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Aubin   Listen
Aubin  n.  A broken gait of a horse, between an amble and a gallop; commonly called a Canterbury gallop.

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"Aubin" Quotes from Famous Books

... a little lighter. There, it is twenty minutes after twelve, and now I shall give it up entirely. Oh! That we had such weather here as they had at Udolpho, or at least in Tuscany and the south of France!—the night that poor St. Aubin died!—such beautiful weather!" ...
— Persuasion • Jane Austen

... claim as their common ancestors Claude Lorraine, Watteau, Turner, Monticelli. Watteau, Latour, Largilliere, Fragonard, Saint-Aubin, Moreau, and Eisen are their sponsors in the matters of design, subject, realism, study of life, new conceptions of beauty and portraiture. Mythology, allegory, historic themes, the neo-Greek and the ...
— Promenades of an Impressionist • James Huneker

... had any decided heretical inclinations is doubtful; but he wrote against the celibacy of the priesthood, and was suspected of liberal opinions in religion. A Capuchin named Tranquille (a contemporary) has furnished the materials for the 'History of the Devils of Loudun' by the Protestant Aubin, 1716. ...
— The Superstitions of Witchcraft • Howard Williams

... exercised in one direction. Occasionally the feelings of the conquered population had evidently to be consulted, as in 1425, when Geoffroy Cordeboeuf was chosen to bear the shrine, who had murdered an Englishman at Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer. There was a lengthy discussion over this, during which it is recorded that the year before, the disputing canons in their ecclesiastical costume had gone to the tavern of the Lion d'Or to drink with Lieutenant ...
— The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook

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