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Binocular   Listen
Binocular  adj.  
Having two eyes. "Most animals are binocular."
Pertaining to both eyes; employing both eyes at once; as, binocular vision.
Adapted to the use of both eyes; as, a binocular microscope or telescope.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Binocular" Quotes from Famous Books

... once, for you may believe me that we are not going to journey fifteen or twenty miles to-day without seeing something more interesting than sand. Here's my little binocular. Take ...
— In the Mahdi's Grasp • George Manville Fenn

... penetrated half a mile further inland than any other. Soundings indicated six feet deep, and the same depth was kept to within a few hundred yards of the principal mouth of the Rusizi. The current was very sluggish; not more than a mile an hour. Though we constantly kept our binocular searching for the river, we could not see the main channel until within 200 yards of it, and then only by watching by what outlet the fishing; canoes came out. The bay at this point had narrowed from ...
— How I Found Livingstone • Sir Henry M. Stanley

... aiming in game shooting consists in fixing binocular vision on the object to be hit, drawing the nock of the arrow beneath the right eye and observing that the head of the arrow is in a direct line with the mark by the indirect vision of the right ...
— Hunting with the Bow and Arrow • Saxton Pope

... sight of a horseman loping rapidly up the valley and heading for the bridge across the Laramie. Long before he reached the post an orderly had notified the commanding officer that a courier was coming,—doubtless from Captain Terry's party, and Major Miller's appearance on his north piazza, binocular in hand, and gazing steadfastly over the distant flats to the winding trail along the river, was sufficient to bring strong representations of every household into view, all eager to see what he was seeing or to hear what he might know. Mr. Hatton came hurriedly over from "Bedlam," took his place ...
— 'Laramie;' - or, The Queen of Bedlam. • Charles King

Words linked to "Binocular" :   eye, binocular microscope, binocular vision

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