"Auf" Quotes from Famous Books
... he listened, motionless, to the first weird whispering bars of Grieg's Folkscene, "Auf den Bergen," then the book was pushed hastily aside and the lamp blown out. Rob—rudely awakened from a delectable dream of cats and the naked calves of unsuspecting coolies—found himself plunged in darkness, and ... — Captain Desmond, V.C. • Maud Diver
... schon auf deinem Missgeschick? Gieb Acht! Du bruetest mir noch ein Ei, ein Basilisken-Ei, aus deinem ... — A Book of Burlesques • H. L. Mencken
... upper floor; whilst a third wall forms a southern spine bisecting the tail of the "Jezirat." The castle is much more dilapidated than when sketched by Ruppell, the first Frank who visited El-'Akabah, in 1826. His illustration (p. 214) of Ruinen auf der Insel Emrag shows a single compact building in good preservation, the towers being round, when all are square; and it is garnished with the impossible foreground and background of his epoch; the former, enlivened with a Noah's-Ark camel, being placed quite close, when it is distant ... — The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton
... author. Baron Eoetvoes, has just published a work called Ueber den Einfluss der Neuen Ideen auf den Staat (On the influence of new ideas upon the State). He argues that the students of social and political science should confine themselves strictly to the method received in the natural sciences, and employed there with such success; first establish what are the genuine experimental phenomena, ... — The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II • Various
... [Footnote 16: "Auf das was vor mir steht zeige ich; was in mir vorgeht druecke ich durch Toene und Gebehrden aus; was aber abwesend oder einst geschah bedarf, wenn es vernehmlich werden soll einer zusammenhangend geordneten Rede. ... — Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight
... was made to this number by the discoveries of Gruithuisen, and, a short time after, by those of Lohrmann, who in twelve months (1823-24) detected seventy. Kinau, Madler, and finally Schmidt, followed, till, in 1866, when the latter published his work, Ueber Rillen auf dem Monde, ... — The Moon - A Full Description and Map of its Principal Physical Features • Thomas Gwyn Elger
... songs, he has endeavored to make an exact rendering of the thought rather than to be literal. And yet in some cases he is both, as for instance in the much quoted Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne, and Nacht lag auf meinen Augen. The publishers have done their part to make the volume outwardly attractive. It is printed on heavy paper, is beautifully illustrated and handsomely bound. Coming at this season it makes an appropriate ... — The Bay State Monthly, Vol. II, No. 6, March, 1885 - A Massachusetts Magazine • Various
... Weh! Die schoene welt. Sie stuerzt, sie zerfaellt Wir tragen Die Truemmern ins Nichts hinueber. Maechtiger Der Erdensoehne, Praechtiger, Baue sie wieder In deinem Busen baue sie auf." ... — Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews • Thomas Henry Huxley
... to stand, from the fact that he fell upon me while I was sitting in a Morris chair. He was barely able to talk, and just prior to my leaving he insisted upon scrawling upon his visiting card, "Zur freundlichen Errinerung, auf einen sehr spaeten Abend." (Friendly remembrances of a very late evening.) Since it was still very early in the morning, it may be realized that he had lost all idea of his whereabouts. Nevertheless, he sat at the ... — Great Pianists on Piano Playing • James Francis Cooke
... belonged to the man the shark swallowed. Swallowed him in the Thames, without a doubt; for you will notice that the last entry in the book is dated 'London,' and is of the same date as the Times, and says, 'Ber confequentz der Kreigeseflarun, reife ich heute nach Deutchland ab, aur bak ich mein leben auf dem Ultar meines Landes legen mag'——, as clean native German as anybody can put upon paper, and means that in consequence of the declaration of war, this loyal soul is leaving for home to-day, to fight. And he did leave, too, but the shark ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... of Gulliver's Travels. As a specimen of the writer's humour, his account of what happens when fermentation comes to an end may suffice. "Sobald naemlich die Thiere keinen Zucker mehr vorfinden, so fressen sie sich gegenseitig selbst auf, was durch eine eigene Manipulation geschicht; alles wird verdaut bis auf die Eier, welche unveraendert durch den Darmkanal hineingehen; man hat zuletzt wieder gaehrungsfaehige Hefe, naemlich den Saamen ... — Critiques and Addresses • Thomas Henry Huxley
... opinion is Auffidius, That they of Rome are entred in our Counsailes, And know how we proceede, Auf. Is it not yours? What euer haue bin thought one in this State That could be brought to bodily act, ere Rome Had circumuention: 'tis not foure dayes gone Since I heard thence, these are the words, I thinke I haue the Letter heere: yes, ... — The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare
... Liebe Verspreche ich auf dieses Jahr. Der Herr schenk' mir nur gute Treibe, Und mache all' mein Wunschen ... — The Life of Friedrich Schiller - Comprehending an Examination of His Works • Thomas Carlyle
... pretty governess, a great friend of mine, who had charge of two children. Meeting her one day in the park, at a sign from me she pressed the children's hats down over their eyes with "Kinder, setzt eure Hute fester auf!" and in that blessed instant cast up her beautiful lips and was kissed. I don't know whether we were overseen; certain it is that in the next number of the Fliegende Blatter the scene was well depicted, ... — Memoirs • Charles Godfrey Leland
... "Feldt Urtel auf erden, als ir dort woldt geurtheilt werden," in the German and Latin languages, and below this motto, urging the magistrates to justice, was a large fresco representing the unjust judge Sisamnes being flayed ... — Uarda • Georg Ebers
... possible weight, has determined that the ultra-violet rays of light are necessary to the chemical changes essential to the formation of the reproductive organs. (J. Sachs, "Ueber die Wirkung der ultravioletten Strahlen auf die Bluethenbildung," Gesammelte Abhandlungen ueber Pflanzen-Physiologie, Vol. I, pp. 293ff.) More recently, Klebs has shown that by diminishing the intensity of light the development of female sex organs in ferns can be interrupted, ... — Sex and Society • William I. Thomas
... so will ich, ein fuer allemal, Keine Bestien in dem Goettersaal! Die leidigen Elephantenruessel, Das umgeschlungene Schlangengenuessel, Tief Urschildkroet' im Weltensumpf, Viel Koenigskoepf' auf einem Rumpf, Die muessen uns zur Verzweiflung bringen, Wird ... — The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany • Arthur F. J. Remy
... Trieb noch Hang: ueber religioese Gegenstaende glaubten wir uns selbst aufgeklaert zu haben, und so war der heftige Streit franzoesischer Philosophen mit dem Pfafftum uns ziemlich gleichgueltig. Verbotene, zurn Feuer verdaminte Buecher, welche damals grossen Laermen machten, uebten keine Wirkung auf uns. Ich gedenke statt aller des Systeme de la Nature, das wir aus Neugier in die Hand nahmen. Wir begriffen nicht, wie ein solches Buch gefaehrlich sein koennte. Es kam uns so grau, so cimmerisch, so totenhaft vor, ... — Baron d'Holbach • Max Pearson Cushing
... I did was to take down his name and promise to send him a completed copy of his picture in the care of his regiment and brigade; and the last I saw of him he was half out of a car window waving good-by to us and wishing us auf wiedersehen as he was borne away ... — Paths of Glory - Impressions of War Written At and Near the Front • Irvin S. Cobb
... House," "Auf Wiedersehen (Summer)" and the "Palinode (Autumn)," in which the first grief had deepened while losing its acuteness, and the feeling of loneliness had taken largely the place of the first desolation, the wrenching apart ... — The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I • Stillman, William James
... Historical Essays, iv., 253. Nothing but a thorough knowledge of the social system, based upon a regular study of its growth, can give us the power we require to affect it.—HARRISON, Meaning of History, 19. Eine Sache wird nur vollig auf dem Wege verstanden, wie sie selbst entsteht.—In dem genetischen Verfahren sind the Grunde der Sache, auch die Grunde des Erkennens.—TRENDELENBURG, Logische Untersuchungen, ii. ... — Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton
... ein gefaehrliches Spiel, wenn man nicht ueberall offen und bescheiden bekennt, dass man ganz von den Englaendern abhange: ja man scheitert gewiss, wenn man mit der einen Hand allen Stoff von dem man lebt und athmet ihnen entnimmt, und mit der andern zum Dank Hohn und Beleidigung auf ihren Namen wirft. Vorrede, pp. ... — The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.] - Introduction and Publisher's Advertising • William Shakespeare
... soldierly-looking Herr Foerster stood by their carriage and gave them a "Glueck-liche Reise!" and a warm "Auf Wiedersehen!" as they drove away. Returning up the steps slowly and seriously, he caught the eye of Sepp and Federl, who had been looking after the carriage as it turned out of ... — In the Quarter • Robert W. Chambers
... those Germans had been, sun and green-leaf lovers, for whom "Frisch Auf" seemed the most natural of national cries. Mr. Britling thought of the individual Germans who had made up the assembly, of the men's amusingly fierce little hats of green and blue with an inevitable feather thrust perkily into the hatband behind, of the kindly plumpnesses behind their turned-up ... — Mr. Britling Sees It Through • H. G. Wells
... hard to find where Louvain used to stand. For generations people will come here to see what we have done, and it will teach them to respect Germany and to think twice before they resist her. Not one stone on another, I tell you—kein Stein auf einander!" ... — A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson
... lay—Brooks or Midway. A volume of Macaulay's "Essays" and a shilling Shakespeare led the van of the belles lettres; the rest were novels. Several Miss Braddon's—of course, "Aurora Floyd," which has penetrated to every island of the Pacific, a good many cheap detective books, "Rob Roy," Auerbach's "Auf der Hoehe," in the German, and a prize temperance story, pillaged (to judge by the stamp) ... — The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 13 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson
... followed Kellner, though Boehtlingk's version is more literal and Oriental: "Mir aber brennt Liebe, O Grausamer, Tag und Nacht gewaltig die Glieder, deren Wuensche auf dich ... — Primitive Love and Love-Stories • Henry Theophilus Finck
... Land is, according to its proper signification, unknown; but that as Adam of Bremen places Amazons on the Baltic coast, probably from mistaking of the Mazovians? it is possible that Maegthaland has thus arisen. In 1822 Dahlmann (Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte, t. i. 422.) gave a German version of King Alfred's narration, where the passage is also correctly translated; but as regards the illustration of the names of the people of Sclavonic race, much yet ... — Notes and Queries, Number 20, March 16, 1850 • Various
... of poems by this author recently appeared under the title Pownenky no cestach Zivota, od Waclawa Stulce, Prague 1845, which has been translated into German: Errinnerungsblumen auf dem Lebenswege, aus den Neuczechischen, von J. Wenzig, ... — Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic - Nations • Therese Albertine Louise von Jacob Robinson
... ich so wrtlich als mglich bersetzt, da Treue das erste Erforderniss einer guten bersetzung ist. Dann aber war mein Augenmerk vorzglich auf Wohlklang und Verstndlichkeit gerichtet. Letztere werden bei bersetzungen dieser Art nur zu oft vernachlssigt, da manche der Ansicht sind, ihre Arbeit sei um so besser, je treuer sie die ussere Form des Originals in allen Einzelheiten wiedergebe. Aber dieweil diese so mhsam an ... — The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker
... "Auf viedersehn, mein Oscar!" she replied as she passed him, leaving the sensation of a gentle flutter of her hand in his. "We shall understand each other better ... — The Mummy and Miss Nitocris - A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension • George Griffith
... origine delle parole zero e cifra," Ateneo, Anno I, No. 11, reprinted at Naples in 1903, where the use of the point and the small cross for zero is also mentioned. Th. H. Martin, Les signes numeraux etc., reprint p. 30, and J. Brandis, Das Muenz-, Mass- und Gewichtswesen in Vorderasien bis auf Alexander den Grossen, Berlin, 1866, p. 10, also discuss this usage of [Greek: o], without the notion of place value, ... — The Hindu-Arabic Numerals • David Eugene Smith
... his English was not good enough to pray in; so he said a little prayer in German, but everybody sort of felt as though they understood it, and of course some did. And then he put his helmet back, and shook hands very straight and stiff with our officer, and said, 'Auf wiedersehn,' and turned away. And everybody shook hands and went back to their own trenches, and long after dark they kept calling to ... — Shelled by an Unseen Foe • James Fiske
... state-room. Into that state-room has been sent a most lovely basket of flowers. It is not an ordinary basket of flowers, I assure you, ladies. There is a beautiful floral arch over a bed of colour, and I believe there is some tender sentiment connected with the display;—'Bon Voyage,' 'Auf Wiedersehen,' or some such motto marked out in red buds. Now those flowers are not for me. I think, therefore, that Mr. Blair owes it to this company, which has so unanimously placed him at the head of the table, to explain how it comes that an elderly ... — In a Steamer Chair And Other Stories • Robert Barr
... Freunden dadurch wieder anzuknuepfen, mit neuen es fortzusetzen, und in der letzten Generation sich wieder andere fur seine uebrige Lebenszeit zu gewinnen. Er wuenscht der Jugend die Umwege zu ersparen, auf denen er sich selbst verirrte. ... — Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
... und Sprachpsychologie, mit Rucksicht auf B. Delbrueck's "Grundfragen der Sprachforschung." ... — Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene • G. Stanley Hall
... of the same length as the 'obi-todee-auf-catana,' or 'great fighting-sword.' They are made of split canes, bound tightly together, and are ... — Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs • J. M. W. Silver
... Faustus zu dieser Frist Aus Auerbach's Keller geritten ist, Auf einem Fass mit Wein geschwind, Welches gesehn manch Mutterkind. Solches durch seine subtilne Kunst hat gethan, Und des Teufels Lohn empfangen ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, Issue 12, October, 1858 • Various
... Auctoren (the opposers of the theory) nicht besitzen. Zweitens ist fuer ein klares und zutreffendes Urtheil in diesem Sachen eine ruecksichtslose Hingabe an vernunftgemaesse Erkenntniss und eine dadurch bedingte Resignation auf uralte, liebgewordene und tief vererbte Vorurtheile erforderlich, zu welcher sich die ... — What is Darwinism? • Charles Hodge
