"Avant" Quotes from Famous Books
... Avant la restauration de Charles II, les femmes ne montaient pas sur la scene, et les roles des femmes, au theatre anglais, etaient remplis par des jeunes gens en habits de femme. Il resultait souvent de cette absence du beau sexe, le plus bel ornement du theatre, les ... — French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann
... cy maintenant dort, Fit plus de pitie que d'envie, Et souffrit mille fois la mort, Avant que de perdre la vie. Passant, ne fais icy de bruit, Et garde bien qu'il ne s'eveille. Car voicy la premiere nuit, Que ... — A Little Tour in France • Henry James
... French columns on the left. This was held by some companies of the 95th Rifles, and these opened a fire so sudden and close and deadly that the huge mass of the French swung almost involuntarily to the right, off its true track; then with fierce roll of drums and shouts of "En avant!" the Frenchmen reached the crest. Suddenly there rose before them Picton's steady lines, along which there ran, in one red flame from end to end, a dreadful volley. Again the fierce musketry crackled, ... — Deeds that Won the Empire - Historic Battle Scenes • W. H. Fitchett
... a ce trou, auquel il faut mettre un verre convexe. On a souhaite, pour donner plus d'agrement a ce spectacle, que les objets se peignissent sur ce papier selon leur veritable situation; et pour cet effet on a cherche des expediens qui redressassent les especes avant qu'elles parvinssent au foier du verre, c'est-a-dire, sur le papier. L'auteur raporte '10' de ces expediens, et trouve dans chacun d'eux quelque chose d'incommode, mais enfin il en raporte un autre, qui est exempt ... — Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 • Various
... worth powder and shot, but I'm hanged if Raven need fear Cotton's jackal! If only half of my plans come off, still that will put Philip Bourne in a tighter corner than he's ever been in before. Therefore—en avant!" ... — Acton's Feud - A Public School Story • Frederick Swainson
... he seemed to me to be either mad or drunk. He danced as he walked, cracked his fingers in the air, and his eyes blazed like two will-o'-the-wisps. "Voltigeurs!" he shouted; "Voltigeurs de la Garde!" just as he had done when he was off his head; and then suddenly, "En avant! en avant!" and up he came, waving his walking-cane over his head. He stopped short when he saw me looking at him, and I daresay he felt a ... — The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales • Arthur Conan Doyle
... de Viracocha dont la physionomie sanskrite est si frappante," etc. Desjardins, Le Perou avant la Conquete Espagnole, p. 180 ... — American Hero-Myths - A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent • Daniel G. Brinton
... bien dire que, de son temps, ni beaucoup avant, il ne s'est point trouve de plus triomphante princesse, car elle etait belle, bonne, douce et courtoise, a toutes gens. Le Loyal Serviteur Histoire du bon Chevalier, le seigneur de Bayard, ... — Lucretia Borgia - According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day • Ferdinand Gregorovius
... Precursor. — N. precursor, antecedent, precedent, predecessor; forerunner, vancourier[obs3], avant-coureur[Fr], pioneer, prodrome|, prodromos[obs3], prodromus[obs3], outrider; leader, bellwether; herald, harbinger; foreboding; dawn; avant-courier, avant-garde, bellmare[obs3], forelooper[obs3], foreloper[obs3], stalking-horse, voorlooper[Afrikaans], voortrekker[Afrikaans]. ... — Roget's Thesaurus
... dont le sang coula pour la patrie soient bnis! Ils n'ont pas fait en vain le sacrifice de leur vie. Glorieusement frapps en Artois, en Champagne, en Argonne, ils ont arrt l'envahisseur qui n'a pu faire un pas de plus en avant sur la terre sacre qui les recouvre. Quelques-uns les pleurent, tous les admirent, plus d'un les envie. Ecoutons les. Tendons l'oreille: ils parlent. Penchons-nous sur cette terre bouleverse par la mitraille o beaucoup d'entre ... — Defenders of Democracy • Militia of Mercy
... sous qu'elle viendrait avant le jour de Pan, et aussi du tabac avec tout le Numero Six. Nous en ferons la dot de Mademoiselle!" ... — The Westcotes • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
... of the tiny avant-scene boxes two men had taken their seats long before the bulk of the audience had begun to assemble in the house. The inside of the box was in complete darkness, and the narrow opening which allowed but a sorry view of one side of ... — El Dorado • Baroness Orczy
... scraps of Scripture, and anxiously wait for the sound of the archangelic trump. Every earthquake, pestilence, revolution, violent thunderstorm, comet, meteoric shower, or extraordinary gleaming of the aurora borealis, startles them as a possible avant courier of the crack of doom. Some of them are said to keep their white robes in their closets all ready for ascension. What a dismal thing it must be to live in such a lurid and lugubrious dream; their best hope for the world the hope that ... — The Destiny of the Soul - A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life • William Rounseville Alger
... de ces jours. Mais pour continuer. Il y a le "wicket," une chose fait de trois morceaux de bois, a qui le "bowler" jette la balle, dur comme une pierre, et si ca vous attrappe sur le jambe, je vous promis, ca vous fera sauter. Et bien, avant le wicket se place l'homme qui est dedans et qui tient dans ces mains le "bat" avec lequel il frappe la balle et fait des courses. L'autre jour dans un "allumette" entre deux "counties," un professional qui s'appelle Fusil a fait plus que deux ... — Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., August 23, 1890. • Various
... went! The French galleys lumbering along at a great pace, their crews pulling a curiously short stroke, and their coxswains yelling "En avant, mes braves!" with all the strength of their lungs. It must have been very like the boat-race Virgil describes in the fifth book of the Aeneid. There was the "huge Chimaera" the "mighty Centaur" and possibly ... — The Days Before Yesterday • Lord Frederick Hamilton
... to 'The Seats of the Mighty', that 'A Ladder of Swords' holds to 'The Battle of the Strong', that 'Donovan Pasha' holds to 'The Weavers'. Instinctively, and, as I believe, naturally, I gave to each ambitious, and—so far as conception goes—to each important novel of mine, an avant coureur. 'The Trail of the Sword, A Ladder of Swords, Donovan Pasha and The Pomp of the Lavilettes', are all very short novels, not exceeding in any case sixty thousand words, while the novels dealing ... — The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker
... adore de tous L'Colonel Jacques; de lui les hommes sont fous En lui nous voyons l'embleme de l'honneur. Des compagnes il en a des tas: En Afrique Haecht et Dixmude, Ramsdonck et Sart-Tilmau Et toujours premier et toujours en avant Toujours en tet' de son beau regiment, Toujours railleur Chef au ... — Kings, Queens And Pawns - An American Woman at the Front • Mary Roberts Rinehart
... code which ruled the Hotel de Rambouillet, and the very well-defined character of the precieuse. But it may be noted that Mlle. de Scudery, who was among the avant-coureurs of the modern movement for the advancement of women, always preserved the forms of the old traditions, while violating their spirit. True to her Gallic instincts, she presented her innovations sugar-coated. She had the fine sense of ... — The Women of the French Salons • Amelia Gere Mason
... corriger les cartes hydrographiques de 1508 a 1512, ait profite de sa position pour appeler de son nom le Nouveau Monde, n'a aucun fondement. La denomination d'Amerique a ete proposee loin de Seville, en Lorraine, en 1507, une annee avant la creation de l'office d'un Piloto mayor de Indias. Les Mappe Mondes qui portent le nom d'Amerique n'ont paru que 8 our 10 ans apres la mort de Vespuce, et dans des pays sur lequels ni lui ni ses parents n'exercaient aucune influence. Il est probable que Vespuce n'a jamais su quelle ... — The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton
... s'elevant entre deux ou plusieurs Etats signataires, ceux-ci conviennent que, soit avant que le differnd ait t soumis une procdure de rglement pacifique, soit au cours d'une telle procdure, ils ne procderont aucune augmentation d'armements ou d'effectifs qui pourrait modifier la situation fixe par la Confrence ... — The Geneva Protocol • David Hunter Miller
