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Water bottle   /wˈɔtər bˈɑtəl/   Listen
Water bottle

A bottle for holding water.

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"Water bottle" Quotes from Famous Books

... fell on the slide which the town laddies had made in the street, and tailor Coats ran to get some one to help to carry her home, "the minister's lass" lifted her in her arms, and had her in her bed with a hot-water bottle at her feet before he came back again. And while every other woman in the street needed to take at least one rest, at a neighbour's door, between the pump and her own, "the minister's lass," turning neither head nor eye, moved on without a pause, till she disappeared round the ...
— Allison Bain - By a Way she knew not • Margaret Murray Robertson

... exercises there must never be any sort of push anywhere, neither in the chest nor throat. Such methods are absolutely wrong, because so wasteful of energy. The tone should come as spontaneously and inevitably as the gas from a soda-water bottle when the cork is slightly loosened, or, if this illustration be too strong (it is employed because gas, air, is concerned in each case), let us say, as water from the pipe of a waterworks' system when the tap is turned. The tone should come, the ...
— Voice Production in Singing and Speaking - Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged) • Wesley Mills

... readily, much to the joy of the sender and the discomfiture of Abdul. The Indians were always very solicitous about their wounded. When one came in to be attended to, he was always followed by two of his chums bearing, one a water bottle, the other some food, for their caste prohibits their taking anything directly from our hands. When medicine had to be administered, the man came in, knelt down, and opened his mouth, and the medicine ...
— Five Months at Anzac • Joseph Lievesley Beeston

... the first gunbearers. The second men were, in our case, selected from the native porters, and were subject to the orders of the first gunbearer. The first gunbearer carries your field-glasses and your light, long-range rifle; the second gunbearer carries your camera, your water bottle, and your heavy cordite double-barreled rifle. In close quarters, as in a lion fight, the first gunbearer crouches at your elbow, hands the big rifle to you; you fire, and he immediately takes the rifle and places in your hands the other rifle, ready for firing. By the time ...
— In Africa - Hunting Adventures in the Big Game Country • John T. McCutcheon

... pepper with a little ginger in sweetened hot water and drink it. Get into bed at once. Cover with blankets and put hot water bottle at feet. ...
— Camping For Boys • H.W. Gibson

... a policy of rousing and irritating the patient. All through the reign of Abdul Hamid they persevered: Great Britain plucked his pillow from him, so to speak, by her protectorate of Egypt; Russia tweaked Eastern Rumelia from him; France deprived him of his hot-water bottle when she snatched at the Constantinople quays, and they all shook and slapped him when he went to war with Greece in 1896, and instantly deprived him of the territory he had won in Thessaly. That was the principle ...
— Crescent and Iron Cross • E. F. Benson

... open the window. "Let us air the room! Supposing you were to drink some water, dear friend? You have had a slight fit!" He was on the point of going to the door to give his orders to a servant, when he saw a water bottle in a corner. "Drink, batuchka!" he murmured, whilst approaching the young man with the bottle, "that ...
— The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations • Julian Hawthorne

... there, an' give you something you'll feel." This so startles the young man that he immediately goes to sleep again; and the operation has to be repeated several times. A father knows nothing about this trouble. He merely opens his mouth as a soda-water bottle ejects its cork, and the "JOHN HENRY" that cleaves the air of that stairway goes into that boy like electricity, and pierces the deepest recesses of his nature, and he pops out of that bed, and into his clothes, and down the stairs, with a promptness that is commendable. ...
— The Canadian Elocutionist • Anna Kelsey Howard

... said the woman of the waiting-room, as she turned back to the deal table with the water bottle and the tract. "Just like ...
— Under False Pretences - A Novel • Adeline Sergeant

... visitor there may be in the house is ready with suggestions of alternative remedies, recalling numerous interesting and instructive examples. Light and nourishing dishes are prepared for my dinner; a hot-water bottle is placed in my bed; and in the bedroom a fire is lit. I retire to rest at 9.30, and, having disrobed and covered myself with an augmented supply of blankets, I am brought a glass of hot milk by one of my sisters, who gently places my dressing-gown ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, November 4, 1914 • Various

... anything, not even the advertisements. My nurse, among others, became affected with the prevailing feeling of scepticism and refused to accept my word for it that I was still seriously ill. Even when I succeeded, by placing it against the hot water bottle in the bottom of my bed, in running up her thermometer to 103 degrees, she merely smiled. And yet a temperature of that kind ought to have convinced her that I ...
— Lalage's Lovers - 1911 • George A. Birmingham

... was on her feet, had upset Daisy's improvised table of sticks and paper napkins in her haste to secure the water bottle, and was now running over the ...
— The Motor Girls on a Tour • Margaret Penrose

Words linked to "Water bottle" :   hot-water bottle, bottle, lota

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