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Skyrocket   /skˈaɪrˌɑkət/   Listen

Propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon.  Synonym: rocket.
Sends a firework display high into the sky.  Synonym: rocket.

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"Skyrocket" Quotes from Famous Books

... you'll forgive me. I'll pay you all I owe you with interest. I'm the original go-getter from Gogettersburg, on the Grabemoff River. I'm down and out right now, but any day I'm liable to turn into a skyrocket. Madam, you trust me. I've promised Hooker to lead him to fame and fortune, and to do that I gotta stick with 'im, ain't I? Well, then, can't you find somethin' for me to do for you, so's I c'n ride with you to this new railroad? That country sounds good to me. I'll maybe go to work and get a toehold ...
— The She Boss - A Western Story • Arthur Preston Hankins

... a wee; the work was, as yet, only half done. The fire was still roaring and raging, every puff of wind that blew through the black firmament, driving the red sparks high into the air, where they died away like the tail of a comet, or the train of a skyrocket; the joisting crazing, cracking, and tumbling down; and now and then the bursting cans playing flee in a hundred flinders from the chimney-heads. One would have naturally enough thought that our engine could have drowned out a fire of any kind whatsoever in half a second, scores of folks driving ...
— The Life of Mansie Wauch - Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself • David Macbeth Moir

... the Cornishman. "Do you want me to go up like a skyrocket? Them weights is all at the top. We 've got to fix a plug down 'ere to 'old this blooming bucket or it 'll go up and ...
— The Cross-Cut • Courtney Ryley Cooper

Words linked to "Skyrocket" :   uprise, pyrotechnic, firework, come up, rise, go up, move up, arise, lift, visual signal

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