... mouldering ship timbers were discovered, which were supposed to have been traces of the Roman quay. But the word "Port Morant" is probably not derived from Portus Morandi, but from Postis, and refers to the far more modern "avant soliers" or jutting balconies, which were supported on stout beams, and ran round the Parvis when Jacques Lelieur was making his sketches of the town in 1525. With such mere conjectures we must leave all that the Roman occupation has to tell. Their story was a short one; for the town was ... — The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook
... preface to M. Jules Destree's book, En Italie avant la guerre, 1914-15. Of the remaining essays, some have appeared in various English and American periodicals; others are now printed in translation ... — The Wrack of the Storm • Maurice Maeterlinck
... are not commonly supposed to promote longevity. Before he left Paris Madame de Stael was able to see him, and with her he had an interesting conversation in which she said of America, "Vous etes l'avant garde du genre humain, vous etes l'avenir du monde," and made two or three brilliant speeches, at which he noticed her glow of animation. At the same place he also met Chateaubriand and Madame Recamier, between whom he sat at dinner. The romantic reader will ... — Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVII. No. 101. May, 1876. • Various
... we thought you already with St. Michael!—joy, that you live yet to be an English earl. Look you, ride to Fitzosborne with the signal-word, 'Li Hardiz passent avant!' Off, ... — Harold, Complete - The Last Of The Saxon Kings • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... Francois etablis en cette ville avoient joui jusqu'a l'arrivee dans l'ile des troupes armees contre le President d'une trop grande securite, pour ne pas revailler contre eux toute la haine dont avoit eut fait preuve deja les Portugais avant l'adhesion de cette province a l'Empire du Bresil. Un acte emane de leur despotique Junte avoit malgre les traites fait fermer les loges Francoises jusqu'a la reception des ordres precis de leur gouvernement, qui desapprouvait hautement cette mesure. Ces memes Portugais oubliant ... — Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 2 • Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald
... glad To battle and die for La France. For some must be killed, that is certain; There's only one's duty to do; So we leap to the fray in the glorious way They expect of the little piou-piou. En avant! The way of the gallant piou-piou, The dashing and smashing piou-piou; The way grim and gory that leads us to glory Is the way of ... — Rhymes of a Red Cross Man • Robert W. Service
... Peut-etre avant que l'heure en cercle promenee Ait pose sur l'email brillant, Dans les soixante pas ou sa route est bornee Son ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli
... fis prendre a mon malade une forte tasse de mon elixir de vie; il le but avec avidite, et voulait redoubler; mais j'exigeai un, ajournement de deux heures, et lui servis une seconde dose avant de ... — The Physiology of Taste • Brillat Savarin
... lches douleurs! Nous devons triompher quand vous prenez les armes; C'est aux rois verser des pleurs. Nous vous avons donn la vie, Guerriers, elle n'est plus vous; Tous vos jours sont la patrie; Elle est votre mre avant nous. ... — French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield
... breaks out again with his bilingual vehemence and Parisian gestures. (Some people never can talk French without trying to shrug shoulders.) Brandishing his dessert-knife, he shouts, 'Avancons, mes amis! go ahead, my boys! En avant! Excusez-moi,' and scatters scraps of French about, till Leech cries, 'There, don't talk like a lady's-maid, Ponny; why can't you speak English?' And, to change the talk, he tells of a French sport'man taking his first fences here, with rather a fresh horse ... — The History of "Punch" • M. H. Spielmann
... etes merveilleusement au-fait. Ah, cher enfant, quelle idee sublime vous vous aviez a la tete quand vous prevites si clairement que M. le Comte Alfred d'Orsay se rendrait au pays de sa naissance! Quel magicien! Mais—c'est tout egal, mais—il n'est pas parti. Il reste a Gore-house, ou, avant-hier, il y avait un grand diner a tout le monde. Mais quel homme, quel ange, neanmoins! MON AMI, je trouve que j'aime tant la Republique, qu'il me faut renoncer ma langue et ecrire seulement le langage de la Republique ... — The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete • John Forster
... prepared in various ways, was another material of the British entertainment, which would not have received their approbation, although a nutriment which, on ordinary occasions, often supplied the Avant of all others among the ancient inhabitants, whose country was rich in flocks and herds, but poor ... — The Betrothed • Sir Walter Scott
... de leur art; et qui executaient des ouvrages pour l'utilite et pour l'ornement d'un pays montagneux et sujet aux inondations. Ceci confirme ce que nous apprennent les geographes Grecs, que Ceylan, avant et apres le commencement de notre ere, etait un grand point de reunion pour le commerce de l'Orient et de l'Occident."—Rajatarangini, vol. ... — Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent
... wretched misery to have to spend one's time upon so many useless things and people, when one's head is quite full of other things!—Well, it must be so. God grant only patience and perseverance! I cannot remember for certain whether I have already sent you the Avant-propos to my Symphonic Poems, which I have in the meantime had printed on the occasion of their performance here. In any case I send them, together with the portrait for which you asked. I am now working at the ninth number (Hungaria)—the eight others ... — Letters of Franz Liszt, Volume 1, "From Paris to Rome: - Years of Travel as a Virtuoso" • Franz Liszt; Letters assembled by La Mara and translated
... qu'Elle daigne donc excuser si je m'adresse droit a Elle, pour essayer de prevenir des calamites, que nos deux pays ont un egal interet a eviter. J'ose le faire avec d'autant plus de confiance, que longtemps encore avant que les affaires d'Orient eussent pris la facheuse tournure qu'elles ont acquise depuis, je m'etais adresse directement a votre Majeste, par l'entremise de Sir Hamilton Seymour, pour appeler votre attention, Madame, sur des eventualites, alors ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria
... good. Fedor Ivanitch did not, however, expect you at all. Yes; you may trust my experience, la patri avant tout. Ah, show me, if you please-what a charming ... — A House of Gentlefolk • Ivan Turgenev
... to leave me for the other side and I, counting the beats, was getting ready to dance my solo, she pursed her lips gravely and looked in another direction; but her fears for me were groundless. Boldly I performed the chasse en avant and chasse en arriere glissade, until, when it came to my turn to move towards her and I, with a comic gesture, showed her the poor glove with its crumpled fingers, she laughed heartily, and seemed to move her tiny feet more enchantingly than ... — Childhood • Leo Tolstoy
... Restez tous armes Protegeant vos suffrages Et vos droits sacres. Comblez l'espoir unique De France! en avant! Vive la Republique! A bas les ... — Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 1 July 1848 • Various
... Ps.-Apul., Asclep., 23: "Homo fictor est deorum qui in templis sunt et non solum inluminatur, verum etiam inluminat"; c. 37: "Proavi invenerunt artem qua efficerent deos." Cf. George Foucart, loc. cit. [n. 61]: "La statuaire egyptienne a, avant tout autre, le caractere de creer des ... — The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont
... quittant la terre pour l'ocean, Je dis, priez Dieu, priez Dieu pour votre enfant. Avant que nous mettre en route je crus revoir, Nina! qui pleurait ... — The Hippodrome • Rachel Hayward
... you were superintending the preparations for your departure, wishes you to postpone them until to-morrow, as the night is dark and the road difficult and dangerous. Look," said he, "at these large drops of rain, which are the avant-couriers of a violent storm." ... — The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851 • Various
... torture, Ce mortel confine dans sa noire cloture. Pour unique plaisir et pour seul passe-temps, De sa lente journee il compte les instans, Ou de son noir cachot mesure l'etendue, Ou medite en secret sa fuite inattendue; Ou, de ceux qu'avant lui renferma la prison, Lit, sur ces tristes murs, la complainte et le nom: Et lui-meme y tracant sa douloureuse histoire, A ceux qui le suivront en transmet la memoire. C'est peu d'etre enchaine dans ces tristes tombeaux, Combien ... — A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe in 1817 • W.D. Fellowes
