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Tout   /taʊt/   Listen

(past & past part. touted; pres. part. touting)
Advertize in strongly positive terms.
Show off.  Synonyms: blow, bluster, boast, brag, gas, gasconade, shoot a line, swash, vaunt.

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"Tout" Quotes from Famous Books

... sa partie Qui de Ferrare fille du duc estait; De fin drap d'or en tout ou en partie De jour en jour volontiers se vestait Chaines, colliers, affiquetz, pierrerie, Ainsi qu'on dit en ung commun proverbe, Tant en avait que c'etait diablerie. Brief mieulx valait le lyen que le gerbe. Autour du col bagues, joyaulx carcaus, Et pour son chief de ...
— Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497 • Julia Mary Cartwright

... with occasional reaches of open forest land. The rosemary-leaved tree of the 23rd was very abundant. An Acacia with spiny phyllodia, the lower half attached to the stem, the upper bent off in the form of an open hook, had been observed by me on the sandstone ridges of Liverpool Plains: and the tout ensemble reminded me forcibly of that locality. The cypress-pine, several species of Melaleuca, and a fine Ironbark, with broad lanceolate, but not cordate, glaucous leaves, and very dark bark, formed the forest. An arborescent Acacia, in ...
— Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia • Ludwig Leichhardt

... something yet remains to be said. It should be unnecessary to repeat that in pointing out literary defects and mistakes, we do not touch the honour of the writer in any way. How can one measure the weight of a life- long prejudice, or determine its influence upon conduct or opinion? "Tout comprende est tout pardonner." Within a few weeks, the author of "Animal Experimentation," if living, will enter upon his eightieth year. The errors of judgment, the inaccuracies of statement, the tendency to exaggerate utility—these ...
— An Ethical Problem - Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals • Albert Leffingwell

... ensuite l'admission des fonctionnaires austro-hongrois en Serbie pour participer avec les notres a l'instruction et pour surveiller l'execution des autres conditions indiquees dans la note. Nous avons recu un delai de 48 heures pour accepter le tout, faute de quoi la Legation d'Autriche-Hongrie quittera Belgrade. Nous sommes prets a accepter les conditions austro-hongroises qui sont compatibles avec la situation d'un Etat independant, ainsi que celles dont l'acception nous sera conseillee par Votre Majeste; toutes les ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... the midst of a dense wood, the eye could not take in its tout ensemble at a glance, but hut after hut started out of the gloomy picture, as one gazed about him in quest of objects. There was no centre, unless the fire might be so considered, no open area where the possessors ...
— The Deerslayer • James Fenimore Cooper

... face. It became pale as death. "Ils sont meles ensemble" ("they are mingled together"), he muttered to himself. He cast one hurried glance over the field, to right and left, and saw nothing but broken squadrons, abandoned batteries, wrecked infantry battalions. "Tout est perdu," he said, "sauve qui peut," and, wheeling his horse, he turned his back upon his last battlefield. His ...
— Deeds that Won the Empire - Historic Battle Scenes • W. H. Fitchett

... can be—perhaps it is the memory of our mothers. Whatever it is, it is certain that many a man allows himself to be disgraced rather than he will disgrace a woman. But a time is at hand when this foolish chivalry of ours will die out. On changera tout cela! When once our heavy masculine brains shall have grasped the novel idea that woman has by her own wish and choice resigned all claim on our respect or forbearance, we shall have our revenge. We are slow to change ...
— Vendetta - A Story of One Forgotten • Marie Corelli

... "On convient que tout ce que chacun aliene, par le pacte social, de sa puissance, de ses biens, de sa liberte, c'est seulement la partie de tout cela dont l'usage importe a la communaute; mais il faut convenir aussi que le souverain seul est juge de cette importance." ...
— The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens • Georg Jellinek

... He is, perhaps, par eminence, the most delightful of pianists in the drawing- room. The animation of his style is so subdued, its tenderness so refined, its melancholy so gentle, its niceties so studied and systematic, the tout-ensemble so perfect, and evidently the result of an accurate judgment and most finished taste, that when exhibited in the large concert- room, or the thronged saloon, it fails to impress itself on the mass. The "Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik" of September 8, 1837, brought the ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... murdered my friend and called it honour!—I never seduced my friend's wife and called it gallantry!" As Gawtrey said this, he drew the words out, one by one, through his grinded teeth, paused and resumed more gaily: "I struggle with Fortune; voila tout! I am not what you seem to suppose—not exactly a swindler, certainly not a robber! But, as I before told you, I am a charlatan, so is every man who strives to be richer or greater than ...
— Night and Morning, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... literary and political salon. At that time especially, when Italy was visited only by people of a certain social standing, society was carried on by a most complicated system of letters of introduction, and everyone of any note brought a letter to Mme. d'Albany. "La grande lanterne magique passe tout par votre salon," wrote Sismondi to the Countess; and the metaphor could not be truer. Writers and artists, beautiful women, diplomatists, journalists, pedants, men of science, women of fashion, Chateaubriand and Mme. de Stael, Lamartine and Paul Louis Courier, Mme. Recamier ...
— The Countess of Albany • Violet Paget (AKA Vernon Lee)

... not in our line. We are old-fashioned people; we imagine that without principles, taken as you say on faith, there is no taking a step, no breathing. Vous avez change tout cela, God give you good health and the rank of a general, while we will be content to look on and admire worthy... what ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol VIII • Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton, Eds.