... round, he went to bid his friends good-bye and explained that he must be going home tomorrow. On leaving the house that night, he looked back at the ruddy windows and told himself that it was goodbye indeed, and not, as Mrs. Erlich had fondly said, auf wiedersehen. Coming here only made him more discontented with his lot; his frail claim on this kind of life existed no longer. He must settle down into something that was his own, take hold of it with both hands, no matter how grim it was. The next day, during his journey out through the bleak ... — One of Ours • Willa Cather
... impossible to say how long they might not have staid watching Hermione, but that after a time the sketch was finished, and the young lady after writing beneath it Schiller's well known line in Wallenstein, arose. "Das ist das Loos des Schoenen auf der Erde."[1] ... — The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales • Mrs. Alfred Gatty
... Bilder Hefte zur Geschichte des Bcherhandels und der mit demselben verwandten Knste und Gewerbe. 11 Hefte mit 65 Taf., enthalt. Facs. Reprod. von Portraits berhmter Buchhndler, auf den Buchhandel bezgl. Schriftstcke, Initialen, ... — Printers' Marks - A Chapter in the History of Typography • William Roberts
... Regierung kann sich der Besorgniss nicht erwehren, dass Belgien, trotz besten Willens, nicht im Staende sein wird, ohne Hilfe einen franzoesischen Vormarsch mit so grosser Aussicht auf Erfolg abzuwehren, dass darin eine ausreichende Sicherheit gegen die Bedrohung Deutschlands gefunden werden kann. Es ist ein Gebot der Selbsterhaltung fuer Deutschland, dem feindlichen Angriff zuvorzukommen. Mit dem groessten Bedauerns ... — A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson
... camp-songs, and artistic renderings of martial subjects by professed poets. The people no longer do the fighting; they foot the bills and write melancholy hymns. Weckerlin (1584-1651) wrote some hearty and simple things; among others, Frisch auf, ihr tapfere Soldaten, "Ye soldiers bold, be full of cheer." Michael Altenburg, (1583-1640,) who served on the Protestant side, wrote a hymn after the Battle of Leipsic, 1631, from the watch word, "God with us," which was given ... — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 10, No. 57, July, 1862 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various
... ersten Bevollmaechtigten und Kongress-Praesidenten Herrn Fuersten von Metternich an die Deputierten der Israelitischen Gemeinde der Stadt Frankfurt-am-Main als Antwort auf die von diesen an den Kongress eingereichte Bittschrift. Datiert Wien, 9ten ... — Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf
... pronouns, and in their frequent adverbial construction;"[8] and in a letter written me shortly before his death, he remarks, in speaking of the similarity of these three tongues: "Ich bin ueberzeugt dass diese [die Cariben] eine Elite der Tupis waren, welche erst spaet auf die Antillen gekommen sind, wo die alte Tupi—Sprache in kaum erkennbaren Resten uebrig war, als man sie dort aufzeichnete." I take pleasure in bringing forward this opinion of the great naturalist, not only because it is not expressed so clearly in any of his published writings, but because ... — The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Relations • Daniel G. Brinton
... the twin peaks, Gray's all asmile in the sunshine, and Torrey's—or did we only imagine it?—relenting a little now that he was looking upon us for the last time. Did the mountains and the white-crowns call after us, "Auf wiedersehen!" or was ... — Birds of the Rockies • Leander Sylvester Keyser
... gerichteten und von Origenes widerlegten Buche) noch eine andere Schrift nach dieser zu verfassen, worin u.s.w.' 'Wenn er nun diese zweite Schrift trotz seines Versprechens nicht geschrieben hat' [has not written], 'so genuegt es uns mit diesen acht Buechern auf seine Schrift geantwortet zu haben. Wenn er aber auch jene unternommen und vollendet hat' [has undertaken and completed], 'so treib das Buch auf und schicke es, damit wir auch darauf antworten,'" &c. [11:1] Now this translation of Tischendorf is not ... — A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays • Walter R. Cassels
... kleinen Kapellelein die 15 Geheimnisse des Psalters vorstelland auf dem Wege zur hohen Stiege gebaut. Jeder Haushalter des Viertels Fee ubernahm den Bau eines dieser Geheimnisskapellen, und ein besonderer Gutthater dieser frommen Unternehmung war Heinrich Andenmatten, nachher Bruder der ... — Essays on Life, Art and Science • Samuel Butler
... bloss auf Gegenstaende der Erfahrung eingeschraenkt ist, ist darum nicht alle von der Erfahrung entlehnt, sondern was sowohl die reinen Anschauungen, als die reinen Verstandesbegriffe betrifft, so sind sie Elemente der Erkenntniss die in uns a priori angetroffen werden."—Kritik ... — Hume - (English Men of Letters Series) • T.H. Huxley
... What does it all mean to-night, at this hour? This is not a hotel. [Takes the card and reads.] Freiherr Bodo von Schmettau, Herr auf Zirnberg? ... — Moral • Ludwig Thoma
... auf den Schroffen Zinken Hangt sie, auf dem hochsten Grat, Wo die Felsen jah versinken, Und verschwunden ... — St. Winifred's - The World of School • Frederic W. Farrar
