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Savvy   /sˈævi/   Listen

(Written also savey)
Get the meaning of something.  Synonyms: apprehend, compass, comprehend, dig, get the picture, grasp, grok.

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"Savvy" Quotes from Famous Books

... striped skunk that's doing the crooked playing," snapped Gowan. "Can't you savvy his game? It's all a frame-up—his sending off his guide and outfit, so's to let on to you he'd been busted up and kicked out by his dad. You take him in to keep his pretty carcass from the coyotes—which has saved ...
— Out of the Depths - A Romance of Reclamation • Robert Ames Bennet

... efficiently than they were learning French, that it was not altogether their mastery of the language which instantly produced soap and water, for instance, when they made motions of washing their hands and said slowly and loudly: "Soap—you compree, soap and l'eau; you savvy—l'eau, wa-ter." But now, when it came to the technicalities of their professional business, they found their command of the language completely inadequate. There were many of them who could ask, "What is ...
— Action Front • Boyd Cable (Ernest Andrew Ewart)

... of you. I don't know. I wasn't much as a young feller, but I wasn't a scrub, and I don't savvy scrubs. I fetched him over here to-day to ask you if it's true, and to say to you if it is, he'll marry you or there'll be trouble. That don't square it, but it's the best ...
— The Wizard's Daughter and Other Stories • Margaret Collier Graham

... droppin' back. I swung alongside but I couldn't savvy his signals. He kept pointin' back at his tail. I couldn't see anything wrong, but there's a big 'drome at Vitry and he signaled me that he was goin' down. I hung around to watch his landin' and then ...
— Aces Up • Covington Clarke

... told myself that I had undoubtedly reached a bridge that had to be crossed, and so I spoke firmly, or as firmly as possible under the circumstances, to Supai Bob. No results. Bob was as unresponsive as any other Indian when he doesn't want to "savvy." I coaxed, I pulled, I pushed. I spanked with a board. Bob was not interested in what was across the river. Then and there I formed a high regard for that pony's sound judgment and will-power. At last the Chief ...
— I Married a Ranger • Dama Margaret Smith

... trail like Buckskin Jack an' you, Kiddie. Thar's nobody ter lend a guidin' hand to a man that's anyways weak. If I'd had you or Buck ter blaze the trail for me I reckon I'd never have lost my way, same's I have done. Savvy?" ...
— Kiddie the Scout • Robert Leighton

... "Sing!" he roared, and then to the Chinaman who showed up in a nervous hover: "Give this lady grub, savvy? If you'll go with him, ma'am, he'll get you up something. Then ...
— The Killer • Stewart Edward White

... Stirling. "All the same hit Uncle Sam. But we soldier devils have orders to temporize." His eye rested hard and serious on the party in the water as he went on speaking with jocular unconcern. "Tem-po-rize, Johnny," said he. "You savvy temporize?" ...
— Red Men and White • Owen Wister

... English is the son of the chief. You can see he's different from the others. Knows a frightful lot. He's taught me some of his language already. The men with him said 'Kaiomi' to everything I asked, and that means 'No savvy.' Says he'll teach me—he'll teach all of us—how ...
— The Magnetic North • Elizabeth Robins (C. E. Raimond)

... stranger," he remarked, with quiet emphasis, "we're after that cow-lifter, an' we mean to get him. Savvy?" ...
— The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories • Various

Words linked to "Savvy" :   compass, intuit, knowing, catch on, brainwave, understanding, insight, self-knowledge, tumble, recognition, realisation, dig, comprehension, grok, get wise, appreciation, hold, realization, hindsight, grasping, figure, latch on, understand, twig, brainstorm, apprehension, get onto, digest, apprehend, smattering, cotton on, get it

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