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trailblazer - transaction
transaction file - transiency
transient - transparency
transparent - trapezium bone
trapezius - traverse
traverse city - tree lizard
tree lupine - trendsetting
trendy - tribe bovini
tribe bubalus - trichuriasis
trichys - trigonometric function
trigonometrician - trionyx spiniferus
triopidae - tritely
triteness - trooper
troops - trout
trout lily - truly
truman - trustworthy
trusty - tubelike
tuber - tulipa gesneriana
tulipa suaveolens - tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum
tunicata - turgot
turin - turnaround
turnaround time - tussock
tussock bellflower - twentieth century
twenty - twist
twist around - two year old
two year old horse - typical
typical jerboa - ubiety
ubiquinone - ulmus serotina
ulmus thomasii - umbo
umbra - unaffectedness
unaffecting - unattractive
unattractively - unbrace
unbraced - uncivilly
unclad - unconnected
unconnectedness - undamaged
undatable - underestimate
underestimation - understandable
understandably - undock
undocumented - unenthusiastic
unenthusiastically - unfavorably
unfavourable - ungarmented
ungathered - unhinged
unhitch - uninflected
uninfluenced - unit
unit cell - unitedly
uniting - unlatched
unlaureled - unmelodic
unmelodious - unoffending
unofficial - unpleasantness
unpleasing - unranked
unratable - unresentful
unreserved - unscholarly
unschooled - unsnarled
unsnarling - unsuccessful person
unsuccessfully - unthought of
unthoughtful - unvaried
unvariedness - unwritten law
unyielding - upper carboniferous period
upper case letter - upton sinclair
uptown - urethra
urethral - ursine dasyure
ursinia - uselessly
uselessness - utopian
utopian - vaccinia
vaccinia gangrenosa - valedictory
valedictory - value judgment
value orientation - vanishing point
vanishingly - variegation
varietal - vastly
vastness - vegetative cell
vegetive - vena cerebellum
vena cerebri - vena stylomastoidea
vena subclavia - venezuelan
venezuelan - venus maidenhair
venus mercenaria - verify
verifying - vertebral
vertebral arch - vespa crabro
vespasian - viagra
vial - victimization
victimize - viewpoint
vigdis finnbogadottir - vindictive
vindictively - violet flowered
violet flowered petunia - virginia serpentary
virginia snakeroot - viscosimetry
viscosity - visualize
visualized - vivace
vivace - vogue
voguish - volume
volume detonation bomb - voting trust