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Bezoar   Listen
Bezoar  n.  A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals (as the wild goat, the gazelle, and the Peruvian llama) formerly regarded as an unfailing antidote for poison, and a certain remedy for eruptive, pestilential, or putrid diseases. Hence: Any antidote or panacea. Note: Two kinds were particularly esteemed, the Bezoar orientale of India, and the Bezoar occidentale of Peru.
Bezoar antelope. See Antelope.
Bezoar goat (Zool.), the wild goat (Capra aegagrus).
Bezoar mineral, an old preparation of oxide of antimony.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Bezoar" Quotes from Famous Books

... altogether; but the physicians said No; and they were right for near the first time in all their diagnosis of his state. But they continued to give him their remedies of Sal Ammoniac and Peruvian Bark, and later the Oriental Bezoar Stone, which is a pebble, I understand, taken from the stomach of a goat. Also they blooded him again, twelve ounces more, and all ...
— Oddsfish! • Robert Hugh Benson

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