"Tartarean" Quotes from Famous Books
... tapestry. tararear hum. tardar(se) delay, take long, be long in coming, tarry. tarde adv. late, too late; se hace —— it is growing late. tarde f. afternoon, evening. tardo, -a slow, tardy, sluggish. tarifa f. tariff, price. tartreo, -a Tartarean, infernal. te pron. pers. thee, thyself. tea f. torch. techo m. roof, ceiling. tejer weave, contrive. temblar tremble at, fear, quiver, twitch, tremble. temblor m. trembling, tremor, shiver. tembloroso, -a trembling. temer fear. temerario, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections • George Tyler Northup |