... reply. They had come to the open space in the middle of the maze, and he sat down on the seat to recover his breath, and to wipe his forehead; for though the wind was cold the sun was fierce. "Gott, was man Alles durchmacht auf Reisen!" he sighed. Then he put his handkerchief back into his pocket, looked up at Anna, who was standing in front of him leaning on her sunshade, and said, "A Quatschkopf is a foolish fellow who marries a ... — The Benefactress • Elizabeth Beauchamp
... Suess- und Salzwaessern auf die gewerblichen Eigenschaften der Hauptholzarten. I. Teil. Untersuchungen u. Ergebnisse in mechanisch-technischer Hinsicht. Mitt. a. d. forst. Versuchswesen ... — The Mechanical Properties of Wood • Samuel J. Record
... She then sang "Auf Fluegeln des Gesanges," whereupon we sat down and talked music and Heine for the rest of the evening. Mr. Pfeifer, reclining in his capacious easy-chair, smoked on with slow, brooding contentment, and now and then threw in a disparaging remark ... — Ilka on the Hill-Top and Other Stories • Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
... von Karten, auf denen die hauptschlichsten erscheinungen der anorganischen und organischen Natur nach ihrer geographischen Verbreitung und Vertheilung bildlich dargestellt ... — Seventh Annual Report • Various
... of sight. He had laid in a supply of literature suitable both for instruction and amusement. The day after leaving Bombay he got through the best part of a volume of Sainte-Beuve. He had also brought a 'Faust' and Auerbach's 'Auf der Hoehe,' as he was anxious to improve himself in German, and he filled up odd spaces of time with the help of an Italian grammar. He was writing long letters to friends in India, although letter-writing in the other direction would be a waste of time. With ... — The Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Bart., K.C.S.I. - A Judge of the High Court of Justice • Sir Leslie Stephen
... adieu, not auf wiedersehen, I fear, with his Highness," Miss Vance said, folding the note pensively. She had not meant to drive a marriage bargain, and yet—to have placed a pupil upon even such a bric-a-brac throne as that of Wolfburgh! She looked thoughtfully at Lucy's ... — Frances Waldeaux • Rebecca Harding Davis
... by J.C. Peabody De Vere, Aubrey, May Carols by Dichtung, die deutsche komische und humoristische, seit Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts bis auf unsere Zeit ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. I, No. 1, Nov. 1857 • Various
... freundlich Wort kommt eines nach dem andern Von Sueden her und bringt uns frohe Stunden; Es ruft uns auf zum Edelsten zu wandern, Nich ist der Geist, doch ist der ... — Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) - With his Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore
... Johannes Mooter und Maria Rubi Dieses Haus bauen lassen. Der liebe Gott woll uns bewahren Vor allem Unglueck und Gefahren, Und es in Segen lassen stehn Auf der Reise durch diese Jammerzeit Nach dem himmlischen Paradiese, Wo alle Frommen wohnen, Da wird Gott sie belohnen Mil der ... — Selections From the Works of John Ruskin • John Ruskin
... When Vail said auf wiedersehen to the telephone business, it had passed from infancy to childhood. It was well shaped but not fully grown. Its pioneering days were over. It was self-supporting and had a little money in the bank. But it could not then have carried the load of traffic that ... — The History of the Telephone • Herbert N. Casson
... ist auf der Erde, so beruhet der grund davon, nach Abzug des theils ertraglichen, theils verbesserlichen, theils eingebildeten Uebels der Naturwelt, ganz allein in den moralischen ... — Literary Remains (1) • Coleridge
... the development of the gyri and sulci of the brain has been made the subject of renewed investigation by Schmidt, Bischoff, Pansch (78. 'Ueber die typische Anordnung der Furchen und Windungen auf den Grosshirn-Hemispharen des Menschen und der Affen,' 'Archiv fur Anthropologie,' iii. 1868.), and more particularly by Ecker (79. 'Zur Entwicklungs Geschichte der Furchen und Windungen der Grosshirn-Hemispharen im Foetus des Menschen.' 'Archiv fur Anthropologie,' iii. ... — Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of Brain in Man and the Apes • Thomas Henry Huxley
... craft of thy busy tongue has sundered from home and kin the cousins of both thy houses, 'Amr, 'Auf, and Malik's son. For thou to thy dearest art a wind of the bitter north, that sweeps from the Syrian hills, and wrinkles our cheeks and brows. But balmy art thou and mild to strangers, a gracious breeze ... — Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol. 2 • Charles Dudley Warner
... Daube. Mulligatawny-Suppe. Kraftbruehe mit Einlage. Seezungenfilet auf normaennische Art. Steinbutt in Muscheln gratiniert. Eng. Roast-beef. Yorker Schinken in Burgunder. Spinat. Homard de Norvege. Sauce Ravigotte. Franzoes. Poularde. Fasan. Salat Compot. Sellerie. Fuerst ... — The Gourmet's Guide to Europe • Algernon Bastard
