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Trademark   /trˈeɪdmˌɑrk/   Listen

Mark with a brand or trademark.  Synonyms: brand, brandmark.
Register the trademark of.

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"Trademark" Quotes from Famous Books

... looked out of their side windows, Sophronisba's alluring bill-boards besought them to smoke only certain cigarettes and to be sure to look for the trademark on their playing-cards. Naturally, this made the ...
— A Woman Named Smith • Marie Conway Oemler

... and the various buildings were vomiting monks and nuns, who went swarming in a rush toward the coming procession; and with them went that magician —and he was on a rail, too, by the abbot's order; and his reputation was in the mud, and mine was in the sky again. Yes, a man can keep his trademark current in such a country, but he can't sit around and do it; he has got to be on deck and attending to business ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... Sir Cowasji Jehangir Readymoney, an Indian baronet, who inherited immense wealth from a long line of Parsee bankers. They have adopted as a sort of trademark, a nickname given by some wag to the founder of the family, in the last century because of his immense fortune and success in trade. Mr. Readymoney, or Sir Jehangir, as he is commonly known, the present head ...
— Modern India • William Eleroy Curtis

... mystery. Music that can be made by 'recipe' is not music, but 'tailoring.' To be sure, this tailoring may serve to cover a beautiful thought; but—why cover it? and, worst of all, why cover it (if covered it must be: if the trademark of nationality is indispensable, which I deny)—why cover it with the badge of whilom slavery rather than with the stern but at least manly and free rudeness of the North American Indian? If what is called local tone colour is necessary to music (which it most emphatically is not), why not ...
— Edward MacDowell • Lawrence Gilman

... and hardier than any other worthwhile filbert or hybrid that we have. This hardiness is no doubt due to the fact that the mother plant was an ordinary wild Wisconsin hazel. These hybrids, from the native hazels, we call "Hazilberts," and have obtained a United States trademark on all plants produced after this manner. Here again I have not recommended nor sold any of these because of my lack of knowledge as to the correct pollinizer; this has yet to be developed. They do not pollinize themselves nor do they pollinize each other satisfactorily. ...
— Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943 • Various

Words linked to "Trademark" :   velcro, Zovirax, loafer, Courtelle, Lastex, Mylanta, Kleenex, Linotype, Kitty Litter, Mecholyl, Ping-Pong, Plasticine, Vaseline, tag, Linotype machine, Hypertensin, Imuran, pablum, Lego, St. Joseph, Viyella, google, Tums, Panadol, Identikit picture, Azactam, SK-Ampicillin, Alka-seltzer, Aqua-Lung, Lego set, Elinvar, stylemark, Rolaids, band aid, Dacron, mold, Zyloprim, Segway, Aflaxen, marking, mapquest, Ask Jeeves, Pyrex, Segway Human Transporter, earmark, Elspar, Link trainer, label, Inconel, Styrofoam, Jaws of Life, Benzedrine, Rolodex, alar, wordnet, hoover, Wiffle, Twinkie, Winchester, Weston cell, Drambuie, Stanley Steamer, Formica, luger, Inocor, Humvee, Dumpster, Invar, Linux, Hum-Vee, Tylenol, Datril, marker, BVD, caterpillar, Skivvies, Identikit, Aleve, Harris Tweed, Mylar, Victrola, Kwell, Elavil, Pepto-bismal, logotype, Fosamax, Jell-O, Lucite, file, Patent and Trademark Office Database, Brioschi, Segway HT, brand, Bufferin, carborundum, Meccano set, Teleprompter, iPod, Terylene, Windows, sharpie, scotch tape, Maalox, Anaprox, characteristic, Lipitor, Elastoplast, Nichrome, RU 486, Rollerblade, Plexiglas, Duralumin, Masonite, roneo, Liederkranz, mould, logo, sellotape, Bakelite, Frisbee, Capoten, Walkman, Wedgwood, Bayer, Empirin, Ultrasuede, Spode, scrabble, BuSpar, Elixophyllin, Freon, Sno-cat, Clorox, Chemical Mace, yahoo, mace, Roneograph, Realtor, Parcheesi, Crock Pot, Bromo-seltzer, Levi's, mark, spam, Sheetrock, Model T, Crazy Glue, silex, video iPod, Vinylite, Carboloy, Microtaggant, Terramycin, Phillips screw, Princeton WordNet, brandmark, Perspex, Photostat machine, Ventolin, Principen, Teflon, Seeing Eye dog, photostat, Phenaphen, colt, register, Slo-Bid, Lilo, hallmark, Tempra, Anacin III, Meccano, Proventil, Malathion, monopoly, Wiffle Ball, Theobid, Polycillin, Cordarone, Stellite, Pernod, Life Saver, BVD's, Orlon

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