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School district   /skul dˈɪstrɪkt/   Listen
School district

A district whose public schools are administered together.

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"School district" Quotes from Famous Books

... stumps are all gone now and brick buildings and other good houses occupy much of the land. As many people now live in that school district as lived both east and west of the mountains when the Territory was created in March of 1853. Instead of going in ox teams, or even sleds, the people have carriages or automobiles; they can travel on any of the eighteen ...
— Ox-Team Days on the Oregon Trail • Ezra Meeker

... child in the settlement was Hannah Maria Colson, July 17, 1876. The first death was exactly a year later, that of Clara Gray. The first school district was established and the first school was taught during the winter of 1877-78. Of all the lower Little Colorado settlements, this is the only ...
— Mormon Settlement in Arizona • James H. McClintock

... And education has thus far been considered a local matter. And in many ways that soverenty has been still further divided. We have as a smaller unit of school organization the county, and a smaller one yet, the township, and, in many states, a still smaller one, the school district, containing, in many instances, only a few square miles of territory and, of course, a very limited population. But in some respects, within certain limits, each of these small units is a law unto itself, having much to say as to the length of the school term, the character ...
— On the Firing Line in Education • Adoniram Judson Ladd

... the texts needed in their day-school work; shall we not supply them with the books required for their training in religion? If the texts prove too much of a financial burden for the children or their parents, there is no reason why the church should not follow the example of the public school district and itself own the books, lending them for ...
— How to Teach Religion - Principles and Methods • George Herbert Betts

... the people in the school district as a good teacher, and, indeed, he had quite conscientiously put before his pupils as much of the curriculum as they could conveniently grasp. He was kind and patient with his pupils always, but he had never exerted himself to change ...
— The Second Chance • Nellie L. McClung

Words linked to "School district" :   administrative district, territorial division, administrative division

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