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Scrape up   /skreɪp əp/   Listen
Scrape up

Gather (money or other resources) together over time.  Synonyms: come up, scrape, scratch.  "They scratched a meager living"

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"Scrape up" Quotes from Famous Books

... number of copies desired and the size of the type. We enclose two samples of paper that we can find. We have doubts about finding enough of the 5 x 8, but think we can that of the 5 x 7-1/2. We prefer the former. If the edition is small—say 100 or 150—we can, we think, scrape up enough of the 5 x 8. The size of your page could not, we think, be improved on. We also enclose samples of long primer, bourgeois and brevier sizes of type. [Here followed a detailed estimate on 250 copies of bourgeois type of $668.70 ...
— Eugene Field, A Study In Heredity And Contradictions - Vol. I • Slason Thompson

... rat bites at any cheese, from Gloucester to Parmasan, and you can easily scrape up a bit of some sort. Talking of the House, do you see, by the paper, that the civic senator, Alderman W—, is ...
— Pelham, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... instead, and welcome), he speculated unsuccessfully in lunatics, he got into difficulty about over-roasting a patient to bring him to reason, and he got into debt. He was going out of the way, on what he had been able to scrape up, and a trifle from me. He was here that early Monday morning, waiting for the tide; in short, he was going to Antwerp, where (I am afraid you'll be shocked at my saying, And be damned to him!) he made the acquaintance of this gentleman. He ...
— Little Dorrit • Charles Dickens

Words linked to "Scrape up" :   collect, scrape, nickel-and-dime, scratch, accumulate, compile, pile up, amass, hoard, roll up

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