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Windage   Listen

The retarding force of air friction on a moving object.
The space between the projectile of a smoothbore gun and the surface of the bore of the gun.
Exposure to the wind (as the exposed part of a vessel's hull which is responsible for wind resistance).  Synonym: wind exposure.
The deflection of a projectile resulting from the effects of wind.  Synonym: wind deflection.

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"Windage" Quotes from Famous Books

... combination of sarcastic respect and contemptuous politeness produced an insolence that none except kings would tolerate for a moment; but Jinendra's fat high priest could guess how far he dared go, as shrewdly as a marksman's guesses windage. ...
— Guns of the Gods • Talbot Mundy

... the British shot, and some of the older ones, about 9 per cent. The average is safe to take at 7 per cent. less, and I shall throughout make this allowance for ocean cruisers. The deficit was sometimes owing to windage, but more often the shot was of full size but defective in density. The effect of this can be gathered from the following quotation from the work of a British artillerist: "The greater the density of shot of like calibres, projected with equal velocity and elevation, the greater the range, accuracy, ...
— The Naval War of 1812 • Theodore Roosevelt

Words linked to "Windage" :   exposure, wind deflection, retarding force, drag, deflexion, bending, diameter, diam, deflection

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