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Battel   Listen
Battel  n.  Provisions ordered from the buttery; also, the charges for them; only in the pl., except when used adjectively. (Univ. of Oxford, Eng.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Battel" Quotes from Famous Books

... time, sometimes there was War, sometimes there was Peace, foreign Wars in abundance, great Civil Wars, not a few Contentions for Power amongst all Degrees of Men, vast Conquests, great Extent or Empire, till at last, in the famous Plains of Pharsalia, was fought a decisive Battel for the Empire, between two ambitious Men, namely, Caesar and Pompey; the latter fled, and was treacherously slain on the Egyptian Shore, whilst the former remain'd Master of the Field, and almost of ...
— Remarks on Clarissa (1749) • Sarah Fielding

... "The Battel of Alcazar fought in Barbarie" is attributed to Peele and was published in 1586, soon after Marlowe's "Tamburlaine," after which it is modelled and to which it expressly refers. The commentator says: "It is a mere battle piece, ...
— The Critics Versus Shakspere - A Brief for the Defendant • Francis A. Smith

... was to be tryed by combate. The lists were appointed and the day of meeting the eleventh day of September, to which place and on the day assigned came both the Dukes and bravely accoutred, appeared before the King ready to enter into battel; when the King threw down his warder, and staying the combate banished the Duke of Hereford for ten years, but the Duke of Norfolk for ever, was travelling many countries, at the last came to Venice and ...
— The History of Sir Richard Whittington • T. H.

... forsworn and void of truth, unless he adhered to the treaty, or went thither and explained himself there, where the treaty was formerly made and also sworn. Then went the king to Hastings at Candlemas; and whilst he there abode waiting the weather, he let hallow the minster at Battel, and deprived Herbert Losang, the Bishop of Thetford, of his staff; and thereafter about mid-Lent went over sea into Normandy. After he came, thither, he and his brother Robert, the earl, said that they should come together in peace (and so they did), and might be united. Afterwards ...
— The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle • Unknown

... order to be kept hereafter, for sending Ministers unto the Armie, which the Clerk will send herewith unto you. Now the Lord our GOD, in whose Name his people go forth against his Enemies, help and assist them, and cover their heads in the Day of Battel, and be their Refuge; and blesse your travels and endeavours, for the good of their ...
— The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

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