... was in and out of the water again with astonishing speed. By the time the tout had reached the foot of the hill she was under the cliff again and out of sight. He peered over stealthily. There was nothing much to see but a dark blue gown spread on a rock to dry, and behind the rock the bob ...
— Boy Woodburn - A Story of the Sussex Downs • Alfred Ollivant

... semble incontestable, c'est qu'on confondit facilement la Mesnie Hellequin avec celle 'de la Mort,' famille bariolee de rouge et de noir, et dont le manteau de ceremonie devoit etre un grand pan de toile ou linceul. Deja le lecteur a devance la consequence qu'il faut tirer de tout cela; la Mesnie Hellequin, partie necessaire des corteges effrayants ou grotesques dans le moyen-age, est devenue insensiblement, sous la main des arrangeurs, notre famille d'Arlequin. Le costume bariole d'Arlequin n'est rien autre que le fantastique costume ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 • Various

... qu'un savant americain, M. Jewett, recemment arrive d'Allemagne, a affirme a M. Vattemare qu'il a vu tout prepare pour les echanges a Dresde, a Munich, a Berlin et a Vienne; que les bibliothecaires de ces villes lui ont parle des promesses du systeme dont ils attendent ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... quitta la terre dans tout l'eclat de la jeunesse et de la virginite." See the work as above entitled, Paris, 1840, p. 60. The words in Latin, as quoted from the will by the critic alluded to in the Foreign Quarterly Review (No. 65, art. Dante Allighieri), are, "Bici filiae ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Volume 1 • Leigh Hunt

... by Al. d'Orbigny, and he states that they have the occipital elevation of the wild European boar, but that the head altogether is "plus courte et plus ramassee." He refers also to the skin of a feral pig from North America, and says "il ressemble tout a fait a un petit sanglier, mais il est presque tout noir, et peut-etre un peu plus ramasse ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin

... in his arms, embraced him, and kissed first one cheek and then the other. "Eh bien! But you are the brave boy! I count it honor to know you. My little Polly, have you not save her? Ah! But I forget the introductions. Myself, I am Pierre Roubideau, a tout propos at your service. My son Jean. ...
— A Man Four-Square • William MacLeod Raine

... secondary figure, and a kind of back-ground to the whole) give great force to the principal lights in your own figure, and make it come off wonderfully;—and besides, there is an air of originality in the tout ensemble. ...
— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne

... "Manger, manger, manger, tout le temps!" Thus the nurse epitomised the converse of her charges. And indeed she was right, for, from morning till night, the prisoners' solitary topic of conversation was food. During the first ten ...
— A Versailles Christmas-Tide • Mary Stuart Boyd

... on his first responsible mission to Vienna, and found there the traditions of the Metternich diplomacy still ruling. What Napoleon had said of Metternich he no doubt remembered: "Il ment trop. Il faut mentir quelquefois, mais mentir tout le temps c'est trop!" for he adopted quite the opposite policy ...
— Germany and the Germans - From an American Point of View (1913) • Price Collier

... passage in L'Esprit des Lois, Book xvi. chap. 4, where Montesquieu says:—'J'avoue que si ce que les relations nous disent etait vrai, qu'a Bantam il y a dix femmes pour un homme, ce serait un cas bien particulier de la polygamie. Dans tout ceci je ne justifie pas les usages, mais j'en rends ...
— Life Of Johnson, Volume 5 • Boswell

... air pour qui je donnerais Tout Rossini, tout Mozart, et tout Weber, Un air tres-vieux, languissant et funebre, Qui pour moi ...
— The Merry-Go-Round • Carl Van Vechten

... the vague political tradition that there is something unfair in influencing the will of one's fellow-men otherwise than by argument does not exist. This was what Napoleon meant when he said, 'A la guerre, tout est moral, et le moral et l'opinion font plus de la moitie de la realite.'[55] And it is curious to observe that when men are consciously or half-consciously determining to ignore that tradition they drop into the language of warfare. Twenty years ago, the expression 'Class-war' was constantly ...
— Human Nature In Politics - Third Edition • Graham Wallas

... Republicains,' and for Napoleon, the greatest of the author's followers if not disciples, to draw inspiration and suggestion from his Florentine forerunner and to justify the murder of the Due d'Enghien by a quotation from The Prince. 'Mais apres tout,' he said, 'un homme d'Etat est-il fait pour etre sensible? N'est-ce pas un personnage—completement excentrique, toujours seul d'un cote, avec le monde de l'autre?' and again 'Jugez done s'il doit s'amuser a menager certaines convenances de sentiments si importantes pour le commun des ...
— Machiavelli, Volume I - The Art of War; and The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli

... here. As I expected, his reply was typewritten, and revealed the same trivial but characteristic defects. The same post brought me a letter from Westhouse & Marbank, of Fenchurch Street, to say that the description tallied in every respect with that of their employee, James Windibank. Voila tout!" ...
— The Lock And Key Library - Classic Mystery And Detective Stories, Modern English • Various

... sudden and amazing violence, turning round with her hand on the knob of the outer door. She set her teeth with an audible sound, and the color rose in her small, dark face. English departed from her. "Je ne le regrette pas du tout, du tout!" she cried with a flood of words. "Madame—ah! je me jetterais au feu pour madame—une femme si charmante, si adorable. Mais un homme comme, monsieur—maussade, boudeur, impassible! Ah, non!—de ma vie! J'en avais pardessus la tete, de monsieur! Ah! vrai! Est-ce ...
— The Woman in Black • Edmund Clerihew Bentley

... produce a character estimable in many respects, but for the most part without noble aspirations, without high ideals, with no great enthusiasms—a character, to use Saint Beuve's expressive phrase, "tout en facade sur la rue," whose moral judgments are no better than street cries; the type of man that accepts the degradation of women with blank alacrity as a necessity of civilization, and would have it regulated, like any ...
— The Power of Womanhood, or Mothers and Sons - A Book For Parents, And Those In Loco Parentis • Ellice Hopkins

