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Ratchet   /rˈætʃət/  /rættʃət/   Listen

Mechanical device consisting of a toothed wheel or rack engaged with a pawl that permits it to move in only one direction.  Synonyms: rachet, ratch.

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"Ratchet" Quotes from Famous Books

... caster, roulette, rowel; gear, cogwheel, miter wheel; pulley, sheave (wheel of a pulley). Associated words: spoke, felly, hub, strake, tire, straddle, cog, sprocket, linchpin, arbor, axle, axletree, sprag, traction, trochilics, trochilic, ratchet, ...
— Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming

... cam or counter shaft, cause a powerful electric magnet to extract all magnetic particles; then, by a simple ratchet movement, at intervals withdraw the magnet and drop the adhering fragments into a receptacle by automatically switching off the electric current. A powerful ordinary horseshoe magnet might probably do just as well, but would require to be ...
— Getting Gold • J. C. F. Johnson

... and was unmistakably a whirring of wheels. It gave me the impression of a disordered mechanism which had escaped the repressive and regulating action of some controlling part—an effect such as might be expected if a pawl should be jostled from the teeth of a ratchet-wheel. But before I had time for much conjecture as to its nature my attention was taken by the strange motions of the automaton itself. A slight but continuous convulsion appeared to have possession of it. In body and head it shook like a man with palsy or an ague chill, and ...
— Can Such Things Be? • Ambrose Bierce

... its bearings in two small head blocks which project from two crossbars: and from the block J is suspended a vertical rod, to the bottom of which is attached a treadle, K L, and from which a curved ratch, L M, extends upward and takes to a small ratchet on the shaft I J; so that, by the horizontal motion of the treadle, the motion is communicated to the wheel, &c. The teeth of the ratch and ratchet have so gentle an inclination on one side of each, that although the ratch applies force to ...
— Scientific American magazine, Vol. 2 Issue 1 • Various

... not that. He must have a screw loose somewhere. Perhaps he's one of those creatures who've slipped the ratchet off the motion cog. Maybe he can't stop running till he ...
— Jerry of the Islands • Jack London

... show an early advance from the simple andiron, and point to the later developments of the fire-grate with the fast bars which were to come. In the same group two rush-holders or candlesticks are shown, one with a ratchet, the other adjusted on a simple rod, the socket being held in place by a spring (see ...
— Chats on Household Curios • Fred W. Burgess

Words linked to "Ratchet" :   pawl, move on, march on, dog, mechanical device, progress, go on, click, ratch, pass on, advance, detent

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