings out the ole nigger. 'I'se just 'bliged to tell you folks I'se pu'chasin' dis hyar mare fo' Miss ...
— Blister Jones • John Taintor Foote

... ken," said Jock, in speaking of it afterward, "baith o' them had a guid bite, an' wis sae mean they wadna' pu in." ...
— More Toasts • Marion Dix Mosher

... is the year's pleasant king; Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring; Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! ...
— The Children's Garland from the Best Poets • Various

... convictions he holds, can think of marrying a divorced woman! How often—quite lately—he has argued warmly with Sptsin in my presence, that divorce was incompatible with true Christianity; and now he himself is going in for it! Si elle a pu le charmer un tel point[15] ... I am afraid of her! But I sent for you to know what you have to say to it all, and instead of that I have been doing all the talking myself! What do you think of it? Tell me your opinion. What ought I to do? ...
— The Live Corpse • Leo Tolstoy

... enthusiast in her art. Before lunch-time next day she had done so well for Amaryllis out of Lady Elizabeth Bruffin's wardrobe, that she declared, with conviction to fill up the gap in evidence, "que mademoiselle n'a jamais pu paraitre plus ...
— Ambrotox and Limping Dick • Oliver Fleming

... Christ, the practical Truth, which makes Jesus "the resurrection and the life" to all who follow him in deed. Obeying his precious precepts, - following his 31:18 demonstration so far as we apprehend it, - we drink of his cup, partake of his bread, are baptized with his pu- rity; and at last we shall rest, sit down with him, in a full 31:21 understanding of the divine Principle which triumphs over death. For what says Paul? "As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's 31:24 death ...
— Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures • Mary Baker Eddy

... had strayed. At the farther end of the city, on the flat roof paved with porcelain, on which stood the handsome vases covered with painted flowers, sat the beauteous Pu, of the little roguish eyes, of the full lips, and of the tiny feet. The tight shoe pained her, but her heart pained her still more. She lifted her graceful round arm, and her satin dress rustled. Before her stood a glass bowl containing four gold-fish. She stirred the bowl carefully with ...
— What the Moon Saw: and Other Tales • Hans Christian Andersen

... timorsome—but he thinks to himsel': 'Fair fashions are still best,' an' 'It's better to fleetch fules than to flyte wi' them'; so he rounds again in the bairn's lug: 'Play up, my doo, an' I'se tell naebody.' Wi' that the fairy ripes amang the cradle strae, and pu's oot a pair o' pipes, sic as tylor Wullie ne'er had seen in a' his days—muntit wi' ivory, and gold, and silver, and dymonts, and what not. I dinna ken what spring the fairy played, but this I ken weel, that Wullie had nae great goo o' his performance; ...
— The Science of Fairy Tales - An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology • Edwin Sidney Hartland

... a des savants qui raillent le sentiment religieux. Ils ne savent pas que c'est a ce sentiment, et par son moyen, que la science historique doit d'avoir pu sortir de l'enfence. . . . Depuis des siecles les ames independantes discutaient les textes et les traditions de l'eglise, quand les lettres n'avaient pas encore eu l'idee de porter un regard critique sur les textes de l'antiquite ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... constructed diff'ent, d'ain't no two of us de same; We cain't he'p ouah likes an' dislikes, ef we'se bad we ain't to blame. Ef we 'se good, we need n't show off, case you bet it ain't ouah doin' We gits into su'ttain channels dat we jes' cain't he'p pu'suin'. ...
— The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... NAMED.—Americus Vesputius (a-mer-i-cus ves-pu-she-us), a friend of Columbus, accompanied a subsequent expedition to the new world. A German named Waldsee-Mueller published an interesting account of his adventures, in which he suggested that the country should be called America. This work, being the first ...
— A Brief History of the United States • Barnes & Co.