... d'argent unt trovee A sun braiol estreit noee. Tout la gent se merveillont Que cete clef signifiont. * * * * Ni la cuoule e l'estamine En aveit il en un archete, Que disfermeront ceste clavete De sol itant ert tresorier Kar nul tresor ...
— The Little Duke - Richard the Fearless • Charlotte M. Yonge

... dont nous avons parle, excite dans son coeur des idees que cet organe exprime par le ministere de la langne. Les paroles qu'il prononce sont tantot vraies, tantot fausses. En effet, le devin, voulant suppleer a l'imperfection de son naturel, se sert de moyens tout a fait etrangers a sa faculte perceptive et qui ne s'accordent en aucune facon avec elle. Donc la verite et l'erreur se presentent a lui en meme temps, aussi ne doit on mettre aucune confiance en ses paroles. Quelquefois meme il a recours a des suppositions et a ...
— The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang

... who spoke with a hesitating, apologetic manner and a nervous movement of the head,—a habit I thought she must have contracted from a constant fear of being pounced upon, as you say, by her husband. I always pitied her de tout mon coeur, but she possessed neither tact nor intellect, and was ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864 • Various

... expected; antagonism against a tradition made by English minds and perpetuated in English was natural after a war in which not merely nationalism, but also every racial instinct, has been quickened and made sensitive. But tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner, is only partly true in this instance. We should understand, and be tolerant with, the strainings against tradition of folk to whom it is still partly alien; we should diagnose our own growing pains and not take them too seriously. ...
— Definitions • Henry Seidel Canby

... house for them at Norwood. If I could be rejoiced at anything, I should be at that; but it seems to me as if since that awful journey when I first left England, "the springs was broke," as that vagabond tout ...
— The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 2 • Leonard Huxley

... et se fait suivre: Quand Auguste buvait, la Pologne etait ivre; Et quand Louis le Grand brulait d'un tendre amour, Paris devint Cythere, et tout suivait sa cour; Lorsqu'il devint devot, ardent a la priere, Ses ...
— The Idler in France • Marguerite Gardiner

... que j'ai tant aimee Songes-tu que je t'aime encor? Et dans ton ame alarmee, Ne sens-tu pas quelque remord? Viens avec moi, si tu m'aimes, Habiter dans ces deserts; Nous y vivrons pour nous memes, Oublies de tout l'univers! ...
— Ziska - The Problem of a Wicked Soul • Marie Corelli

... friend's generosity was not so wonderful a thing. Count von Hern was watching you to-night at the Bridge Club. He has gone home; he is waiting now to receive you. Apart from that, the man Nisch, with whom you have played so much, is a confederate of his, a political tout, not ...
— Peter Ruff and the Double Four • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... the ballroom could not be blamed. I procured a local directory, put fifty tickets in my pocket, dressed myself in nankeen pantaloons and a sky-blue coat (then the height of fashion), and set forth to tout for dancers among all the members of the genteel population, who, not being notorious Puritans, had also not been so obliging as to take tickets for the ball. There never was any pride or bashfulness about me. Excepting certain ...
— A Rogue's Life • Wilkie Collins

... Jules did his part not ill: he won ze tears from your eyes. One of ze lace handkerchiefs I have kept, cheres demoiselles, as a souvenir: the others, with ze diamond earrings, were changed into money tout de suite. They sold for much money: we have been able to take a little trip, perhaps to Cuba, where we eat ices and drive along beautiful roads; perhaps to one gay Northern city, where we go to the play every night. Wherever it is we are happy—we think much of you. Jules calls you our sweet ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878 • Various

... with all the leisurely badinage and bickering of market-day. At the end of the four minutes, however, they saw that the Colonel was right, for the wood-cutter entered into their plans, not with the vague servility of a tout too-well paid, but with the seriousness of a solicitor who had been paid the proper fee. He told them that the best thing they could do was to make their way down to the little inn on the hills above ...
— The Man Who Was Thursday - A Nightmare • G. K. Chesterton

... Archduke Charles he did not think a man of great abilities. "Tout ce que j'ai publie sur les finances est de l'Evangile," he said—he allowed no gaspillage and had an excellent treasurer; owing to this he saved large sums out ...
— Lady John Russell • Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell

... ignorante elle est d'estre ennemie De la Trilingue et noble Academie Qu'as erigee.... O povres gens de savoir tout ethiques! Bien faites vray ce proverbe courant: 'Science n'ha hayneux ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... which Landor spoke of Southey can readily imagine how unpardonable a sin he considered it in Byron to make his friend an object of satire. Landor's strong feelings necessarily caused him to be classed in the ou tout ou rien school. Seeing those whom he liked through the magnifying-glass of perfection, he painted others in less brilliant colors than perhaps they merited. Southey to Landor was the essence of all good things, and there was no subject upon which he dwelt ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866 • Various

... rien faire, du produit de ses troupeaux, que des bergers, espces de nomades, menaient patre et l sur les montagnes. Lorsque je le vis, deux annes aprs l'vnement que je vais raconter, il me parut g de cinquante ans tout au plus. Figurez-vous un homme petit mais robuste, avec des cheveux crpus, noirs comme le jais, un nez aquilin, les lvres minces, les yeux grands et vifs, et un teint couleur de revers de botte. Son ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... ouk eireka soi Tout'; eit' ap' ouchi; kurian tes oikias Kai ton agron kai panton ant' ekeines Echoumen, Apollon, os chalepon chalepotaton Apasi d' argalea 'stin, ouk emoi mono, Tio polu mallon thugatri.—pragm' amachon ...
— The History of Rome (Volumes 1-5) • Theodor Mommsen