... of a number of learned works on antiquarian subjects, but the great work on which his fame rests is Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere chretienne (4 vols., 1787). He had begun it in 1757 and had been working on it for thirty years. The hero, a young Scythian descended from the famous philosopher Anacharsis, is supposed to repair to Greece for instruction in his early youth, ... — Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 - "Banks" to "Bassoon" • Various
... different creature. He pointed to the railroad bridge just above the wagon bridge. "Cross at once on the ties." The colonel looked, nodded, waved his sword and explained to his Acadians. "Mes enfans! Nous allons traverser le pont la-bas. En avant!" In column of twos he led his men out on the ties of the trestle bridge. Below, dark, rapid, cold, rushed the swollen Shenandoah. Musketry and artillery, Kenly opened upon them. Many a poor fellow, who until this war had never seen a ... — The Long Roll • Mary Johnston
... But 'en avant!' The light loves languish o'er Long banquets and too many guests, although A slight repast makes people love much more, Bacchus and Ceres being, as we know Even from our grammar upwards, friends of yore With vivifying Venus, who doth owe To these the invention of champagne and truffles: ... — Don Juan • Lord Byron
... [Footnote: Lavergne, Les Economistes, 105. Quesnay, Oeuvres, 233, 306, 331 (Maximes du gouvernement economique d'un royaume agricole Maxime, iii. v. xiii. xxv.). Turgot, iv. 305. Bois-Guillebert appears to have been the principal precursor of the Physiocrats. Horn, L'Economie politique avant les Physiocrates, passim;[Greek physis] nature,[Greek ... — The Eve of the French Revolution • Edward J. Lowell
... ceux qui sont morts dans le calme des soirs, Avant ces jours affreux de carnage et de haine! Ils se sont endormis, le coeur rempli d'espoirs, Dans un reve d'amour ... — Native Life in South Africa, Before and Since • Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje
... chorus in 1630, "a la place du chant qui distinguoit les actes et qui marquoit les repos necessaires, on introduisit des joueurs d'instrumens, qui d'abord furent places sur les ailes du theatre, ou ils executoient differens airs avant la commencement de la piece et entre les actes. Ensuite ils furent mis au fond des troisieme loges, puis aux secondes, enfin entre le theatre et la parterre, ... — A Book of the Play - Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character • Dutton Cook
... early hour of summer sunrise, and the distant sound of a convent bell varied the monotony of the scene, as it called the faithful to prayer. A sudden sound, as of many riders riding briskly, and a band of lances—the avant garde of a mighty army—drew rein at the verge of the yawning and smoking furnace which had been the castle. There they paused abruptly, and one who seemed almost overwhelmed by surprise and disappointment, gazed as if stupefied upon the wreck ... — The Rival Heirs being the Third and Last Chronicle of Aescendune • A. D. Crake
... Valdejeots, si estim en ce pays-ci. La vieille mre est sujett des maux d'estomac, et je lui ai apport un pot de confection d'hyacinthe. Ils travaillaient dans le champ, voisin du bois, je suis all les voir tandis que vous marchiez en avant. Ils m'ont suivi malgr moi. Ne parlez de cela personne. On dirait que je veux faire le gnreux et le bon philosophe, mais je ne suis que humain, et mes charits sont la plus agrable dpense ... — Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing
... non plus considerer la fravashi comme un double de l'homme, elle en est plutot une partie, un hote intime qui continue son existence apres la mort aux memes conditions qu'avant, et qui oblige les vivants a lui fournir les aliments necessaires" ... — The Evolution of the Dragon • G. Elliot Smith
... grand service qu'on puisse rendre a la science est d'y faire place nette avant d'y ... — Discourses - Biological and Geological Essays • Thomas H. Huxley
... wherever she went. At length she came to notice, to smile upon me. My motto was en avant! That is a French word. I got it out of the back ... — The Complete Works of Artemus Ward, Part 3 • Charles Farrar Browne
... en avant!" cried the sergeant when O'Grady attempted to enter one of the lower chambers; and at length they found themselves in a room at the very top. The sergeant, grumblingly observing that they would not require ... — Paul Gerrard - The Cabin Boy • W.H.G. Kingston
... Fables of Bidpai (Pilpay), the Logic of Aristotle, the Geography of Ptolemy and the Elements of Euclid. Hence he concludes "L'original des Mille et une Nuits * * * selon toute vraisemblance, a ete traduit au temps du Khalife Mansur, c'est-a-dire trente ans avant le regne du Khalife Haroun al-Raschid, qui, par la suite, devait lui-meme jouer un si grand role dans ces histoires." He also notes that, about a century after Al-Mas'udi had mentioned the Hazar Afsanah, it was versified and probably remodelled by one "Rasti," the Takhallus ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton
... foremost line when the rear fled. They told her of her danger, she heeded not. For the last time rang out in that girlish voice: 'Allez avant! Forward, they are ours!' ... — The Red True Story Book • Various
... 1866, at Clamecy (Nievre), France. He came very early under the influence of Tolstoy and Wagner and displayed a remarkable critical faculty. In 1895 (at the age of twenty-nine) we find him awarded the coveted Grand Prix of the Academie Francaise for his work Histoire de l'Opera en Europe avant Lulli et Scarlatti, and in the same year he sustained, before the faculty of the Sorbonne—where he now occupies the chair of musical criticism—a remarkable dissertation on The Origin of the Modern ... — Musicians of To-Day • Romain Rolland
... se lit bien, le sens en est raisonnable et positif. Supposant le chirurgien un homme instruit et lettre, l'inscription latine se complete d'elle-meme. Mais, helas! il y un mais,—la lettre C avant Gifart me trouble un peu. Comme je n'ai sous la main aucun volume, aucune tradition du temps a consulter, je suis oblige de m'en tenir aux correspondances de journaux, et je trouve dans toutes le prenom de Robert—ce qui ne commence pas du tout par un ... — Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine
... company, indeed, though it moved in some fashion of array with an avant and a rear-guard, the ladies riding together, and Count Hannibal proceeding solitary in the midst, formed as peaceful a band, and one as innocently diverted, as if no man of them had ever grasped pike or blown a match. There was an old rider among them who had seen the sack of Rome, and ... — Count Hannibal - A Romance of the Court of France • Stanley J. Weyman
... the wind is fresh from the northwest; flakes of snow are seen wafting here and there by the wind, the avant-couriers of a heavy fall; the whole sky is of one murky grey, and the sun is hidden behind a dense bank. The deck of the cutter is wet and slippery, and Dick Short has the morning watch. He is wrapt up in a Flushing ... — Snarleyyow • Captain Frederick Marryat
... of the vessels indeed were larger. "Il y avoit vingt-deux hommes dans la plus grande, dans les moyennes, huit ont dix, deux ou trois dans les plus petites. Ces pirogues paroissoient bien faites; elles ont I'avant et I'amere fort releves, etc. Ils portent des bracelets, et des plaques au front et sur le col. J'ignore de quelle matiere, elle m'a paru etre blanche." Boug. Chap. ... — The Voyage Of Governor Phillip To Botany Bay • Arthur Phillip
... a large family. They all received us with open arms. I was quite amazed, but soon found some of the pages had been with them already, and announced our design; and as we followed the pages, perhaps they concluded we also were messengers, or avant-courieres, of what else might be expected. Mr. Raikes is not a man that, without a previous disposition towards approbation, I should greatly have admired. He is somewhat too flourishing, somewhat too forward, somewhat too voluble ; but he is worthy, benevolent, good-natured, and good-hearted, ... — The Diary and Letters of Madam D'Arblay Volume 2 • Madame D'Arblay
