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Staff of life   /stæf əv laɪf/   Listen
Staff of life

Food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked.  Synonyms: bread, breadstuff.

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"Staff of life" Quotes from Famous Books

... also visited two grist mills operated by horses on a treadmill, which was a large wooden wheel turned on its side, so the horses could stand on it. I was not pleased with the nearness of the manure in one of these mills to the material from which the "staff of life" ...
— A Trip Abroad • Don Carlos Janes

... "Buenos Ayres was founded in 1535 by Don Pedro de Mendoza, who gave it that name on account of the salubrity of its climate. This town is in many respects the most considerable of all the commercial towns in South America. Bread is by no means the staff of life here, for meat and the great variety of roots and grain with which the country abounds, afford to the poor inhabitants an equally healthy ...
— The World of Waters - A Peaceful Progress o'er the Unpathed Sea • Mrs. David Osborne

... least say, and appeal to the past history of the country to show it, that for a period of more than one hundred years, the supply of the Atlantic wheat States has generally been constant, and for the most part abundant. They have furnished the "staff of life" to several generations of men, and cotemporary with it, an annual amount for export, that materially assisted in regulating the ...
— The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom • P. L. Simmonds

... with the divine, and yet in marked contrast with the narrow, selfish, short-sighted policy of the debased wisdom of this world. Their broad teaching is very clear; look forward,—live not for the present; but instead of hoarding or laying up for the evil day, cast thy bread—that staff of life, thy living—boldly upon the waters, it shall not be lost. You have, in so doing, intrusted it to the care of Him who loseth nothing; and the future, though perhaps far off, shall give thee a full harvest for such sowing. But, to be more explicit, give with a free hand ...
— Old Groans and New Songs - Being Meditations on the Book of Ecclesiastes • F. C. Jennings

... which may once have been striking and effective, or witty and felicitous, but which have become worn out by oft-repeated use, should be avoided. The following hackneyed phrases will serve to illustrate: "The staff of life," "gave up the ship," "counterfeit presentment," "the hymeneal altar," "bold as a lion," "throw cold water upon," "the rose upon the cheek," "lords of creation," "the weaker sex," "the better half," "the rising generation," "tripping ...
— Slips of Speech • John H. Bechtel

Words linked to "Staff of life" :   garlic bread, onion bread, gluten bread, cracked-wheat bread, breadstuff, starches, baked goods, challah, simnel, barmbrack, bread-stick, bread, flour, roll, raisin bread, anadama bread, rye bread, cracker, loaf of bread, matzoh, sourdough bread, naan, brown bread, bap, dark bread, nan, flatbread, salt-rising bread, wafer, hallah, Boston brown bread, whole meal bread, whole wheat bread, breadstick, crouton, matzah, sour bread, light bread, caraway seed bread, English muffin, white bread, quick bread, cinnamon bread, matzo, unleavened bread, bun, sandwich, toast, host, loaf

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