... donnant les uns aux autres les surnoms de nos maitres. Le valet de don Antonio appeloit Gamboa celui de don Fernand, et le valet de don Fernand appeloit Centelles celui de don Antonio. Ils me nommoient de meme Silva; et nous nous enivrions peu a peu sous ces noms empruntes, tout aussi bien que les seigneurs qui les portoient veritablement.' But Steele had already touched this subject in 'Spectator', No. 88, for June 11, 1711, 'On the Misbehaviour of Servants,' a paper supposed to have afforded the hint for Townley's farce of 'High Life below Stairs', ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith • Oliver Goldsmith

... me contentent pas; Et, hors un gros Plutarque a mettre mes rabats, Vous devriez bruler tout ce meuble inutile";— ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... extenuating circumstances even in remembrance of the high stupidities, the narrow imagination, the deep, impregnable, intolerant ignorance of Staff College men who with their red tape and their general orders were the inquisitors and torturers of the new armies. Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner. They were molded in an old system, and ...
— Now It Can Be Told • Philip Gibbs

... Hill Tout I also owe a description of the armour of the Indian tribes of north-west America, from a work of his own. He says: "For protective purposes in warfare they employed shields and coat-armour. The shields varied in form and material from tribe to tribe. Among the Interior ...
— Homer and His Age • Andrew Lang

... the forehead, fell long and thickly over his face and shoulders. This, surmounted by a round slouched hat, ornamented with an eagle's feather, which he ordinarily wore and had not even now dispensed with, added to a blue capote or hunting frock, produced a tout ensemble, which cannot be more happily rendered than by a comparison with one of his puritanical sly-eyed ...
— The Canadian Brothers - or The Prophecy Fulfilled • John Richardson

... King faithful service,'— having, some of us, our private 500 pounds a year from Austria for doing it. 'The King perceives only too well that the Queen's sickness is but sham (MOMERIE): judge of the effect that has! I am yours entirely (TOUT A VOUS). I wait in great impatience to hear your news upon all this: for I inform you accurately how the land lies here; so that it only depends upon yourself to shine, and to pass for a miracle of just insight,'—"SORCIER," or witch at guessing mysteries, Grumkow calls it again. ...
— History of Friedrich II of Prussia V 7 • Thomas Carlyle

... "Le mot nahual, qui vet dire toute science, ou science de tout, est frequemment employe pour exprimer la sorcellerie chez ces populations." Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie, 1857, p. 290. In another passage of his works the speculative Abbe translates ...
— Nagualism - A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History • Daniel G. Brinton

... stops short too soon, and is inclined to be saucy. Though her ways are sleek like a cotton-tail's, I see devilry lurking away back in her eyes. Moreover, her ways are those of a grande dame, and not our ways—she would expect too much of us. She is a good girl enough, but she will not do. Voila tout!" And with a not unkindly bow the petit maitre turned his attention to Antoine, who, during the examination, had taken the opportunity of seizing its master's cudgel and breaking it into innumerable ...
— The Rising of the Red Man - A Romance of the Louis Riel Rebellion • John Mackie

... There are strange hotels—strange dwellings—streets—stores—tongues and faces. The great grim fort that brave da Gama built, and held against all comers, dominates the sea front and the lower town. The brass-lunged boys who pounce on baggage, fight for it, and tout for the grandly named hotels are of as many tribes as sizes, as many ...
— The Ivory Trail • Talbot Mundy

... les femmes de laisser voir leur grossesse et tout ce qui a rapport a l'accouchement, les plaisanteries dont on use souvent a l'egard des femmes enceintes, sont un triste signe de la degenerescence et meme de la corruption de notre civilization raffinee. Les femmes enceintes ne devraient pas ce cacher, ni jamais ...
— Woman and Womanhood - A Search for Principles • C. W. Saleeby

... leurs attaques de Marseilles. Voyageant sans cesse et dans tous pays pour leurs affaires, ils avaient remarque que certaines localites leur etaient funestes, que dans d'autres ils etaient exempts de tout phenomene d'oppression." ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (of 2) • Charles Darwin

... je ne puis presque penser quand je reste en place; il faut que mon corps soit en branle pour y mettre mon esprit. La vue de la campagne, la succession des aspects agreables, le grand air, le grand appetit, la bonne sante que je gagne en marchant, la liberte du cabaret, l'eloignement de tout ce qui me fait sentir ma dependance, de tout ce qui me rappelle a ma situation: ...
— Isopel Berners - The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825 • George Borrow

... that the great mass of town folk, in France and probably elsewhere, still have a fear and dread of the mechanism of the automobile. "C'est beau la mecanique, mais c'est tout de meme un peu complique," they say, as they regard your labours in posing a new valve or tightening up a joint here ...
— The Automobilist Abroad • M. F. (Milburg Francisco) Mansfield

... recusant &c (dissenting) 489; at issue upon. Adv. no, nay, not, nowise; not a bit, not a whit, not a jot; not at all, nohow, not in the least, not so; negative, negatory; no way [coll.]; no such thing; nothing of the kind, nothing of the sort; quite the contrary, tout au contraire[Fr], far from it; tant s'en faut[Fr]; on no account, in no respect; by no, by no manner of means; negatively. [negative with respect to time] never, never in a million years; at no time. Phr. there never was a greater mistake; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... "Oh! mais tout—fait," said the General, laughing outright, and then Wilding created a diversion by leading Ruth to a chair that stood at the far end of the table, and drawing it forward for her. "Ah, yes," said Feversham airily, "let ...
— Mistress Wilding • Rafael Sabatini