... grce devant vos yeux, Si jamais mes voeux vous ftes favorable, Permettez, avant tout, qu'Esther puisse sa table Recevoir aujourd'hui son souverain Seigneur, 695 Et qu'Aman soit admis cet excs d'honneur. J'oserai devant lui rompre ce grand silence, Et j'ai, pour ... — Esther • Jean Racine
... l'homme barbe blanche, il attisa le feu, et en un instant les violettes et l'herbe avaient disparu, et la glace et la neige taient l comme avant. ... — Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber
... maintained communication with the fleet. Julian, with the main part of his troops, occupied the space intermediate between these two extremes, marching in a loose column which from front to rear covered a distance of above nine miles. A flying corps of fifteen hundred men acted as an avant-guard under Count Lucilianus, and explored the country in advance, feeling on all sides for the enemy. The rear was covered by a detachment under Secundinus, Duke of ... — The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 7. (of 7): The Sassanian or New Persian Empire • George Rawlinson
... possible, Lanyard felt obliged to concede that Liane's Delorme's confidence had been well reposed in the ability of Jules to drive by the clock. For when the touring car made, on a quayside of Cherbourg's avant port, what was for its passengers its last stop of the night, the hour of eight bells was being sounded aboard the countless vessels that shouldered one another in the twin basins of the commercial harbour or rode at anchor between ... — Alias The Lone Wolf • Louis Joseph Vance
... Londres from the quai de New York, and both from the quai du Chili. Across the mouth of the Seine he could distinguish the misty radiance which must be Trouville from that which must be Honfleur. Directly under his eyes in the Avant Port the dim hulls of steamers and war-ships, fishing-boats and tugs, ... — The Street Called Straight • Basil King
... are distinct. This second and subsidiary rhythm is that of technical progression. The single pursuit of even the most subordinate artistic intention gives unity, significance, mass to a poet's work. When Verlaine declares 'de la musique avant toute chose,' we know where we are. And we know this not in the obvious sense of expecting his verse to be predominantly musical; but in the more important sense of desiring to take a man seriously who declares for anything ... — Aspects of Literature • J. Middleton Murry
... (art. Newcomen) says of the Marquis: "Longtemps avant lui [Neucomen] on avait remarque la grande force expansive de la vapeur, et on avait imagine de l'employer comme puissance. On trouve deja cette application proposee et meme executee dans un ouvrage publie en 1663, par le Marquis de Worcester, sous le titre bizarre, ... — Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume I • Horace Walpole
... une embuscade de voltigeurs corses[2]. Aprs une vigoureuse dfense, il tait parvenu faire sa retraite, vivement poursuivi et tiraillant de rocher en rocher. Mais il avait peu d'avance sur les soldats, et sa blessure le mettait hors d'tat de gagner le maquis avant d'tre rejoint. ... — Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen
... Nouche or ring, 2420 Or tok upon thee for the cold Som goodly word that thee was told, Or frendly chiere or tokne or lettre, Wherof thin herte was the bettre, Or that sche sende the grietinge, Hast thou for Pride of thi likinge Mad thin avant wher as the liste? I wolde, fader, that ye wiste, Mi conscience lith noght hiere: Yit hadde I nevere such matiere, 2430 Wherof min herte myhte amende, Noght of so mochel that sche sende Be mowthe and seide, "Griet ... — Confessio Amantis - Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins, 1330-1408 A.D. • John Gower
... literature we have George Sand's phrase, more lyrical and musical than picturesque. We have, too, the gentle, soothing strophes of Sully Prudhomme and the vague melody of the Verlaine songs: "De la musique avant toute chose." It would be absurd to exaggerate the influence exercised by George Sand, and to attribute to her an importance which does not belong to her, over poetical evolution. It is only fair to say, though, that music, which was looked upon suspiciously ... — George Sand, Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings • Rene Doumic
... round the Mauritius, seems to have met with a structure of this kind: he says "J'observai que la, ou la mer etale, independamment des rescifs du large, il y a terre UNE ESPECE D'EFFONCEMENT ou chemin couvert naturel. On y pourrait mettre du canon," etc. In another place he adds, "Avant de passer le Cap, on remarque un gros banc de corail eleve de plus de quinze pieds: c'est une espece de rescif, que la mer abandonne, il regne au pied une longue flaque d'eau, dont on pourrait faire un bassin ... — Coral Reefs • Charles Darwin
... "En avant, en avant!" cried the sergeant when O'Grady attempted to enter one of the lower chambers; and at length they found themselves in a room at the very top. The sergeant, grumblingly observing that they would not require food till the next ... — Paul Gerrard - The Cabin Boy • W.H.G. Kingston
... le cocher et la femme de chambre voulaient les lire avant madame et mademoiselle, ce qui est leur manquer de respect ... et je me ... — Bataille De Dames • Eugene Scribe and Ernest Legouve
... intrieur les corpuscules, et on continue les voir, de plus en plus ples, jusqu'au moment o les fibrilles elles-mmes se liqufient et disparaissent dans le suc gastrique. Ce qui constitue la striature, proprement parler, n'est donc pas dtruit, avant la liqufaction de ... — Insectivorous Plants • Charles Darwin
... braves! en avant!" he was heard to shout, as he leaped the low wall to repel the invaders—and when he lay on the hard rock, his voice was still strong enough to make itself heard, ... — The Wing-and-Wing - Le Feu-Follet • J. Fenimore Cooper
... black as mourning weed." The same front now glanced with many lights, some throwing far forward into the night a fixed and stationary blaze, and others hurrying from one window to another, intimating the bustle and busy preparation preceding their arrival, which had been intimated by an avant-courier. The contrast pressed so strongly upon the Master's heart as to awaken some of the sterner feelings with which he had been accustomed to regard the new lord of his paternal domain, and to impress his countenance with an air of severe gravity, ... — Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott
... les mrithalles suprieurs, qu'il se propage ensuite, en s'amoindrissant du haut en bas; tandis qu'au contraire le movement de redressement commence par la partie infrieur pour se terminer a la partie suprieure qui, quelquefois, peu de temps avant de se relever tout fait, forme avec l'axe ... — The Power of Movement in Plants • Charles Darwin
... spectacle du grand chemin, est celui qui m'occupe le moins; j'aime mille fois mieux nos promenades champetres; avant de yous y conduire, il faut en historien fidelle vous rendre compte de ... — A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse
... station. In spite of my reading I felt distinctly uncomfortable. Would it never be Twelve? Here comes the younger, neat as a pin, looking fairly sterilized. He sits down on my left. Watches are ostentatiously consulted. It is time. En avant. I sling ... — The Enormous Room • Edward Estlin Cummings
... failing in her action against Sir GEORGE ELLIOTT, M.P., gave up minding her own business, which she sold, and retired to the Continent; and Plaintiffs also wanted to know the present address of a certain, or uncertain, Mr. HOLLAND, somewhile Secretary to the Avant Company. Odd this. Not find Hairs in September! Cry "En Avant!" and let loose the harriers!—a suggestion that might have been appropriately made by the Commissioner whose name alone, with respect be it said, should qualify him for the Chief Magistracy in the Isle of Dogs. In ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 99, October 4, 1890 • Various
... que je vous prie de cachete, et d'y mettre son adress, et de l'envoier sur Le Champ a Madame de Labruiere. Il est inutile d'hors en avant que vous communiquier aucune Chose de ce qui regard Mlle. Chevalier [himself], a Md. la Tante [Talmond] jusqu'a ce que Elle pense otrement, car, il n'est que trop cler ques es procedes sont separes et oposes a ce qui ... — Pickle the Spy • Andrew Lang
... la nouvelle de la reponse de la Russie a l'Ultimatum de Vienne, et avant d'avoir manifeste mon impression a qui que ce soit, pas meme a Walewski, je viens la communiquer a votre Majeste pour avoir ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria
... follows: 'Apres Gluck c'est moi qui ai fait la grande revolution avec la Vestale; j'ai introduit le Vorhalt de la sexte' (the suspension of the sixth) 'dans l'harmonie et la grosse caisse dans l'orchestre; avec Cortez j'ai fait un pas de plus en avant; puis j'ai fait trois pas avec Olympic. Nurmahal, Alcidor et tout ce que j'ai fait dans les premiers temps a Berlin, je vous les livre, c'etaient des oeuvres occasionnelles; mais depuis j'ai fait cent pas en avant ... — My Life, Volume I • Richard Wagner
... riait de ces etudes. N'est-ce pas comme un observatoire de meteorologie que ce savant zoologiste avait pour ainsi dire fonde avant que la science ne se fut emparee ... — Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard
... etre loin de votre aimable personne lorsque l'on a goute les charmes de votre societe c'est desirer vivement de s'en rapprocher; mais l'on dit que vous allez en Espagne. Fi! c'est tres vilain a moins que vous ne soyez de retour avant trois mois, enfin que cet hiver nous ayons le bonheur de vous voir a Paris. Allez donc en Espagne visiter la caverne de Gil Blas. Moi je crois aussi visiter toutes les antiquites possibles, enfin que dans le cours de ... — The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose
... I., ii. 70. "M. le Prince Metternich s'est rendu chez l'Empereur pour le mettre au fait de ces tristes circonstances. Depuis que je le connais, je ne l'ai jamais vu aussi frappe d'aucun evenement qu'il l'etait hier avant son depart." ... — History of Modern Europe 1792-1878 • C. A. Fyffe
... Guildhall and had nothing to do with the banquet. The deputation thereupon withdrew, being all the more discomforted by the excess of courtesy shown to them by the ambassador, who himself insisted on escorting them to the door (je leur dis que je voulois passer plus avant, et payer un assez mauvais traitement ... — London and the Kingdom - Volume II • Reginald R. Sharpe
... il avait juste de quoi vivre, six cents francs de rentes, une fortune pour lui, qui vivait avec cinq francs par mois. Il a continue a travailler; mais ses eaux-fortes n'etaient plus supportables; tandis qu'avant, il vivait avec un morceau de pain et des legumes; alors il avait du talent. Cela, Thomas, doit te prouver que ni les mauvais enseignements, ni les influences, ni la misere, ni la faim, ni la maladie, ne peuvent corrompre une nature bien douee. Elle souffre; mais trouve moi ... — On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin
... weight so rapidly that above the mouth of the river, which is at a distance of thirty or thirty-five kilometres from the gorge, every trace of calcareous matter has disappeared from the sands of the bottom, which are exclusively silicious." [Footnote: Avant-projet pour la creation d'un sol fertile, ... — The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh
... sous le poids de tes heures: Les hommes, delies, glisseront par les portes, Les ongles de la nuit t'arracheront la chair. Qu'importe! Tu es mienne avant que tu sois morte; Les corps qui sont ici, la ville peut les prendre; Ils garderont au front comme une croix de cendre Le vestige du ... — Musical Portraits - Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers • Paul Rosenfeld
... addition with a knowing eye. They barred the entrance to the Pont St. Michel. It was a half-hearted effort, and with cries of "Vive la liberte!" "En avant!" the mob of young men swept the thin files out of the way and gained the bridge. Not, however, without some kicks and blows, broken canes, and bleeding faces. A lusty gold-laced brigadier rolled in the dust, desperately clinging to two coat-collars, and won ... — Mlle. Fouchette - A Novel of French Life • Charles Theodore Murray
... Citizen sergeant," he called over his shoulder, "escort these aristos to my carriage downstairs. When the Englishman returns, tell him he will find his friends under the tender care of Doctor Laporte. En avant, little mother," he added, as he gripped Mme. la Marquise tightly by the arm, "and you, old scarecrow," he concluded, speaking to me over his shoulder, "follow ... — The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel • Baroness Orczy
... lesquels se resument en un seul et immense mouvement d'ascension vers la lumiere; faire apparaitre, dans une sorte de miroir sombre et clair—que l'interruption naturelle de travaux terrestres brisera probablement avant qu'il ait la dimension revee par l'auteur—cette grande figure une et multiple, lugubre et rayonnante, faible et sacree, L'Homme.' The poet thus dreamt of a vast epic, of which the central figure should be no mythical or legendary hero, but Man himself, conceived as struggling ... — La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo
... sommes necessairement amenes par l'observation physchologique a constater qu'il faut que l'homme croie a la fidelite du temoignage de ses sens individuels, et a la valeur de sa raison personelle, avant de ... — Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws • James Buchanan
... gigantic Spahi en tableau amid a shower of fireworks, improvising slang songs, and chorused by a hundred lusty lungs that yelled the burden in riotous glee as furiously as they were accustomed to shout "En avant!" in assault and in charge, Cigarette made amends to herself at night for her vain ... — Under Two Flags • Ouida [Louise de la Ramee]
... is conclusively made by Professor Burdach, who says (we quote from Jourdan); "La tendance interieure Ai la configuration existe avant sa manifestation." And by his tendance interieure he must mean some vital or other law, equivalent to an entia in matter, which results in, ... — Life: Its True Genesis • R. W. Wright
... et des souffrances qu'en general les femmes doivent endurer en accouchant pourraient etre evitees, si elles se preparaient convenablement en fortifiant leur systeme par l'emploi de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a peu pres deux mois avant l'accouchement. ... — Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham
... son dict loyer et de ses deux pillotes, le sixiesme de tout se qui reviendra de marchandises, led. cart por nolliage, les frais et mises des marchandises et loyers desa copaignons en prealable prins et leves avant que ... — The Voyage of Verrazzano • Henry C. Murphy
... nipote, et a casa sua, la morte del' ammiraglio, gloriandosene assai (Desp. Oct. 1; Theiner, p. 331). The Emperor told the French ambassador "que, depuis les choses avenues, on lui avoit mande de Rome que Mr. le Cardinal de Lorraine avoit dit que tout le fait avoit este delibere avant qu'il partist de France" (Vulcob to Charles IX., Nov. 8; Groen van Prinsterer, Archives de Nassau, iv. ... — The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton
... make, mister. The Denzille lane boys. Hell, blast ye! Scoot. Righto, Isaacs, shove em out of the bleeding limelight. Yous join uz, dear sir? No hentrusion in life. Lou heap good man. Allee samee dis bunch. En avant, mes enfants! Fire away number one on the gun. Burke's! Burke's! Thence they advanced five parasangs. Slattery's mounted foot. Where's that bleeding awfur? Parson Steve, apostates' creed! No, no, Mulligan! Abaft there! Shove ahead. Keep a watch on the clock. Chuckingout time. Mullee! What's on you? ... — Ulysses • James Joyce
... doute dj instruit, par la voie des journaux, des dtails de l'excution de l'Armnien Serkiz Papazoghlou, mis mort dernirement Constantinople pour avoir reni la foi de Mahomet qu'il avait embrasse quelque temps avant. A la vrit, la lettre du Coran inflige la peine de mort tous ceux qui abandonnent le Mahomtisme, mais longtemps dj l'usage avait adouci la rigueur d'une loi si peu en harmonie avec les prceptes de la civilisation, et depuis nombre d'annes aucune excution ... — Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism • Various
... Benoiste Vierge Marie, de ce qu'il m'a done grace, sens, force, et memoire, temps et lieu, de me mener a fin de si haulte et si noble matiere come ceste-cy dont j'ay traicte les faiz et proesses recitez et recordez a mon livre. Et se aucun me demandoit pour quoy j'ay parle de Tristan avant que de son pere le Roy Meliadus, le respons que ma matiere n'estoist pas congneue. Car je ne puis pas scavoir tout, ne mettre toutes mes paroles par ordre. Et ainsi fine mon ... — The Travels of Marco Polo Volume 1 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa
... simple. Weber Hastings acted as guide, or rather avant-courier, since all knew the route that was to be followed. He kept a hundred yards, or so, in advance of the company, which timed their gait to his, so that the intervening space was ... — The Phantom of the River • Edward S. Ellis
