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Quaternary   /kwˈɑtərnˌɛri/   Listen

Consisting of or especially arranged in sets of four.  Synonym: quaternate.  "A quaternary compound"
Coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude.  Synonyms: 4th, fourth.

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"Quaternary" Quotes from Famous Books

... of our planet is covered, and judging from analogies deduced from the comain of pathology, we are led to infer the existence of such noxious local admixtures. Ammoniacal and other nitrogenous vapors, sulphureted hydrogen gas, and compounds analogous to the polybasic ternary and quaternary compounds analogous to the polybasic ternary and quaternary combinations of the vegetable kingdom, may produce miasmata,* p 313 which, under various forms, may generate ague and typhus fever (not by any means exclusively ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... these discoveries, and the eager discussions to which they led, the question of the antiquity of man and of his presence amongst the great Quaternary animals made but little progress, and it was reserved to a Frenchman, M. Boucher de Perthes, to compel the scientific ...
— Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples • The Marquis de Nadaillac

... and Varna. A rich mammaliferous deposit (Hipparion, Rhinoceros, Dinotherium, Mastodon, &c.) of this period has been found near Mesemvria. Other Neogene strata occupy a more limited space. The Quaternary era is represented by the typical loess, which covers most of the Danubian plain; to its later epochs belong the alluvial deposits of the riparian districts with remains of the Ursus, Equus, &c., found in bone-caverns. Eruptive masses intrude in the Balkans and Sredna Gora, as well ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

... is of the utmost value to the colorist, illustrating not only the composition of color, but showing the origin of each secondary from the two primaries, the origin of each tertiary from two secondaries, and of each quaternary from two tertiaries. It shows by groupings the harmonies of analogy or related colors; also the harmonies of contrast: By moving on the board one color on one line to another color upon another line, like ...
— Color Value • C. R. Clifford

... throw light. Any extended elucidation would be out of place here: it is sufficient to remind the reader that the circle is the symbol of the universe; the equilateral triangle, of the higher trinity (atma, buddhi, manas); and the square, of the lower quaternary of ...
— The Beautiful Necessity • Claude Fayette Bragdon

... science, reverting to prehistoric times. A monstrous plant on the rocks, queer blocks everywhere, glacial mud, figures whose simian shapes, heavy jaws, beetling eyebrows, retreating foreheads and flat skulls, recalled the ancestral heads of the first quaternary periods, when inarticulate man still devoured fruits and seeds, and was still contemporaneous with the mammoth, the rhinoceros and the big bear. These designs were beyond anything imaginable; they leaped, for the most part, beyond the limits ...
— Against The Grain • Joris-Karl Huysmans

... indicate that it must have been a pot-hole in the roof, and through this an animal could have entered by falling, which the horse and others may have done. But it seems most probable that the remains were carried in by the water through such a hole before it was closed at the beginning of the Quaternary period, when the erosion of the Hills ...
— Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills • Luella Agnes Owen

Words linked to "Quaternary" :   digit, 4th, recent, ordinal, Recent epoch, Pleistocene epoch, period, Cenozoic era, geological period, figure, Age of Mammals, Cenozoic, Holocene, quatern, quaternity, quaternion, Pleistocene, glacial epoch, quartet, multiple, Holocene epoch

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