... Dieu tout puissant fay tant qu'il ysse Hors du doulz pais sans amer Que toutes gens doivent amer C'est France, ou sont les bons Chrestiens S'on les confort; si les soustiens Car l'engin de leur adversaire Et son faulx art les tire a faire Contre ta sainte voulente. Ayez pitie de ...
— The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 (of 2) • Anatole France

... seated at the same table with her this evening, at a game of 'brelan', and you cannot imagine what I suffered. The men and women seemed to come in relays to watch us. Madame de Coaslin said two or three times, looking at me, 'Va tout', in the most insulting manner. I thought I should have fainted, when she said, in a triumphant tone, I have the 'brelan' of kings. I wish you had seen her courtesy to me on parting."—"Did the King," said I, "show her particular attention?" "You don't know him," said she; ...
— The Memoirs of Louis XV. and XVI., Volume 1 • Madame du Hausset, and of an Unknown English Girl and the Princess Lamballe

... queer things were happening to Gladys Orton-Wells. At her entrance into the big workroom, one hundred pairs of eyes had lifted, dropped, and, in that one look, condemned her hat, suit, blouse, veil and tout ensemble. When you are on piece-work you squander very little time gazing at uplift visitors in the ...
— Emma McChesney & Co. • Edna Ferber

... Aventuriers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes contenant ce qu'ils ont fait de plus remarquable depuis vingt annees. Avec la vie, les Moeurs, les Coutumes des Habitans de Saint Domingue et de la Tortue et une Description exacte de ces lieux; ... Le tout enrichi de Cartes Geographiques et de Figures en Taille-douce. Par Alexandre Olivier Oexmelin. A Paris, chez Jacques Le Febre. MDCLXXXVI., ...
— The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century • Clarence Henry Haring

... which ends at "Voila tout" and which for me does so end "for good and all," is simply magnificent. I have put it elsewhere with Wandering Willie's Tale, which it more specially resembles in the way in which the ordinary turns into the extraordinary. It falls short of Scott in vividness, ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... its amusing features, chiefly illustrations of the inability of the French language to accommodate itself to typically Germanic expressions. Thus when Hrothgar says what is the equivalent of 'Thanks be to God for this blessed sight,' Botkine puts into his mouth the words: 'Que le Tout-Puissant reoive mes profonds remercments pour ce spectacle!'—which might have been taken from ...
— The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker

... si on voulait rapporter tout ce que les Russes firent de memorable dans cette journee; pour conter les hauts faits d'armes, pour particulariser toutes les actions d'eclat, il faudrait ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... Balmile, "je n'ai pas la pretention de m'affubler d'un titre que la mauvaise fortune de mon roi ne me permet pas de porter comme il sied. Je m'appelle, pour vous servir, Blair de Balmile tout court." [My lord, I have not the effrontery to cumber myself with a title which the ill fortunes of my king will not suffer me to bear the way it should be. I call myself, at your service, ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume XXI • Robert Louis Stevenson

... violence, turning round with her hand on the knob of the outer door. She set her teeth with an audible sound, and the colour rose in her small dark face. English departed from her. 'Je ne le regrette pas du tout, du tout!' she cried with a flood of words. 'Madame—ah! je me jetterais au leu pour madame—une femme si charmante, si adorable! Mais un homme comme monsieur—maussade, boudeur, impassible! Ah, non!—de ma vie! J'en avais par-dessus la tete, de monsieur! Ah! vrai! Est-ce insupportable, tout de ...
— Trent's Last Case - The Woman in Black • E.C. (Edmund Clerihew) Bentley

... among douce and sponsible fowk. So I'll vow that the wine of a witch's cup is as fell liquor as ever did a kindly turn to a poor man's heart; and be they fiends, or be they witches, if they have red wine asteer, I'll risk a drouket sark for ae glorious tout on't." ...
— Folk-Lore and Legends - Scotland • Anonymous

... France, vol. i, pp. 137-157. (See also, Michelet, History of France, translated by G.H. Smith, vol. ii, p. 206.) Note—Alencon says to his English valet: "If I could have a powder that I wot of and put it in the vessel in which the King's sheets are washed, he should sleep sound enough [dormir tout ...
— The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 (of 2) • Anatole France

... enough for the foreign ships of war which occasionally anchor there, much to the detriment of the town. We got off in over-crowded sampans, and several people fell into the water, much to their own amusement. The servants from the different yadoyas go down to the jetty to "tout" for guests with large paper lanterns, and the effect of these, one above another, waving and undulating, with their soft coloured light, was as bewitching as the reflection of the stars in the motionless water. Mororan is a small town very picturesquely situated on the steep shore ...
— Unbeaten Tracks in Japan • Isabella L. Bird

... with an anxious care for his own reputation and respectability, thus purges himself from contact or connexion with it:—"Ce qui me distingue de mes contemporains et fait de moi un homme rare dans le siecle ou nous vivons, c'est que je ne veux pas etre roi, et que j'evite soigneusement tout ce qui pourrait me mener la." Chadwick and Cobden are agreed upon pauperizing the whole kingdom; but the former insists upon keeping the paupers in bastiles, whilst the latter requires them in cotton manufactories; both are agreed ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843 • Various

... Paris to eat his puree a la Conde, and his supreme de volaille, and his filet de chevreuil pique aux truffes, and you would say that he is not only the prime, but the favorite minister of Louis Napoleon, par la grace de Dieu et Monsieur le Docteur President de la Republique. "Apres tout c'est un mauvais drole, que ce pharmacien," to use the term applied to the doctor ...
— The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 2, May, 1851 • Various