... And pleasant was his absolution. He was an easy man to give penance, *There as he wist to have a good pittance:* *where he know he would For unto a poor order for to give get good payment* Is signe that a man is well y-shrive. For if he gave, he *durste make avant*, *dared to boast* He wiste* that the man was repentant. *knew For many a man so hard is of his heart, He may not weep although him sore smart. Therefore instead of weeping and prayeres, Men must give silver to the poore freres. His tippet was aye farsed* full of knives *stuffed And pinnes, ... — The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer
... cloud fled northward, as if scourged by a stormy current too high to stir the sultry stagnation of the lower atmospheric stratum. From its vaporous lair somewhere in the cypress and palm jungles of the Mexican Gulf borders, the tempest had risen, and before its breath the shreds of cloud flew like avant couriers of disaster. Already the lurid glare of incessant sheet lightning fought with the moon for supremacy, and from a leaden wall along the southeastern sky, came the long reverberating growl of thunder, that told where the electric batteries had opened ... — At the Mercy of Tiberius • August Evans Wilson
... Fritz to keep close to us, that we might all arrive together; but I yielded to his earnest wish to return alone as he came; he longed to act as our avant-courrier, and announce our approach to his mother; so he was soon skimming away over the surface of the water, while we followed at a ... — Journeys Through Bookland V3 • Charles H. Sylvester
... a few suppressions, changes of phrase; sends the thing to D'Argens: "Publish at once, with a little prefatory word." And, at the top of his speed, D'Argens has, in three weeks' time, the suitable AVANT-PROPOS, or AVIS AU LIBRAIRE, "circulating in great quantities, especially in London and Petersburg" ("Thief Editor has omitted; and, what is far more, has malignantly interpolated: here is the poor idle Work itself, not a Counterfeit of it, if ... — History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle
... Burgundy—he was murdered in the Rue Barbette. John of Burgundy trusted the faction of Orleans—he was murdered on the bridge of Montereau.—I will trust no one—no one. Hark ye; I will keep my eye on that insolent Count; ay, and on the churchman too, whom I hold not too faithful. When I say, Ecosse, en avant [Forward, Scotland], shoot ... — Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott
... cloud which they had been watching, away to the south-east, was growing and spreading rapidly, sending out little black avant-couriers of scud, which were hurrying fanlike across the heavens, telling the news of the coming storm. Landward, in the west, the sun was going down in purple and scarlet splendours, but seaward, all looked ... — The Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn • Henry Kingsley
... here a very curious, and now, if not in its own time, very rare book, my first knowledge of which I owed to a work already mentioned, M. Gustave Reynier's Le Roman Sentimental avant l'Astree (Paris, 1908), though I was able, after this chapter was composed, to find and read the original in the British Museum. It was first printed in 1538, and bears, like other books of its time, a disproportionately long title, which may, however, be easily shortened, "Les Angoisses douloureuses ... — A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 - From the Beginning to 1800 • George Saintsbury
... the old negro, with a wave of his speaking-trumpet. "Charles Philippe, attention a la barre,[1] sans venir au vent, s'il vous plait. Matelots[2] du gaillard d'avant," continued he, roaring through his speaking-trumpet! "bordez le ... — Newton Forster • Frederick Marryat
... dort, Fit plus de pitie que d'envie, Et souffrit mille fois la mort, Avant que de perdre la vie. Passant, ne fais icy de bruit, Et garde bien qu'il ne s'eveille, Car voicy la premiere nuit, Que le Pauvre ... — A Little Tour in France • Henry James
... which runs at that place into the high road to Smolensk. It was this cross-road which might bring the Russian army from Malo-Yaroslawetz on his passage. But on the first of November, after waiting thirty-six hours, Napoleon had not seen any avant-courier of that army; he set out, wavering between the hope that Kutusoff had fallen asleep, and the fear that the Russian had left Wiazma on his right, and proceeded two marches farther towards Dorogobouje to cut off his retreat. At any rate, he left Ney at Wiazma, ... — History of the Expedition to Russia - Undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon in the Year 1812 • Count Philip de Segur
... refrained from asking Jenny Lind to sing, because no one is allowed to refuse such an invitation made by a representative of royalty. Catalani, however, had no such scruples. She went up to the Nightingale and begged her to sing, adding, "C'est la vieille Catalini qui desire vous entendre chanter, avant de mourir!" This appeal was irresistible. Jenny Lind sat down to the piano and sang Non credea mirarti and one or two other airs, including Ah! non giunge. Catalani is described as sitting on an ottoman in the centre ... — The Merry-Go-Round • Carl Van Vechten
... certificate of character as an avant-courier;" said the gay dealer in contraband, or Master Seadrift, as he was called by the Alderman, touching his cap, gallantly, to the mistress of la Cour des Fees, and then, somewhat more ceremoniously to her companion; after which he returned the goldbound ... — The Water-Witch or, The Skimmer of the Seas • James Fenimore Cooper
... Shakespeare, yet it was with justice that in a letter to Horace Walpole (dated July 15, 1768,) he said:—'Je suis le premier qui ait fait connaitre Shakespeare aux Francais.... Je peux vous assurer qu'avant moi personne en France ne connaissait la poesie anglaise.' Voltaire's Works, ... — Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell, Edited by Birkbeck Hill
... we had the most delightful dinner. The Princess proposed to Auber to give his arm to Jenny Lind, and to put her at his right hand, la place d'honneur, adding, with her most ironical smile, "le genie avant la beaute." Auber made a charming host, telling one funny anecdote after the other in his quiet and typical manner. Gounod, in his low and drawly voice, said: "Vous nous donnez, mon cher Auber, des choses par trop ennuyeuses aux concerts du Conservatoire. ... — In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875. • L. de Hegermann-Lindencrone
... comment of Paul de Saint-Victor on the silence of the recovered Alkestis deserves to be quoted: "Hercule apprend a Admete qu'il lui est interdit d'entendre sa voix avant qu'elle soit purifiee de sa consecration aux Divinites infernales. J'aime mieux voir dans cette reserve un scrupule religieux du poete laissant a la morte sa dignite d'Ombre. Alceste a ete nitiee aux profonds mysteres de la mort; elle a vu l'invisible, elle a entendu l'ineffable; ... — Robert Browning • Edward Dowden
... Published in the original French in the French edition of the Danish Professor's Lectures on Bergson; La Philosophie de Bergson expose et critique par H. Hoffding, Professeur a l'Universit de Copenhague. Traduit d'aprs l'dition danoise avec un avant- propos par Jacques de Coussange et suivi d'une lettre de M. Bergson l'auteur. Alcan, Paris. The ... — Bergson and His Philosophy • J. Alexander Gunn
... que le President du Conseil des Ministres Serbe a remis an ministre Austro-Hongrois a Belgrade aujourd'hui avant ... — Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History
... r'trouver sa trace, Quand un matin subitement, On le vit r'paraitre sur la place, L'Colonel toujours en avant." ... — Under the Andes • Rex Stout
... (Cabir. ii. 390), a symbol throughout the pagan world long previous to its becoming an object of veneration to Christians. In ancient symbology it was a symbol of eternal life. M. de Mortillet, who in 1866 published a work entitled "Le Signe de la Croix avant le Christianisme," found in the very earliest epochs three principal symbols of universal occurrences; viz., the circle, the pyramid, and the cross. Leslie (Man's Origin and Destiny, p. 312), quoting from him in reference to the ancient worship of the cross, says "It seems ... — The Symbolism of Freemasonry • Albert G. Mackey
