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Calking   Listen
Calking  n.  The act or process of making seems tight, as in ships, or of furnishing with calks, as a shoe, or copying, as a drawing.
Calking iron, a tool like a chisel, used in calking ships, tightening seams in ironwork, etc. "Their left hand does the calking iron guide."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Calking" Quotes from Famous Books

... along the wharf, little fires made of chips of wood and raveled-out bits of old hawsers, and over them tar was simmering in three-legged iron pots. Beside these lay whole piles of oakum. And now the process of calking began. Then, as noon approached, another pot, filled with potatoes and bacon, was shoved into the fire, and many, many a time, as I passed by here on my way, at this hour, I eagerly inhaled the appetizing vapors, ...
— The German Classics Of The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12 • Various

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