... the altar and offered sacrifice, being followed by all the congregation, it proceeds: "Da diss geschehen gieng wieder herfuer ein geharnischter Mann, der Namb zu sich Schilt, Helmb, Wappen, legte sich auf die Erden, vnd striche gar lauth, ganz erbaermlich vnd gar Claeglich mit heller stimbe drei mahl nacheinander Graffen zu Cilli, vnd Nimmehr zerreiss die Panier, Zerbrach die Wappen da war Allererst ein Clagen, dass ... — The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 • Henry Baerlein
... all? O, MEIN KIND? And I thought ... God knows what I imagined! Give me your hands, Tamara, your little charming white hands, and allow me to press them auf mein Herz, upon my heart, ... — Yama (The Pit) • Alexandra Kuprin
... six hours, a hundred years ago. I am inclined to think the explanation consists in a misprint. The distances are given in figures, and not in words at length, if we may trust your correspondent's note on p. 35. May not a 1 have "dropped" before the 6, so that the true lection will be, "dass wir auf dem ganzen Wege kaum 16 Stunden gefahren sind"? This time corresponds with the time of return, on which he set out in the evening (at 8?) of one day and arrived at noon the next. It was also most likely that ... — Notes & Queries 1849.12.01 • Various
... been a struggle for recovering something old.—FREEMAN, Historical Essays, iv. 253. Nothing but a thorough knowledge of the social system, based upon a regular study of its growth, can give us the power we require to affect it.—HARRISON, Meaning of History, 19. Eine Sache wird nur voellig auf dem Wege verstanden, wie sie selbst entsteht.—In dem genetischen Verfahren sind die Gruende der Sache, auch die Gruende des Erkennens.—TRENDELENBURG, ... — A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton
... C. Das Theater; Schauspielhaus und Schauspielkunst vom griechischen Altertum bis auf die ... — Shakespearean Playhouses - A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration • Joseph Quincy Adams
... This is Menzel's phrase, not Schlegel's. "Hegel's centrum war ein blos denkendes, auf oeder Heide spekulirendes, kleines, suffisantes, selbstgenuegsames Ichlein." The untranslatable beauty of the German is in the diminutive with which the sentence closes. It is difficult to say whether ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 335, September 1843 • Various
... Lit. "moorings," i.e. "favourite haunts." Cf. {dusorma} below. Al. "stelle die Fallnetze auf ... — The Sportsman - On Hunting, A Sportsman's Manual, Commonly Called Cynegeticus • Xenophon
... the successful and honored translator of the Sentimental Journey, was at work upon a German rendering of Shandy, Lange once more forced his wares upon the market, this time publishing the Zckert translation with the use of Wieland's then influential name on the title page, "Auf Anrathen des Hrn. Hofraths Wielands verfasst." Wieland was indignant at this misuse of his name and repudiated all connection with this "new translation." This edition was probably published late in 1773, as Wieland in his review in the Merkur gives it that date, but the volumes themselves ... — Laurence Sterne in Germany • Harvey Waterman Thayer
... auf das Jahr 1821, Graf von Loebcn published his "Loreley: Eine Sage vom Rhein." The following ballad introduces the saga in prose. Heine's ballad is set opposite for ... — Graf von Loeben and the Legend of Lorelei • Allen Wilson Porterfield
... "Auf wiedersehn!" and Graub kissed the white hand he held. "I shall hope you will command me to be of service to you and yours, ... — Temporal Power • Marie Corelli
... a little perfunctory, almost apologetic, and he did want to be friendly. You guessed that he was thinking he would like to go around the corner and have "ein Glas Bier" rather than search me. What a hearty "Auf wiedersehen!" he gave me when he saw that I was inclined ... — My Year of the War • Frederick Palmer
... die Moeglichkeit und Nothwendigkeit, Mathematik auf Psychologie anzuwenden; Kleinere ... — Principles Of Political Economy • William Roscher
... an Kurfuerst von Sachsen naemlich Herzog Johannes, Markgraf Joerg von Brandenburg, Herzog Ernst samt seinem Bruder Franzisko, beide Herzoege zu Braunschweig und Lueneburg, Landgraf Philipp von Hessen, Graf Wolf von Anhalt usw. von ihrer Session auf; und gegen Kaiserliche Majestaet gestanden.' The Emperor desired to hear the Latin text. But when Elector John had called attention to the fact that the meeting was held on German soil, and expressed the hope that the ... — Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente
... the thirteenth century artificiality and vulgarity began to preponderate, provoking as counterweights didactic works such as Der Krieg auf der Wartburg. The fourteenth century saw the rise of the free cities, literary guilds, and five universities. It also marks the cultivation of political satire in such works as Reinecke Fuchs, and of narrative prose chronicles like the Lueneburger, ... — The Book of the Epic • Helene A. Guerber
... "AUF WIEDERSEHEN!" to one another; she did not offer to shake hands again, and Maurice nursed a faint hope that it was on his account. He opened the window, leant out, and watched them, until they went round the corner ... — Maurice Guest • Henry Handel Richardson