... en demeure la, jusquez a 5. ou 6 heures du soir du mesme jour, ou un tremblement de Terre survenant, Ils reconnurent par experience, que cequ'ils m'avoient intendu dire avant Midy, n'estoit que ... — Miscellanies upon Various Subjects • John Aubrey
... (p. 212) the following case:—"un jeune chien A oreilles droites, auquel son maitre presente de loin quelque viande appetissante, fixe avec ardeur ses yeux sur cet objet dont il suit tous les mouvements, et pendant que les yeux regardent, les deux oreilles se portent en avant comme si cet objet pouvait etre entendu." Here, instead of speaking of sympathy between the ears and eyes, it appears to me more simple to believe, that as dogs during many generations have, whilst intently looking at any object, pricked ... — The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals • Charles Darwin
... "En avant!" cried Francois, setting heels to his horse. "V'la! It is ze guard of ze encampment. ... — The Junior Classics • Various
... William to Portland, Jan. 10/20 1690. "Les Wiges ont peur de me perdre trop tost, avant qu'ils n'ayent fait avec moy ce qu'ils veulent: car, pour leur amitie, vous savez ce qu'il y a a compter ladessus en ce pays icy." Jan. 14/24 "Me voila le plus embarasse du monde, ne sachant quel parti prendre, estant toujours persuade que, sans que j'aille en Irlande, l'on n'y faira rien ... — The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay
... and I knew then that he was the avant-courier who had galloped on to announce his lord's coming. After which he stepped on one side and drew his sword, to stand on guard ... — Gil the Gunner - The Youngest Officer in the East • George Manville Fenn
... plus anciennes. Vraie race d'ancienne Noblesse de Chevalerie, qui dans les onxieme et douzieme siecles, tenoit rang parmi les anciens Barons, avant la reduction faite ... — The Lay of Marie • Matilda Betham
... the avant-courier of this novel railroad. Jerrard had been traffic-manager of the great P. K. & R. system for many years, and when he grew bilious and "blue" and very disagreeable, the doctor told him to go back into the woods so far that he would not think about tariff or rebates or competition ... — The Rainy Day Railroad War • Holman Day
... and the Eucharist: nothing is wanting in him, on that side, but that he should be avowed. Why should we not hope to conclude, in the same manner, disputes, less difficult, and of less importance? Cela se peut pousser si avant, que M. l'Abbe de Lokkum, a concilie, actuellement les points si essentiels, de la justification, et du sacrifice de l'Eucharistie, et il ne lui manque de ce cote la, que de se faire avouer. Pourquoi ne pas esperer de ... — The Life of Hugo Grotius • Charles Butler
... aussi leur cri de guerre. Peu avant l'attaque, le long de leur ligne courut un message repetant, en le modifiant legerement, celui ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Dec. 5, 1917 • Various
... "Et longtemps depuis ne faisoient sermon qu'ilz Acab et Hiesabel et leurs persecutions ne fussent mis par eux en avant," etc. In fact, Catharine seemed fated to have her name linked to that of the infamous Queen of Israel. A Protestant poem, evidently of a date posterior to the massacre of Saint Bartholomew, is still extant in the National Library of Paris, in which the comparison of the two is drawn out at ... — History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird
... que les soldats detacherent le corps de la croix avant le soir et le mirent dans quelque fosse commune, ou l'on jetait pele-mele les restes des supplicies. Les conditions de sepulture furent telles qu'au bout de quelques jours il aurait ete impossible de reconnaitre la depouille du Sauveur, ... — Outspoken Essays • William Ralph Inge
... particularly good version of this tale is rendered by Baron Vaerst in his book "Gastrosophie," Leipzig, 1854, who has based his version on the original translation from the Greek, entitled, Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere vulgaire par J. J. Barthelemy, Paris, 1824. Vaerst has amplified the excerpts from the young traveler's observations by quotations from other ancient Greek writers upon the subject, thus ... — Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome • Apicius
... Thiers, Odilon Barrot, and others, who counted on 'the pretended incapacity' of the future emperor for sliding into power themselves. But their hopes were disappointed by the taciturn pretender." One of the latest apologists for the Emperor, M. Thirria, in his Napoleon III avant l'Empire, claims, and no intelligent commentator can disprove the claim: "If he reigned, it was because France was willing, and very willing, and his fatal politics of nationalities, she approved of it, sanctioned it, the republican party first of all." M. Thirria is willing to admit, however, ... — Paris from the Earliest Period to the Present Day; Volume 1 • William Walton
... him in his great work. Its object was to harmonize the present use of the language with the past usage, in order that the present usage may possess all the fullness, richness, and certitude which it can have, and which naturally belong to it. His words are: 'Avant tout, et pour ramener ['a] une id['e]e m['e]re ce qui va [^e]tre expliqu['e] dans la Pr['e]face, je dirai, d['e]finissant ce dictionnaire, qu'il embrasse et combine l'usage pr['e]sent de la langue et son usage pass['e], afin de donner ['a] ... — Society for Pure English Tract 4 - The Pronunciation of English Words Derived from the Latin • John Sargeaunt
... pointed, and gloves and boots of beautiful Spanish leather. Their horses were low, but of an exquisite symmetry, and the beasts were pawing and champing before the gate when Adam hastened down into the courtyard. These were avant couriers or messengers from Roger de Fitz-Eustace, whom they announced as being nigh, and to be expected ere nightfall, with his daughter Maud, a maiden much renowned ... — Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2) • John Roby
... valait pas un sou; on aurait cru que parier contre lui c'etait voler, tant il etait ordinaire; mais aussitot les enjeux faits, il devenait un autre chien. Sa machoire inferieure commencait a ressortir comme un gaillard d'avant, ses dents se decouvcraient brillantes commes des fournaises, et un chien pouvait le taquiner, l'exciter, le mordre, le jeter deux ou trois fois par-dessus son epaule, Andre Jackson, c'etait le nom du chien, Andre Jackson prenait cela tranquillement, comme s'il ne se fut jamais attendu ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... "Pourrie avant d'etre mure. Mure, America is certainly far from being; but I am not disposed to accuse ... — Homeward Bound - or, The Chase • James Fenimore Cooper
... and other animals. And still they not natives. So I think it over when I milk la vache, and Sam he pushed open la porte and he show me fine cross-fox he caught, and that make me emulous. So I take my wage le maitre he give, and exchange for the traps. When my work is done, en avant, on I go to the great woods. Aller a pied—I walk—I carry my traps, I set them with much bait. I get nothing. Le chien—the dog—he follows, he gets in the traps. Then I try again. I go far away this time. I set my traps, I await ... — Winter Adventures of Three Boys • Egerton R. Young
... though towards dawn a slightly cooler temperature is felt, the reappearance of the sun is now so near, that there has been no time for either earth or man to be benefited by it. Long before the sun himself appears, those avant-couriers of his fiery might, heated glow, and feverish breeze, came rustling through the foliage of the mallee-trees, which give out the semblance of a mournful sigh, as though they too suffered from the heat and thirst ... — Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration • Ernest Giles
... fille, que votre lettre d'Aix est plaisante! Au moins relisez vos lettres avant que de les envoyer; laissez-vous surpendre a leur agrement, et consolez-vous par ce plaisir de la peine que vous avez d'en tant ecrire. Vous avez donc baise toute la Provence? il n'y aurait pas satisfaction a baiser toute la Bretagne, a moins ... — Democracy In America, Volume 2 (of 2) • Alexis de Tocqueville
... qu'avant la seance il a fait distribuer a ses collegues une proposition tendant a substituer a l'Article XXII ... — Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf
... too easily to believe that! Nay, we have seen numberless processions of healthy kine enter our native village unheralded save by the lusty shouts of drovers, while a wretched calf, cursed by stepdame Nature with two heads, was brought to us in a triumphal car, avant-couriered by a band of music as abnormal as itself, and announced as the greatest wonder of the age. If a double allowance of vituline brains deserve such honor, there are few commentators on Shakespeare that would have gone afoot, and the trumpets of Messieurs ... — Among My Books - First Series • James Russell Lowell
... follow still— My avant-courier must be obeyed! Thus am I led, and thus the path, at will, Invites me ... — The Complete Works • James Whitcomb Riley
... monarch, "Philip of France and Navarre—Denis Mountjoie—his most Christian Majesty! Mouth-filling words these! There is but one risk - -that he might mistake the words EN ARRIERE for EN AVANT, and lead us back to Paris, instead of marching to Jerusalem. His politic head has learned by this time that there is more to be gotten by oppressing his feudatories, and pillaging his allies, than fighting with the Turks for ... — The Talisman • Sir Walter Scott
... views the clouds of Pele, spreading gray from the invisible summit, to shadow against the sun; and she fears the rain, and she talks to it: "Pas mouill moin, laplie-! Quitt moin riv avant mouill moin!" (Do not wet me, 0 Rain! Let me get there before thou ... — Two Years in the French West Indies • Lafcadio Hearn
... le billet, l'ouvrit, et, apres l'avoir lu, dit an valet de Don Lope. 'Mon enfant, je ne me leverois jamais avant midi, quelque partie de plaisir qu'on me put proposer; juge si je me leverai a six heures du matin pour me battre. Tu peux dire a ton maitre que, s'il est encore a midi et demi dans l'endroit ou il m'attend, nous nous y verons: va, lui porter cette reponse.' A ces mots il s'enfonca ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various
... able and kindly notices by the Press of my first volume ("The Gold Mines of Midian," etc. Messrs. C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878). But some reviewers succeeded in completely misunderstanding the drift of that avant courier. It was an introduction intended to serve as a base for the present more extensive work, and—foundations intended to bear weight must be solid. Its object was to place before the reader the broad outlines of a country whose name was ... — The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton
... madness. When he seemed about to collapse with fatigue, tell him that there had been a big haul of German prisoners on the Ridge and the blaze of delight in his dark eyes would galvanize him. If he should falter again, a shout of, "Vive l'Entente cordiale! En avant!" would send him off with coat-tails at right angles to his body as he sprang into the midst of the riot of waiters outside the kitchen door, from which he would emerge triumphantly bearing the course that was next in order. Nor would he allow you to skip one. You must take ... — My Second Year of the War • Frederick Palmer
... duchess. "At my age! What is the man thinking of! En avant, boy!" and she went on up ... — Affairs of State • Burton E. Stevenson
... effect. In a somewhat similar category belong the combinations of two adverbs or prepositions, which one finds in the later popular Latin, some of which have survived in the Romance languages. A case in point is ab ante, which has come down to us in the Italian avanti and the French avant. Such word-groups are of course debarred ... — The Common People of Ancient Rome - Studies of Roman Life and Literature • Frank Frost Abbott
... Seine coule silencieusement tout le long des berges plates et graciles, avec des peupliers alignes; comme ils sont tristes au printemps, ces peupliers, surtout avant qu'ils ne deviennent verts, quand ils sont rougeatres, poses contre un ciel gris, des ombres immobiles et ternes dans les eaux, dix fois tristes quand les hirondelles volent bas! Pour expliquer la tristesse de ce beau pays parseme ... — The Lake • George Moore
... qu'il y avoit loin de l'Hermitage a Eaubonne; je passois par les coteaux d'Andilly qui sont charmans. Je revois en marchant a celle que j'allois voir, a l'accueil caressant qu'elle me feroit, au baiser qui m'attendoit a mon arrivee. Ce seul baiser, ce baiser funeste avant meme de le recevoir, m'embrasoit le sang a tel point, que ma tete se troubloit, un eblouissement m'aveugloit, mes genoux tremblants ne pouroient me soutenir; j'etois force de m'arreter, de m'asseoir; toute ma machine ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron
... [Footnote 3: Avant nostre arrivee elle mist en deliberation avec aulcungs de ses plus confidens ce qu'elle debvroit faire, advenant la dicte morte; la quelle treuva, que incontinant la dicte morte decouverte, elle se debvoit publier ... — The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude
... avant toute chose, Et pour cela prefere l'Impair Plus vague et plus soluble dans l'air, Sans rien en lui qui pese ou ... — Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys
... havoc in his midst, the enemy decided to brusque matters and attack. He left his trenches shouting, "Vive la France! En avant! Aux armes, mes citoyens! A bas ... — With Those Who Wait • Frances Wilson Huard
... avant un pou ale Et vy un vergier grant et le, Bien cloz de bon mur batillie Pourtrait dehors, et entaillie Ou (for ... — Ariadne Florentina - Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving • John Ruskin
... indifferent food. In Italy there are all these things, and glory as well, to be gained by a devoted army led by a general who regards loot as the natural right of the soldier. I am such a general. En avant, mes enfants!" The result has entirely justified him. The army conquers Italy as the locusts conquered Cyprus. They fight all day and march all night, covering impossible distances and appearing in incredible places, not because every soldier carries a field marshal's baton in his knapsack, ... — The Man of Destiny • George Bernard Shaw
... Raudot, "La France avant la Revolution," p. 51.—De Bouille, "Memoires," p. 44.—Necker, "De l'Administration des Finances," II, p. 181. The above relates to what was called the clergy of France, (116 dioceses). The clergy called foreign, consisted of that of the three bishoprics and of the regions ... — The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine
... deboutes sur les longs epis d'or, Virtuoses qui vont s'eteindre avant l'automne, Elles poussent au del leur hymne monotone Que dans I'ombre ... — Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn • Lafcadio Hearn
... seuls qui comptent—sont baignes. Comment dire l'eblouissement des yeux longtemps retenus dans la penombre du Codex Exoniensis et devant qui passent soudain avec leurs brillantes syllables 'Halte-Clerc,' l'epee d'Olivier, 'Joyeuse' celle de Charlemagne, 'Monjoie' l'etendard des Francs? Avant toute description on est saisi comme par un brusque lever de soleil. Il est tels vers de nos vieilles romances d'ou la lumiere ruisselle sans meme qu'on ait besoin de prendre garde a ... — A Study of Poetry • Bliss Perry
... diligent, who can command Time, nature's stock! and could his hour-glass fall, Would, as for seed of stars, stoop for the sand, And, by incessant labour, gather all."—D'Avenant. "Allez en avant, et la foi ... — Self Help • Samuel Smiles
... der Straeten, has illuminated the crowded shelves of his big work, "La Musique aux Pays-Bas avant Le XIXe Siecle," with various little instances of romance that occurred to the numberless minstrels and weavers of tangled counterpoint in the Netherlands of the old time. Some of these instances ... — The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 1 • Rupert Hughes
... voila! I can do nothing," he said. "Mais, is it not that there are learned faculties in Paris—men skilled in chirurgery even to the taking off of cataracts and the restoration of sight? Of a truth, yes! En avant, mes enfants! Let Monsieur Martin, your ancient cousin in Paris, have the care of you whilst the chirurgeons exert their skill—presto! if all goes well, the little ... — Orphans of the Storm • Henry MacMahon
... n'ai jamais cesse et jamais je ne cesserai de regarder comme voleurs tous les acquereurs des biens des emigres. Il faudroit, pour le bonheur de la France, qu'elle fut places dans le meme etat ou elle etait avant la Revolution." He would not listen to my reasons against the possibility of effecting such a plan, even were the plan just and reasonable in itself. I told him that for the emigrants to expect to get back their property was just as absurd as for the ... — After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 • Major W. E Frye |