... plaire, O Bhagavat, il a recu de toi ce don incomparable. 'Oui, as-tu dit, exaucant le voeu du mauvais Genie; Dieu. Yaksha ou Demon ne pourra jamais causer ta mort!' Et nous, par qui ta parole est respectee, nous avons tout supporte de ce roi des rakshasas, qui ecrase de sa tyrannie les trois mondes, ou il promene l' injure impunement. Enorgueilli de ce don victorieux, il opprime indignement les Dieux, les rishis, les Yakshas, les Gandharvas, les Asouras et les enfants de Manou. La ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... gradually calmer; he slept or pretended to do so, and the next morning he still affected to feel strange pains. Two days afterwards he tore off the first leaf of the letter and put an "e" to the word tout in the phrase "tout a vous."[*] He folded mysteriously the paper which contained the innocent forgery, sealed it, left his bedroom and called the maid, saying ...
— The Physiology of Marriage, Part II. • Honore de Balzac

... ecoutait un sestetto d'un opera de Mayer intitule Elena. Je n'ai vu de ma vie, rien de plus beau ni de plus expressif. Encore aujourd'hui, si je viens a penser a l'expression qu'un grand peintre devrait donner an genie, cette tete sublime reparait tout-a-coup devant moi. J'eus un instant d'enthousiasme, et oubliant la juste repugnance que tout homme un peu fier doit avoir a se faire presenter a un pair d'Angleterre, je priai M. de Breme de m'introduire a Lord Byron, je me trouvai le lendemain a diner ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. III - With His Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... English prospects so enchantingly beautiful, is a concurrence and union of the tout ensemble. Everything coincides and conspires to render them fine, moving pictures. It is impossible to name, or find a spot, on which the eye would not delight to dwell. Any of the least beautiful of any of these views that ...
— Travels in England in 1782 • Charles P. Moritz

... all men; and this is true of the verse which lies wholly outside the line of that Hebrew-Greek-Roman tradition which has affected so profoundly the development of modern European literature. Yet to express "ce que tout le monde pense"—which was Boileau's version of Horace's "propria communia dicere"—is only part of the function of lyric poetry. To give the body of the time the form and pressure of individual feeling, of individual artistic mastery ...
— A Study of Poetry • Bliss Perry

... advantage of technicalities. He is not a philosopher—he's emphatically "a critic fly." He examines the Christian cult inch by inch, just as Gulliver did the cuticle of the Brobdingnagian maid who sat him astride her nipple. He never contemplates the tout ensemble. He learns absolutely nothing from the cumulative wisdom of the world. He doesn't even appreciate the fact that the dominant religions of the world to-day are couched in the language of oriental poetry. He wastes his nervo-muscular ...
— Volume 10 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann

... Napoleons of history and forget the vast races of which they were but epitomized expressions. We are apt to think in our American impatience, that while it may have been true in the past that closed race groups made history, that here in conglomerate America nous avons changer tout cela—we have changed all that, and have no need of this ancient instrument of progress. This assumption of which the Negro people are especially fond, can not be established by a ...
— The Conservation of Races - The American Negro Academy. Occasional Papers No. 2 • W. E. Burghardt Du Bois

... the Chinese Emperor may be best stated in his own words, as translated into French by one of the Jesuit 20 missionaries: "La nation des Torgotes (savoir les Kalmuques) arriva a Ily, toute delabree, n'ayant ni de quoi vivre, ni de quoi se vetir. Je l'avais prevu; et j'avais ordonne de faire en tout genre les provisions necessaires pour pouvoir les secourir promptement: c'est ce qui a ete 25 execute. On a fait la division des terres: et on a assigne a chaque famille une portion suffisante pour pouvoir servir a son entretien, soit en la cultivant, soit en y nourissant des bestiaux. On a ...
— De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars • Thomas De Quincey

... to dainty sight, He limps infect by park and quai, Voicing (for those that hear aright) His hunger-world, the dark Marais. Sexton of all we waste and fray, He bags at last pour tout de bon Our trappings rare, our braveries gay, ...
— The Home Book of Verse, Vol. 4 (of 4) • Various

... tell you about Alphonse. By the way, we'll have him in our service. There was he plucking at me: "Monsieur Henri-Richie, Monsieur Henri-Richie! mille complimens . . . et les potages, Monsieur!—a la Camerani, a la tortue, aux petits pois . . . c'est en vrai artiste que j'ai su tout retarder jusqu'au dernier moment . . . . Monsieur! cher Monsieur Henri-Richie, je vous en supplie, laissez-la, ces planteurs de choux." And John Thresher, as spokesman for the rest: "Master Harry, we beg to say, in my name, we can't masticate comfortably while we've got ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... might even decide which elements were qualified, by their general harmony with other branches of knowledge, to be considered true; and yet the best man at this science might be the man who found it hardest to be personally devout. Tout savoir c'est tout pardonner. The name of Renan would doubtless occur to many persons as an example of the way in which breadth of knowledge may make one only a dilettante in possibilities, and blunt the acuteness of one's living faith.[332] If religion ...
— The Varieties of Religious Experience • William James

... tout!" (she always had recourse to French when about to say something specially heartless and perverse). "Je suis sa reine, mais il n'est ...
— Villette • Charlotte Bronte

... the only conversation that ever passed on the subject of the cabin; and I am the more particular in stating it, as Buonaparte has been described, in some of the public Journals, as having taken possession of it in a most brutal way, saying, "Tout ou rien pour moi:"—All or nothing for me. I here therefore, once for all, beg to state most distinctly, that, from the time of his coming on board my ship, to the period of his quitting her, his conduct was invariably that of a gentleman; and in no one instance do I recollect ...
— The Surrender of Napoleon • Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland

