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Yak   /jæk/   Listen

Noisy talk.  Synonyms: cackle, chatter, yack, yakety-yak.
Large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated.  Synonym: Bos grunniens.

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"Yak" Quotes from Famous Books

... resolved to indicate his power by some title worthy of the great position he had gained. All the Mongol chiefs were summoned to the grand council or Kuriltai of the tribe, and around the national ensign, composed of nine white yak-tails, planted in the centre of the camp, the warriors gathered to hear the opinion of their chief. It was proclaimed to them that Temujin was not content with the title of Gur Khan, to which its former bearers had not given dignity, ...
— Historic Tales, Vol. 12 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality • Charles Morris

... handsome personage is the Most Noble Yak, His mantle is a fringe of hair that drapes his sides and back; He's very, very grand, indeed, when he stands up, you see— In fact, he's just as noble as a ...
— Animal Children - The Friends of the Forest and the Plain • Edith Brown Kirkwood

... then an' never got a cent of the money. Then, there's Jennie over to the hotel. We'd about decided that bartendin' an' hash-slingin' wasn't gittin' us nowheres an' we was goin' to hitch up an' turn nesters on a little yak outfit I've bought over on Eagle." He stopped abruptly and looked the cowpuncher squarely in the eye. "If it wasn't fer her, by God! I'd tell you jest as I did before, to git to hell out of here an' do your damnedest. But it would ...
— The Texan - A Story of the Cattle Country • James B. Hendryx

... the next room, the housekeeper's room—very comfortable, yak (oak) all round—there was a fine fire blazin' away, wi' coal, and peat, and wood, all in a low together, and tea on the table, and hot cake, and smokin' meat; and there was Mrs. Wyvern, fat, jolly, and talkin' away, more in an hour than my ...
— Madam Crowl's Ghost and The Dead Sexton • Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

... "Aiawong" and which is spoken with slight variations from the Lake Alexandrina, up to the Darling. Secondly, the "Boraipar," or language of the natives to the east of the Murray, and which appears in its variations to branch into that of the south-eastern tribes; and thirdly, the "Yak-kumban," or dialect spoken by the natives, inhabiting the country to the north-west and north of the Murray, and which extends along the range of hills from Mount Bryant to the Darling near Laidley's Ponds, and forms in ...
— Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central • Edward John Eyre

... good to live and pose as the pious animals who do not want to associate with the bad animals and are constantly wearing an air of "I am holier than any of you," but they will reach through the bars of their cage and steal alfalfa from the Yak and the mule deer, and if they kick about it the sacred cattle look hurt and act like it was part of their duty to take up a collection, and they bellow a sort of ...
— Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus • George W. Peck

... manufacture of rugs cover a wide range, and are indigenous to the place where the weavers are located. Sheep's wool, camel's hair, mohair from the Angora goat, hair from the yak and from the Thibetan goat, silk, cotton, linen, hemp, flax, and jute are all used. In the Spring the raw wool is generally taken to the nearest market, where it is cleaned, washed, and spun. The cleansing process is very necessary, as it affects in an important ...
— Rugs: Oriental and Occidental, Antique & Modern - A Handbook for Ready Reference • Rosa Belle Holt

Words linked to "Yak" :   idle talk, prate, intercommunicate, Bos, blether, wild ox, talk, prattle, talking, chin music, ox, communicate, genus Bos

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