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Video   /vˈɪdioʊ/   Listen

The visible part of a television transmission.  Synonym: picture.
A recording of both the visual and audible components (especially one containing a recording of a movie or television program).  Synonym: video recording.
(computer science) the appearance of text and graphics on a video display.
Broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects.  Synonyms: telecasting, television, TV.  "Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done"

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"Video" Quotes from Famous Books

... with arguments that he does not understand; there is a wall between them. More than a wall; there is a world between them! It is his 'credo' against their 'ignoro'; it is, his 'expecto' against their 'non video'. Yet in his 'credo' there lies a power of which they do not dream; and it rings out in a trumpet note across the centuries, saluting the life force that opposes its irresistible "I will" to the feeble "Thou canst not" of the worldly-wise. Thus, in about the year 1483, ...
— Christopher Columbus, Complete • Filson Young

... which would be efficacious, but which is repugnant to his habits. Work without hope of profits! That cannot be, for it would be self-destruction. He would like to, perhaps; he has not the courage. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor. The retired proprietor is really the owl of the fable gathering beech-nuts for its mutilated mice until it is ready to devour them. Is society also to be blamed for these effects of a passion so long, so freely, ...
— The Philosophy of Misery • Joseph-Pierre Proudhon

... xix. absolutely perfect. The other sentiment that men can make themselves perfect is equally wide of the truth. Intelligence and goodness by no means stand to each other in the relation of cause and effect. The sayings of Ovid, 'Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor,' 'Nitimur in velitum semper. cupimusque negata,' are a more correct expression of the facts of human consciousness and conduct than the high-flown praises of Confucius. 7. But Tsze-sze adopts the dicta of his grandfather without ...
— THE CHINESE CLASSICS (PROLEGOMENA) Unicode Version • James Legge

... on board the slaver were ample for the negroes, consisting of Monte Video dried beef, small beans, rice, and cassava flour. The cabin stores were profuse; lockers filled with ale and porter, barrels of wine, liqueurs of various sorts, cases of English pickles, raisins, &c. &c.; and its list of ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXLII. Vol. LV. April, 1844 • Various

... years that they have been systematically colonised by England. The first governor, Lieutenant Moody, arrived there in 1842, when the site of the intended town was changed from Port Louis to Port Stanley. As a proof of the value of the islands, Mr Lafosse, a British merchant at Monte Video, paid 60,000 pounds to have the right over all cattle of every description to be found on the East Falklands, for six years and a half. From what I heard, the climate is very healthy. It is at times windy, but in summer it is as mild and dry as the south of England. In winter the cold ...
— A Voyage round the World - A book for boys • W.H.G. Kingston

... well, risking his life for the protection of the ship's officers—from the soldiers who had been put on board to support law and order! (He afterwards settled in the Brazils, and received his pardon from England.) The ship was carried by the mutineers into Monte Video and there given up to the Spaniards, who later, finding the true character of the people on board of her, hanged the ringleader and delivered up others of her crew to the English naval authorities. ...
— The Naval Pioneers of Australia • Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery

... that "if he had thought as highly of the Secretaryship to the Pope, as many did, he would long before have gone back to it; and that if he lost everything, from what he now had, he would not want."—"Video quae Cardinalis Pisanus scribit de Secretariatu. Sane si ego illud officium tantum existimarem, quantum nonnulli, ego jamdudum istuc rediissem: sed si omnia deficerent, hoc quod nunc habeo, non deerit mihi. ...
— Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century • John Wilson Ross

... in or used in conjunction with a limited purpose computer that is designed for playing video games and may be designed ...
— Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92 • Library of Congress. Copyright Office.

Words linked to "Video" :   instant replay, television set, couch potato, visual communication, television receiver, audio, videocassette, replay, action replay, high-definition television, HDTV, television system, cable television, televise, closed-captioned, cable, telecast, television, idiot box, tv set, broadcasting, picture, telly, goggle box, colorcast, computing, computer science, recording, sound, boob tube, frequency band, waveband

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