"Abord" Quotes from Famous Books
... Sans doute, la saison etait fort seche, car il demanda d'abord au ciel d'envoyer de la pluie. ... — Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell
... safegard of our ship keeping still our company: and after we were come to an anker, wee bestowed 15 dayes in prouiding our selues many necessary things, whither euery day the people repaired to see our ship bringing their wiues with them, whereof they were very ielous: and they themselues entring abord the ship and staying there a good space, caused their wiues to stay in their boats, and for all the entreatie we could make, offring to giue them diuers things, we could neuer obtaine that they would suffer them to come abord our ship. And oftentimes one of the two kings comming with his ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt
... un assez long exil, 'refusa d'abord l'honneur de baptiser' l'enfant de son maitre: 'mais les instances que le roi lui fit faire par Ouen et Eloi firent ceder sa modestie a l'obeissance. L'enfant fut aussitot apporte le saint eveque l'ayant pris entre ses bras, lui donna sa benediction, et recita les prieres pour le faire catechumene. ... — Notes and Queries, Number 57, November 30, 1850 • Various
... le Ministre, de vous donner d'abord un apercu des doubles qui existent dans quelques bibliotheques de l'etranger et de la France. C'est un essai de statistique qui fera comprendre, mieux que tous les raisonnements, les profits que l'on doit attendre des ... — Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various
... remarkably short period of time. M. Prony, to whom the superintendence of this great undertaking was confided, in speaking of its commencement, observes: Je m'y livrai avec toute l'ardeur dont j'etois capable, et je m'occupai d'abord du plan general de l'execution. Toutes les conditions que j'avois a remplir necessitoient l'emploi d'un grand nombre de calculateurs; et il me vint bientot a la pensee d'appliquer a la connection de ces Tables la ... — On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures • Charles Babbage |