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Bisque   Listen
Bisque  n.  A point taken by the receiver of odds in the game of tennis; also, an extra innings allowed to a weaker player in croquet.

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"Bisque" Quotes from Famous Books

... fugae 'fer opem, deprendimur,' inquam, 'Armigerae, Diana, tuae, cui saepe dedisti Ferre tuos arcus inclusaque tela pharetra.' 620 Mota dea est spissisque ferens e nubibus unam Me super iniecit. lustrat caligine tectam Amnis et ignarus circum cava nubila quaerit. Bisque locum, quo me dea texerat, inscius ambit Et bis 'io Arethusa, io Arethusa' vocavit.... 625 In latices mutor, sed enim cognoscit amatas 636 Amnis aquas, positoque viri, quod sumpserat, ore Vertitur in proprias, ut se mihi misceat, undas. Delia rupit humum, caecisque ego mersa cavernis Advehor ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... hic solus condidit aedes, Non tam divitiis quam fidei meritis. Quas puer haud didicit scripturas postea scivit, Doctus ut indoctum vix sequeretur eum. Flentibus hunc nobis tulit inclementia mortis Sextilis quina bisque die decima. Herluine pater, sic cA"lica scandis ovantA"r; Credere namque ...
— Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. II. (of 2) • Dawson Turner

... handsome room, paved with marble flags. To the left was the bar, whose counter was a single slab of polished redwood. Behind it was a huge, plate-glass mirror, balanced on one side by the cash-register and on the other by a statuette of the Diving Girl in tinted bisque. Between the two were pyramids of glasses and bottles, liqueur flasks in wicker cases, and ...
— Vandover and the Brute • Frank Norris

... round, a crude mould is sometimes used. After the clay has been shaped on the wheel, it is set away for drying, and usually in two or three days it is considered sufficiently dry for smoothing, which is done on the wheel with a sharp curved knife. The material is now made into "bisque," or biscuit, by a preliminary baking in small ovens, when it is ready for painting, if it is to be painted on the biscuit; if not, it is ready for the glazing. In either event it will then go to the large furnace for the final baking. The kilns for this purpose ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 303 - October 22, 1881 • Various

... instructed by Cousin Ethel to walk stiffly, and move jerkily like a jointed doll. Bertha's costume was exactly like Marjorie's except that it was blue, and as Bertha's hair was blonde and curly, she looked very like a Bisque doll. But Bertha's face wore naturally a discontented expression, which was far less ...
— Marjorie's Maytime • Carolyn Wells

... Emperor and Empress Marie Louise visited together the manufacture of Sevres porcelain, and the Duchess of Montebello accompanied the Empress as lady of honor. The Emperor, seeing a fine bust of the marshal, in bisque, exquisitely made, paused, and, not noticing the pallor which overspread the countenance of the duchess, asked her what she thought of this bust, and if it was a good likeness. The widow felt as if her old wound was reopened; she could not reply, and retired, bathed in tears, and it was ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... to wind'ard, but none of us cared for that, With a straight run home to the service tee, and a finish along the flat. "Stiff?" Ah, well you may say it! Spot-barred, and at five-stone-ten! But at two and a bisque I'd ha' run the risk; for ...
— From a Cornish Window - A New Edition • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... her fate to sit, with her patient, saintly eyes and figure like a bisque Psyche, behind the sequestered counter of the little shop, while Dicky drank and philandered with ...
— Cabbages and Kings • O. Henry

... complaint—either in the person of Albertina or Gwendolyn, whether she lay in the crook of Eleanor's arm in the lumpy bed where she reposed at the end of the day's labor, or whether she sat bolt upright on the lumpy cot in the studio, the broken bisque arm, which Jimmie insisted on her wearing in a sling whenever he was present, dangling limply at her side in the relaxation Eleanor preferred ...
— Turn About Eleanor • Ethel M. Kelley

... fog," she answered our sympathy. "It came on with the evening, somehow. Never mind me. Cristina has made a cream-of-lettuce bisque, and she will never forgive us if we do not eat every bit. Yes, Ethan; of course I'll take mine. I only wish every bush and tree would not drip, drip like a horrid kind of clock ticking; and the foghorns ...
— The Thing from the Lake • Eleanor M. Ingram

... name!) was here for dinner last night, and all things considered, we didn't fare so badly. We had tomato bisque and scalloped potatoes and prairie-chicken (they need to be well basted) and hot biscuits and stewed dried peaches with cream. Then we had coffee and the men smoked their pipes. We talked until a quarter to one in the morning, ...
— The Prairie Wife • Arthur Stringer

... a poor relation to most of the residences there. The black areaway rail is broken, and the basement-door grill is rusty. But at the windows are red-and-white-figured chintz curtains, with a $2.98 bisque figurine of an unclothed lady between them; the door is of spotless white, with a ...
— Our Mr. Wrenn - The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man • Sinclair Lewis

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