... und den Werken des M. Accius Plautus" Lessing deprecates the harsh judgment of Horace and later detractors of our poet in modern times. Lessing idealizes him as the matchless comic poet. That the Captivi is "das vortrefflichste Stueck, welches jemals auf den Schauplatz gekommen ist," as Lessing declares in the Preface to his translation of the play, is an utterance ... — The Dramatic Values in Plautus • Wilton Wallace Blancke
... occur in such beginnings of speech seems a matter of course. All that I observed, however, were from the child's standpoint rational. Some one says, "Schlag das Buch auf" (Open the book, but meaning literally "Strike upon the book"), and the child strikes upon the book with his hands without opening it. He does the same when one says, "Schlag auf das Buch" (Strike upon the book). Or we say, "Will you come? one, two!" ... — The Mind of the Child, Part II • W. Preyer
... sein Brod mit Thranen ass, Wer nicht die Kummervollen Nachte Auf Seinem Bette weinend sass, Der Kennt euch nicht, ... — Volume 1 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann
... Gebraeuche, Weisen, und Gewohnheiten, von Johann Wolfgang Boecler, weiland Pastor zu Kusal in Ehstland und des Consistorii in Reval Assessor. Mit auf die Gegenwart bezueglichen Anmerkungen beleuchtet von Dr. F. R. Kreutzwald. St. ... — The Hero of Esthonia and Other Studies in the Romantic Literature of That Country • William Forsell Kirby
... die Darwinische Theorie in Besug auf die geographische Verbreitung der Organismen." Sitzenb. der Akad. Muenchen, 1868. Translated by J. L. Laird under the title, The Darwinian Theory and the Law of the Migration of Organisms. London, 1873. Also Ueber den Einfluss ... — Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard
... German language are so exceedingly unlike ours? Why while the Times talks in this fashion: 'At noon a long line of carriages extended from Pall Mall to the Peers' entrance of the Palace of Westminster,' does the Cologne Gazette talk in this other fashion: 'Nachdem die Vorbereitungen zu dem auf dem GurzenichSaale zu Ebren der Abgeordneten Statt finden sollenden Bankette bereits vollstandig getroffen worden waren, fand heute vormittag auf polizeiliche Anordnung die Schliessung sammtlicher Zugange zum Gurzenich ... — Celtic Literature • Matthew Arnold
... Pinkham's Kraeutermittel, unter dem Namen "Vegetable Compound" auf den Markt gebracht, ist ein absolut zuverlaessiges Heilmittel fuer saemmtliche Frauenkrankheiten, einschliesslich Vorfall der Gebaermutter, Leukorrhoe, unregelmaessige und schmerzhafte Menstruation, Entzuendung ... — Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham
... only jurists get the high offices. He entered a South German university, rented a fine apartment, stated he was accustomed to a Schloss, his father was a high state official. He later called himself Graf Friedrich Gersdorf auf Blankenhain. The young man's deceits grew rapidly, he obtained much money falsely, traveled first class with a body servant. He passed to other universities, was always quiet and industrious. After many adventures he fell into ... — Pathology of Lying, Etc. • William and Mary Healy
... mowt 'a taaken Joanes, as 'ant a 'aapoth o' sense, Or a mowt a' taaken Robins—a niver mended a fence: But godamoighty a moost taake mea an' taake ma now Wi 'auf the cows to cauve ... — Enoch Arden, &c. • Alfred Tennyson
... you a zong," he said. The worthy man "breferred beer," but had, perhaps, found the wine quicker in effect, and in a tremendous bass voice he roared out, Im tiefen Keller sitz' ich hier, auf einem Fass voll Reben, which, if not wholly understood by the audience, had some of its purport conveyed by the threefold repetition of "trinke" at the end of each verse. Then a deputation waited upon John, to ask in behalf of the girls ... — David Harum - A Story of American Life • Edward Noyes Westcott
... und Abloesung der baeuerlichen Grundlasten mit besonderer Ruecksicht auf Bayern, Wuertemberg, Baden, Hessen, Preussen ... — Woman under socialism • August Bebel
... concessions, it was necessary to have a strong navy. All this was strictly by the book, and it is characteristic of the German mind that it faithfully followed the text. "Unsere Zukunft," cried the Kaiser, "liegt auf dem Wasser!" But what was implied in this proposal? A great navy increasing rapidly to the point of rivaling that of England could be regarded by that country only as a pistol leveled at her head. England would be at the mercy of any power that could defeat her navy. And this policy ... — A History of Sea Power • William Oliver Stevens and Allan Westcott
... companionship, so that when his wife left him to go to their child who was ill and far away, he welcomed the complete freedom. Strindberg says of their parting at the railway station that although they smiled and waved to each other as they called out "Auf wiedersehen" they both knew that they were saying good bye forever, which proved to be true, as they were divorced a year later. In 1896 he returned to Sweden so broken in health through his tremendous ... — Plays: The Father; Countess Julie; The Outlaw; The Stronger • August Strindberg