... des airs: il dechire, il devore Le reptile acharne, qui le combat encore; Il le perce, il le tient sous ses ongles vainqeurs, Par cent coups redoubles il venge ses douleurs; Le Monstre en expirant, se debat, se replie; Il exhale en poison le reste de sa vie; Et l'aigle tout sanglant, fier et victorieux, Le rejette en fureur, et plane au ...
— The Life of Hugo Grotius • Charles Butler

... Poisson.[6] After the publication (in 1825) of the fifth volume of the Mecanique Celeste, Laplace became gradually weaker, and with it musing and abstracted. He thought much on the great problems of existence, and often muttered to himself, Qu'est ce que c'est que tout cela![7] After many alternations, he appeared at last so permanently prostrated that his family applied to his favorite pupil, M. Poisson, to try to get a word from him. Poisson paid a visit, and ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II) • Augustus de Morgan

... Miroir de l'Ame Pecheresse, previously referred to, there figures another device composed merely of the three words "Ung pour tout;" and in the manuscript of "La Coche" presented to the Duchess of Etampes, the motto "Plus vous que moys" is inscribed beneath each of the miniatures. Margaret also composed a series of devices for some jewels which her brother presented to his favourite, ...
— The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. I. (of V.) • Margaret, Queen Of Navarre

... sea life, I did not mean to be understood as liking a merchant ship, with an airless cabin, and with every variety of disagreeable odour. As a French woman on board, with the air of an afflicted porpoise, and with more truth than elegance, expresses it: "Tout devient puant, ...
— Life in Mexico • Frances Calderon De La Barca

... pause, and LADY ELLA comes running, dry, thin, refined, and agitated. She halts where the tracks of water cease at the door left. A little pause, and MAUD comes running, fairly dry, stolid, breathless, and dragging a bull-dog, wet, breathless, and stout, by the crutch end of her 'en-tout-cas']. ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... familiarity.—"Davie," he said,—"Davie, ye donnard auld idiot, have ye no gane mad yet, with applying your mathematical science, as ye call it, to the book of Apocalypse? I expected to have heard ye make out the sign of the beast, as clear as a tout ...
— The Fortunes of Nigel • Sir Walter Scott

... "Tout-a-l'heure, monsieur," replied the landlord. "At the moment he is absent. He went out to take the air a couple of hours ago, ...
— The Tavern Knight • Rafael Sabatini

... became prosperous. Then came the war, vast, terrible, bringing in its train suffering, poverty, a drastic curtailment of all the luxuries of life. Silk ribbons are a luxury; they go with soft living. So, then; voila tout! Before the end of the first year of the conflict the factory was transformed into a hospital. The clatter of looms and the chatter of girls gave place to the moanings of sick and wounded men, and the gentle voices of white and blue ...
— The Flag • Homer Greene

... my dear Cousin Leo is in the Senate, but he is in the heraldry department, and I don't know any of the real ones. They are all some kind of Germans—Gay, Fay, Day—tout l'alphabet, or else all sorts of Ivanoffs, Simenoffs, Nikitines, or else Ivanenkos, Simonenkos, Nikitenkos, pour varier. Des gens de l'autre monde. Well, it is all the same. I'll tell my husband, he knows them. He knows all sorts of people. I'll tell him, but you will have to explain, he never ...
— Resurrection • Count Leo Tolstoy

... his Collar to the bad was found wandering hither and thither with $90 in his Left Hand. The Tout had to shake him a couple of times before he came to. The Tout had some Goods of a very superior Quality. In the next Race there was a Collie that had enough Hop in him to convert a Selling Plater into a Reina. It was like making change with a Blind ...
— People You Know • George Ade

... enough to look back with complacency on what you have done? I suppose repentance must bring up the rear with us all; but at present I should say with old Fontenelle, Si je recommencais ma carriere, je ferais tout ce que ...
— The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals, Volume 2. • Lord Byron

... ill, and when I came to pay, I found I had lost my louis. How, the bon Dieu only knows. It is desolating, Monsieur; we had to walk so as to keep our engagement at Chambery. If we miss it, nous sommes dans la puree pour tout de bon." ...
— The Beloved Vagabond • William J. Locke

... much offends as discrepancies. We remember a discussion upon female beauty, when instances were brought forward of persons who were conspicuous for their good looks, but who could not boast of one really perfect feature. The effect of the "tout ensemble" was good, and most attractive, but when the faces were pulled to pieces, it was impossible to say in what the beauty consisted. One of the critics wisely said, that it was to be found in the perfect harmony of feature and expression. ...
— Routledge's Manual of Etiquette • George Routledge

... the decrease of forces in Nature." He is a thorough evolutionist, starting from essentially the same point with Darwin; for he conceives of all the forms or species of animals and plants "comme tire tout entier d'un protoplasma primordial, uniform, instable, eminemment plastique." Also in "l'integration croissante de la force evolutive a mesure qu'elle se partage dans les formes produites, et la decroissance proportionelle de la plasticite de ces formes a mesure qu'elles s'eloignent davantage ...
— Darwiniana - Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism • Asa Gray

... health, King Oliver! to thee I drink: Long may the public have thee to amaze her. Like Figaro, thou makest one's eyelids wink, Twirling on practised palm thy polished razor— True Horace temper, smoothed on attic strop; Ah! thou couldst "faire la barbe a tout l'Europe." ...
— All About Coffee • William H. Ukers

... passe. Tout meurt. Le marbre m[^e]me s'use. Argrigente n'est plus qu'une ombre, et Syracuse Dort sous le bleu linceul de ...
— Confessions of a Book-Lover • Maurice Francis Egan