... publique a la suite de laquelle la ceinture sacree fut deposee dans la cathedrale, tout ce melange de passion romanesque et de piete naive, avait efface pour moi les imperfections techniques qui au raient pu frapper une observateur ...
— Legends of the Madonna • Mrs. Jameson

... a double rose, A rose but only twa, Till up then started young Tam Lin, Says, "Lady, thou's pu ...
— A Collection of Ballads • Andrew Lang

... funeral was owre, an' the mourners a' gane, I stood beside her grave, thinking owre the days o' my boyhood, when she an' I were happy weans, an' used to pu' the gowans together, on the heathery hills o' dear auld Scotland. An' I tried in vain to understan' the mysterious providence o' God that had stricken her, who seemed sae guid an' pure, an spared the ...
— Life in the Clearings versus the Bush • Susanna Moodie

... au genie d'avocats de sixieme ordre, qui ne se sont jetes dans la politique et n'aspirent au gouvernement despotique de la France que faute d'avoir pu gagner honnetement, sans grand travail, dans l'exercice d'un profession correcte, une vie obscure humectee ...
— Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin

... the central doctrine in this private system. They gave to this Supreme Being the very same name by which he was known to the Hebrews—Nuk Pu Nuk, "I am that I am." [Footnote: "It is evident what a new light this discovery throws on the sublime passage in Exodus iii. 14; where Moses, whom we may suppose to have been initiated into this formula, ...
— A General History for Colleges and High Schools • P. V. N. Myers

... arabe; je n'ai fait que les disposer dans un ordre plus methodique. J'ai du aussi supprimer quelques unes, soit parce qu'elles n'offraient que des preceptes d'une morale banale, soit que traduites en frangais, elles eussent pu paraitre bizarres a des lecteurs europeens. Ce que je dis ici, s'applique egalement a celles qui terminent le conte et qui pourraient fournir le sujet de plusieurs fables." One would say that the translator ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton

... is worth recording. "You have asked me my opinion on many matters," said old Tseun. "Some of these must be settled direct with the Wai-Wu-Pu (the Foreign Office at Peking). But I will tell you this much now. Whatever is good for Chinese and foreigners I will support; whatever is good for foreigners and does not harm Chinese I will approve; but whatever is bad for Chinese, no matter how good it ...
— Sir Robert Hart - The Romance of a Great Career, 2nd Edition • Juliet Bredon

... morning the "Yuan-pu," or "Subscription Book of the Temple," a substantial volume in which one writes one's name and donation, was duly put before me. Being warned beforehand I knew what to give, and I was not to be moved ...
— A Wayfarer in China - Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia • Elizabeth Kendall

... moment et il se demande si cela ne pouvait pas augmenter l'assurance de la Serbie. J'ai repondu qu'une grande Puissance comme l'Autriche pourrait ceder sans porter atteinte a son prestige et ai fait valoir tous les arguments conformes, cependant je n'ai pu obtenir des promesses plus precises. Meme lorsque je laissais entendre qu'il fallait agir a Vienne pour eviter la possibilite de consequences redoutables, le Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... and sigh, Pu'in' bracken, pu'in' bracken, Why should I sit and sigh, On the hill-side dreary— When I see the plover rising, Or the curlew wheeling, Then I know my mortal lover ...
— The Life Everlasting: A Reality of Romance • Marie Corelli

... P'i-ling[2] he reached Ch'ang-an in a few weeks and took a house in the Pu-cheng1 quarter. One day he was coming back from a visit to the Eastern Market. He entered the City by the eastern gate of P'ing-k'ang and was going to visit a friend who lived in the south-western part of the town. When he reached the Ming-k'o Bend, ...
— More Translations from the Chinese • Various

... Roko (the xcvth of Montesinos and the xcist of Garcilazo) became Ynca, he found morals at the lowest ebb. "Ni la prudence de l'Inca, ni les lois severes qu'il avait promulguees n'avaient pu extirper entierement le peche contre nature. I1 reprit avec une nouvelle violence, et les femmes en furent si jalouses qu'un grand nombre d'elles tuerent leurs maris. Les devins et les sorciers passaient leurs journees a fabriquer, avec certaines herbes, des compositions ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... school established by the United States government in the Canyon, and could speak a little English. Chunky entered into conversation with them at once, asking the names of each, but he never remembered the name of any of them afterwards. There was little Pu-ut, a demure faced savage with a string of glass beads around her neck; Somaja, round and plump, because of which she got her name, which, translated meant "watermelon." Then there was Vesna and many other names not so easy. Chunky decided ...
— The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon - The Mystery of Bright Angel Gulch • Frank Gee Patchin

... it all as plain as the quilt before me—but no, not while I'm alive! What your second wife may do I don't know; perhaps SHE'LL be a fine lady; but you sha'n't be ruined by me, Mr. Caudle; that I'm determined. Puddings, indeed! Pu-dding-s! Pud—" ...
— Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures • Douglas Jerrold

... may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And hear we aye birds tune this merry lay, Cuckow, jug, jug, pu-we, to-wit, to-whoo. ...
— The Growth of English Drama • Arnold Wynne

... devine une maladie qui ne convient ni a votre age ni a votre etat, et il y a de votre part trop de modestie a en cacher la cause, qui ne pouvait que vous faire honneur. J'ai encore a vous gronder de ce que vous m'avez expose a une erreur qui aurait pu vous etre funeste. Au surplus, mon confrere, ajouta-til en me faisant un salut que je lui rendis avec usure, vous a indique la bonne route; prenez son potage, quel que soit le nom qu'il y donne, et si la fievre vous quitte, comme je le crois, dejeunez demain avec une tasse de chocolat ...
— The Physiology of Taste • Brillat Savarin

... "Je n'ai pu retenir plus longtemps le General Major Fleetwood avec moi, son desir le portait si fort de se trouver a Upsale, au couronnement, de crainte qu'il ne semblerait negligent, et manquer a son devoir envers son Altesse Royale; mais la raison de ce qu'il ...
— A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke

... ears, takes sundry sips of water, and informs those present, and the world in general, that nearly forty thousand dollars have recently been consumed for missionary labor. The school at Corsica, the missions at Canton, Ningpo, Pu-kong, Cassaba, Abheokuta, and sundry other places, the names of which could not, by any possibility, aid the reader in discovering their location-all, were doing as well as could be expected, under the ...
— Justice in the By-Ways - A Tale of Life • F. Colburn Adams

... I never gang near the hoose, an', as mony a body can tell ye, when I do hae to gang that wy I mak my feet my friend. Ay, but as I was sayin', Marget's sae grand noo 'at she has a bell in the house. As I understan', there's a rope in the wast room, an' when ye pu' it a bell rings in the east room. Weel, when Marget has company at their tea in the wast room, an' they need mair watter or scones or onything, she rises an' rings the bell. Syne Jean, the auldest lassie, gets up frae the table an' lifts the jug ...
— A Window in Thrums • J. M. Barrie

... et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc, dite la Pucelle, publies pour la 1^e fois d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque royale, suivis de tous les documents historiques qu'on a pu reunis et accompagnes de notes et d'eclaircissement.' 5 ...
— Joan of Arc • Ronald Sutherland Gower

... there was, however, to the fence and the locusts whom Master Robin did not molest. When a prolonged, incisive "pu-eep" in the martial and inspiring tone of the great-crested fly-catcher broke the silence, I observed that the robin always had plenty of his own business to attend to. I admire this beautiful bird, perhaps because he is the inveterate enemy of the house sparrow, and ...
— Little Brothers of the Air • Olive Thorne Miller

... fer ter ketch my breff, gents en ladies, one en all, I speck I'll finger dat money myse'f,' sezee, en sho nuff, Brer Tarrypin tie de pu's 'roun' his neck en skaddle*1 ...
— Uncle Remus • Joel Chandler Harris

... fust nomme pour un des deputez au nouvel parlement." "Ainsi," says the Ghost, "cette cassation de parlement qui a fait tant de bruit, et a produit tant de raisonnemens et de speculations, n'estoit que pour exclure Embden. Mais s'il estoit si adroit et si zele, comment as-tu pu trouver le moyen de le faire exclure du nombre des deputez?" To this very sensible question the King answers, "Il m'a fallu faire d'etranges manoeuvres pour en venir ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... United States minister at Peking, as dean of the diplomatic body, and in the absence of a representative of Sweden and Norway, to press upon the Chinese Government reparation for the recent murder of Swedish missionaries at Sung-pu. This question is of vital interest to all countries whose citizens engage in missionary work in ...
— Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Volume 8, Section 2 (of 2): Grover Cleveland • Grover Cleveland

... question stated that he came from "no whar in pu'tiklar," and the savage, furtive glance that shot from his hyena-like eyes seemed to plainly indicate why the land of his origin was so indefinitely located. A badly broken nose failed to soften the expression of his eyes, a long, prominent, dull-red scar divided one of his cheeks, his mustache was ...
— Romance of California Life • John Habberton

... d'officier Autrichien, et une casque sur la tete. Voyant le Sous-Prefet an habit d'auditeur, il lui dit, "Vous ne m'auriez pas reconnu sons ce costume? Ce sont ces Messieurs qui me l'ont fait prendre, le jugeant necessaire a ma surete. J'aurais pu avoir une escorte de trois mille homines, qui j'ai refuse, preferant de me fier a la loyaute Francaise. Je n'ai pas eu a me plaindre de cette confiance depuis Fontainbleau jusqu'a Avignon; mais depuis cette ville jusqu'ici j'ai ...
— Travels in France during the years 1814-1815 • Archibald Alison

... the porter, "Ah jes' 'bleeged tun say sumpin', an Ah tells 'em de dinin' kyar'll sho'ly obertake us fo' six-thirty. Ya'as, indeedy. An' den, dar's dat lady up dar wid de sour-vinegary sort o' face. Ah jes' heard her say she'd be fo'ced tuh eat her back-comb if she didn't have her lunch pu'ty soon. A' yo' knows, Mistah Ca'tah, no lady's indigestion is a-gwine tuh stan' up under no ...
— Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays • Annie Roe Carr

... o' fear into Tam's heart. "This thing is nae bird," thinks he. His een turnt backward in his heid and the day gaed black about him. "If I get a dwam here," he thocht, "it's by wi' Tam Dale." And he signalled for the lads to pu' him up. ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 11 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson

... heartier at each renewal, to the consternation of fule-Tammy, who was waked from slumber by the uproar, and came out rubbing his eyes, with all his hair on end, and wailing, "The trows! the trows! they've come tae pu' doon a' the ...
— Viking Boys • Jessie Margaret Edmondston Saxby

... the monastery of Sumde-pu-pe, where was a hermitage consisting of a single room five paces each way, built over a spring that bubbles up in the centre. Inside the hermit had been walled up with only a tiny tunnel communicating with ...
— Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe • Sabine Baring-Gould

... Deh' presto torna m, E vieni consolar Quest' alma amante; Che non pu questo cor' Esser Lontan da t Che bramo ogn' or mirar Il tuo sembiante. ...
— Amadigi di Gaula - Amadis of Gaul • Nicola Francesco Haym

... regent, viceregent^, vizier, minister, vicar; premier &c (director) 694; chancellor, prefect, provost, warden, lieutenant, archon, consul, proconsul; viceroy &c (governor) 745; commissioner &c 758; Tsung-li Yamen, Wai Wu Pu; plenipotentiary, alter ego. team, eight, eleven; champion. V. be deputy &c n.; stand for, appear for, hold a brief for, answer for; represent; stand in the shoes of, walk in the shoes of; stand in the stead of. ablegate^, accredit. Adj. acting, vice, vice regal; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... hearken,' returned Kirsty. 'What I'm meanin 's this: what lies to my father's han' lies to mine as weel; and I'll never hae 't kenned or said that, whan my father pu't (pulled) ae gait, I ...
— Heather and Snow • George MacDonald

Words linked to "Pu" :   element, chemical element, plutonium 239, plutonium

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