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Pushcart   Listen

Wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels.  Synonyms: cart, go-cart, handcart.  "Their pushcart was piled high with groceries"

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"Pushcart" Quotes from Famous Books

... forgotten the fact which accounted for this more than usual activity on the part of the hurrying crowds, and for the unmistakable holiday air which Bleecker Street displayed. As far as we could see, lined up on both sides of the curb were the pushcart peddlers, and at every step a sidewalk fakir, all crying their ...
— The Long Day - The Story of a New York Working Girl As Told by Herself • Dorothy Richardson

... elastic or weary step, in the attitude shown by members of the same family toward one another, in detached, half involuntary remarks. And, indeed, one can not understand famous men unless one has sympathized with the obscure! From the quarrels of drunken pushcart-men to the discords of the sons of the gods there runs an invisible, yet unbroken, thread, just as the young servant-girl, who, half against her will, follows her insistent lover away from the crowd of dancers, may be an embryo ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. VI. • Editor-in-Chief: Kuno Francke

... big reason for this early-mornin' joyfest of ours— Well, there's the pirate treasure, almost enough to load a pushcart with. You know how you feel when you pluck a stray quarter from the L stairs, or maybe retrieve a dollar bill that's been playin' hide-and-seek in the gutter? Multiply that by the thrill you'd get if you'd had your salary raised and been ...
— Wilt Thou Torchy • Sewell Ford

Words linked to "Pushcart" :   serving cart, truck, hand truck, handle, garden cart, handgrip, cart, laundry cart, hold, go-cart, lawn cart, barrow, wheelbarrow, handcart, grip, wheeled vehicle, applecart, shopping cart

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