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Capper   Listen
Capper  n.  
One whose business is to make or sell caps.
A by-bidder; a decoy for gamblers. (Slang, U. S.)
An instrument for applying a percussion cap to a gun or cartridge.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Capper" Quotes from Famous Books

... to attract a crowd. He then strove to sell them a compound—composed of fish glue, alum and brandy—which he claimed would cure burns in two or three hours. He demonstrated that this mixture was used by him in his heat resistance: and then, doubtless, some "capper" started the ball rolling, and Herr Quackensalber (his name indicates a seller of salves) reaped ...
— The Miracle Mongers, an Expos • Harry Houdini

... queen cut off the hand of Stubbs, the author of a tract against popish connection, of Singleton, the printer, and Page, the disperser of the book. Camden saw it done. Warburton properly says it exceeds in cruelty any thing done by Charles I. On the 4th of June, Mr. Elias Thacker and Mr. John Capper, two ministers of the Brownist persuasion, were hanged at St. Edmund's-bury, for dispersing books against the Common Prayer. With respect to the great part of the Catholic victims, the law was fully and literally executed: after being hanged up, they were cut down alive, dismembered, ripped ...
— Sydney Smith • George W. E. Russell

... vain to heap execrations on my negligence, or to consume the little strength left to me in regrets. I returned once more to the tavern and made inquiries for Mr. Capper, the person whom I have just mentioned as my father's neighbour. I was informed that Capper was now in town; that he had lodged, on the last night, at this house; that he had expected to do the same to-night, ...
— Arthur Mervyn - Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 • Charles Brockden Brown

... redoubt by the 26th Brigade of that division. To the north of them the 7th Division was also suffering horrible losses after the capture of the quarries, near Hulluch, and the village of Haisnes, which afterward was lost. The commanding officers of both divisions, General Capper of the 7th, and General Thesiger of the 9th, were killed as they reconnoitered the ground, and wounded men were pouring down to the casualty clearing stations if they had the luck to get so far. Some of them had not that luck, but lay for ...
— Now It Can Be Told • Philip Gibbs

... motored over from Saratoga to see him, were brought to supper at the Carews'; and they gave him a clean bill of moral health. They were, respectively, "Doc" Curfoot—suave haunter of Peacock Alley and gentleman "capper"—whom Brandes introduced as the celebrated specialist, Doctor Elbert Curfoot—and Captain Harman Quint, partner in "Quint's" celebrated temple of chance—introduced as the distinguished navigating officer which he appeared ...
— The Dark Star • Robert W. Chambers

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