... is exceedingly interesting to trace the course of criticism since the appearance of Wilhelm von Humboldt's great work, Ueber die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluss auf die geistige Entwickelung des Menschengeschlechts (Berlin, 1836). Dr. Brinton gave it most unqualified approval; (see especially his monograph read before the American Philosophical Society in 1885, and printed the same year). Prof. H. Steinthal ... — Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex - with a Concluding Note Upon the Linguistic Problem of the Maya Glyphs • William E. Gates
... strongly forbidden sexual goal, if we take into consideration the circumstances of his life. In his autobiography "Rckblick auf mein Leben" Burdach tells us how extraordinarily his mother depended upon him. "Having already lost four children in their first year, she had longed to bear another child and especially since the setting in of the illness of my father had compelled her to think of losing ... — Sleep Walking and Moon Walking - A Medico-Literary Study • Isidor Isaak Sadger
... of camaraderie I persuaded each to take a piece of bread and chocolate. They received this offering with profound gratitude. With much cautioning and many solemn Auf Wiedersehens bestowed upon ... — In the Claws of the German Eagle • Albert Rhys Williams
... something upon it. "God bless me!" exclaimed his friend, "whatever are you doing?" "Making caricatures," replied Hoffmann laughing—"caricatures of the cursed Frenchman; I am inventing them, drawing them, and colouring them." He also wrote about this time the Vision auf dem Schlachtfelde bei Dresden and other pieces, and finished his Undine; further, whilst in this distressing condition, he began the Elixiere des Teufels, the first volume of which was completed in less than a month. This work he ... — Weird Tales, Vol. II. • E. T. A. Hoffmann
... families of priests. The dignity and the wisdom which was bound up with it were inherited in these families from generation to generation. (Instructive information about the organisation of these sanctuaries will be found in Karl Boetticher's Ergaenzungen zu den letzten Untersuchungen auf der Akropolis in Athen, Philologus, Supplement, vol. iii, part 3.) The wisdom, which qualified for the priesthood, was the wisdom of the Greek Mysteries. The festivals, which were celebrated twice a year, represented ... — Christianity As A Mystical Fact - And The Mysteries of Antiquity • Rudolf Steiner
... Krumbacher (Byzant. Zeitschr., XVI, 1907, p. 710) notes, in connection with the idea that I am defending here: "In aehnlicher Weise war dieser Gedanke (der Ueberfluegelung des Abendlandes durch die auf allen Kulturgebieten vordringende Regsamkeit der Orientalen) kurz vorher in meiner Skizze der byzantinischen Literatur (Kultur der Gegenwart, I, 8 [1907], pp. 246-253) auseinandergelegt worden; es ist ein erfreulicher und bei dem ... — The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont
... were particularly fond of him. He was rather rough, and even we children were struck by his German stupidity. His redeeming feature was that he was a devoted sportsman. Every morning he used to jerk the blankets off us and shout, "Auf, Kinder! auf!" and during the daytime plagued ... — Reminiscences of Tolstoy - By His Son • Ilya Tolstoy
... "Auf Wiedersehen," said the German officer, bowing Hal from his tent. "Your orders are to put those papers into General Von Kluck's hands at ... — The Boy Allies On the Firing Line - Or, Twelve Days Battle Along the Marne • Clair W. Hayes
... Fuelle liegt auf deinen Fluren, Gottgesegnet Vaterland; Leuchtend zeigst du noch die Spuren Von des Schoepfers Meisterhand: In des Mittags blauen Fernen Wo die goldne Sonnenpracht, Mit des Himmels schoensten Sternen Schmuekt sie ... — The German Element in Brazil - Colonies and Dialect • Benjamin Franklin Schappelle
... children, shook the woman's hand, and went off down the clearing. They had cried 'Auf Wiedersehen,' but it wasn't likely I ... — Greenmantle • John Buchan
... of you and when I don't see him I think of you, and always with the old affection. We are all well, which means my wife and daughter here, and my son and daughter-in-law and two grandchildren at Newton. My whiskers are white, but my hair holds out with its old brown! Goodbye and auf wiedersehen. ... — Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis • G. W. Curtis, ed. George Willis Cooke
... Brod mit Thraenen ass, Wer nicht die kummervollen Naechte Auf seinem Bette weinend sass, Der kennt euch ... — Familiar Quotations • John Bartlett
... Compare Brinckmann's remarks on mediaeval towns: 'Der Nachdruck liegt auf den einzelnen Gebaeuden, der Kathedrale, dem Palazzo publico, den festen Palaesten des Adels, nicht auf ibrer einheitlichen Verbindung. Ebenso erscheint die ganze Stadt nur eine Ansammlung einzelner Bauten. Strassen und Plaetze sind ... — Ancient Town-Planning • F. Haverfield
... und des Jahres. Ausser dem Titelblattbildchen bringt das Buch dreizehn Abbildungen, welche die von Cessoles auf dem Schachbrett statuirten ... — Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton |