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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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in a beastly manner
in a broad way
in a flash
in a heartfelt way
in a higher place
in a low voice
in a nutshell
in a pig s eye
in a similar way
in a way
in absentia
in advance 1
in advance 2
in agreement
in all
in all likelihood
in all probability
in an elaborate way
in and of itself
in any case
in any event
in apposition
in arrears
in basket
in between
in both ears
in bounds
in brief
in camera
in case
in chief
in chorus
in circles
in cold blood
in common
in concert
in conclusion
in condition
in darkness
in demand
in detail
in dishabille
in due course
in due season
in due time
in earnest
in effect 1
in effect 2
in essence
in everyone s thoughts
in evidence
in extremis
in fact
in fighting
in fiscal matters
in flight
in for
in force
in front
in full
in full action
in full swing
in gear
in general
in good order
in good spirits
in good taste
in good time
in great confusion
in hand
in haste
in height
in her own right
in her right mind
in hiding
in high spirits
in his own right
in his right mind
in its own right
in joke
in kind
in large quantities
in law
in league
in line 1
in line 2
in line skate
in loco parentis
in love
in low spirits
in migration
in name
in name only
in no time
in on