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Reich   /raɪk/   Listen

The German state.
Austrian born psychoanalyst who lived in the United States; advocated sexual freedom and believed that cosmic energy could be concentrated in a human being (1897-1957).  Synonym: Wilhelm Reich.
United States composer (born in 1936).  Synonyms: Stephen Michael Reich, Steve Reich.

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"Reich" Quotes from Famous Books

... Stutenleiter von Leiden giebt, so hat Israel die hoechste Staffel erstiegen; wen die Dauer der Schmerzen und die Geduld, mit welcher sie ertragen werden, adeln, so nehmen es die Juden mit den Hochgeborenen aller Laender auf; wenn eine Literatur reich genannt wird, die wenige klassische Trauerspiele besitzt, welcher Platz gebuehrt dann einer Tragodie die anderthalb Jahrtausende wahrt, gedichtet und dargestellt von den Helden selber?"—ZUNZ: ...
— Daniel Deronda • George Eliot

... soil, but the flagstaff, just discernible on yonder green pinnacles, marks the line of demarcation between France and the conquered territory of the German empire. For the matter of that, the Prussian helmet makes the fact patent. As surely as we have set foot in the Reich, we see one of these gleaming casques, so hateful still in French eyes. They seem to spring from the ground like Jason's warriors from the dragon's teeth. This new frontier divided in olden times the dominions of Alsace and Lorraine, when it was the custom to say of many villages that ...
— In the Heart of the Vosges - And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller" • Matilda Betham-Edwards

... for imperial domination of the German Empire, making overtures to the Tsarina for dual empire of east and west, alarming to Frederick. His answer was the "Fuerstenbund," confederation of German princes, Prussia atop, to forbid peremptorily that the laws of the Reich be infringed; last public feat of Frederick; events taking an unexpected turn, which left it without ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol XII. - Modern History • Arthur Mee

Words linked to "Reich" :   country, Hohenzollern empire, Nazi Germany, land, commonwealth, composer, Stephen Michael Reich, psychoanalyst, Wilhelm Reich, nation, Third Reich, analyst, body politic, res publica, state, Second Reich

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