... study he had made his own were revolted by barbarous punishments. That there may be men too vile to live seemed to him, doubtless, a tenable opinion—he could forget all about the fallibility of human judgments—but "Quant a moy," he says, "en la iustice mesme, tout ce qui est au dela de la mort simple, me semble pure cruaute." To hurt others for our own good is not, he dimly perceived, to cut a very magnanimous figure. To call it hurting them for their own, he would have thought damnable; but that piece of hypocrisy is the invention of a more enlightened ...
— Pot-Boilers • Clive Bell

... Tout le monde y danse en rond; Les beaux messieurs font comme ca, Les beaux messieurs font ...
— The History of David Grieve • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... constant, toujours le meme; son mouvement, toujours regulier, roule sur deux points inebranlables: l'un, la fecondite sans bornes donnee a toutes les especes; l'autre, les obstacles sans nombre qui reduisent cette fecondite a une mesure determinee et ne laissent en tout temps qu'a peu pres la meme quantite d'individus de chaque espece" ... "Les especes les moins parfaites, les plus delicates, les plus pesantes, les moins agissantes, les moins armees, etc., ...
— Evolution in Modern Thought • Ernst Haeckel

... intention what it may, the execution is uncommonly tardy; with the exception of the central iron-railing, the handsome structure on the opposite side, the solitary building on the right, and range of new houses on the left, the tout ensemble was the same twenty years ago. It is a scene of dilapidation ...
— Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan

... eloquence propre, cette science propre, cette influence propre, forme en nous comme un petit sanctuaire favori, que notre orgueil jaloux tient ferme a la force Dieu, pour s'y reserver un dernier refuge. Mais si nous pouvions devenir enfin faibles tout de bon et desesperer absolument de nous-memes, la force de Dieu, se repandant dans tout notre homme interieur et s' infiltrant jusque dans ses plus secrets replis, nous remplirait jusqu'en toute ...
— The Preacher and His Models - The Yale Lectures on Preaching 1891 • James Stalker

... of the Divine nature, is as truly a force as light or heat, and enters as truly into the great order of the universe. There is a passage in M. Renan's "Vie de Jesus" worth citing in this connection. "La nature lui obeit," he writes; "mais elle obeit aussi a quiconque croit et prie; la foi peut tout. Il faut se rappeler que nulle idee des lois de la nature ne venait, dans son esprit ni dans celui de ses auditeurs, marquer la limite de l'impossible.... Ces mots de 'surhumain' et de 'surnaturel,' empruntes a notre theologie mesquine, ...
— The Contemporary Review, January 1883 - Vol 43, No. 1 • Various

... hates you," put in Flique. "And why not? She is old, and fat, and her business is taking itself off, like that! You are young and"—with a bow, as he rose—"beautiful, and your affairs march to a marvel. She is jealous, c'est tout! It is ...
— Lords of the Housetops - Thirteen Cat Tales • Various

... down also, and included Berthe and the sailor. An olive barefoot boy took their order for black coffee. Jacqueline's elbows were on the table and her chin on two finger tips, and she disposed herself placidly, as though this were the Maison Doree and Tout Paris sauntering by. The town was beginning to stretch after its siesta. That is to say, divers natives manifested symptoms of going to move ...
— The Missourian • Eugene P. (Eugene Percy) Lyle

... FRERE,—Votre Majeste m'a ecrit deux bien bonnes lettres de Douvres pour lesquelles je vous remercie de tout mon c[oe]ur. Les expressions de bonte et d'amitie que vous me vouez ainsi qu'a mon cher Albert nous touchent sensiblement; je n'ai pas besoin de vous dire encore, combien nous vous sommes attaches et combien nous desirons voir se raffermir de plus en plus ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... at sea, weather on the mountains, he could foretell it always. He wrote a book; I have a copy you will read. It is a book of Maxims. He often speaks of the weather. English weather and women, he says. But not my mother. My mother he stood aside by herself—pas capricieuse du tout! Because she would be out in the weather and brave the weather. She rode, she swam, best of any woman. If she could have known you, what pleasure for me! Mother learnt to read mountain weather from father. I did it too. But sometimes on the high fields' ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... bien!" said my principal as we entered his parlour. "Je vois que monsieur a de l'adresse; cela, me plait, car, dans l'instruction, l'adresse fait tout autant ...
— The Professor • (AKA Charlotte Bronte) Currer Bell

... western shores of Hamelin Harbour. The opposite coast was seen only at a distance, and the shoalness of the water prevented their boats from approaching it. M. De Freycinet says: "Ces terres, basses et steriles, ne contiennent aucune coupure; l'uniformite y est par-tout complete," page 194. ...
— Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia] [Volume 2 of 2] • Phillip Parker King

... Lord Viscount Forbes. To the Marchioness Dowager of Donegall. To the Rev. Charles Overton. To the Reverend ——. To Thomas Hume, Esq., M.D. To the Ship in Which Lord Castlereagh sailed for the Continent. Tout pour la Tripe. To weave a Garland for the Rose. Translation from the Gull Language. Translations from Catullus. Trio. Triumph of Bigotry. Triumph of Farce, The. Turf shall be My Fragrant Shrine, The 'Twas One of Those Dreams. Two Loves, ...
— The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore • Thomas Moore et al

Words linked to "Tout" :   puff, judge, magnify, hyperbolize, crow, U.K., United Kingdom, label, amplify, adman, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hyperbolise, adviser, gasconade, consultant, Britain, overdraw, advisor, UK, brag, advertizer, scalper, advertiser, triumph, Great Britain, overstate, gloat, pronounce, exaggerate

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