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Carious   Listen
Carious  adj.  Affected with caries; decaying; as, a carious tooth.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Carious" Quotes from Famous Books

... wrist and elbow in 1794, knee and ankle in 1792, and had followed this up so well that, in 1803, the younger Moreau could boast, "the town has become in some sort the refuge of the unfortunate afflicted with carious joints, after they have tried all the means usually recommended by professional men, or have had recourse to empirical nostrums, or when amputation seemed to them the ...
— A Manual of the Operations of Surgery - For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners • Joseph Bell

... be acknowledged, that in the well-known cases, described by Mr. Potts, of that kind of Palsy of the lower limbs which is frequently found to accompany a curvature of the spine, and in which a carious state of the vertebrae is found to exist, no instructive analogy is discoverable; slight convulsive motions may indeed happen in the disease proceeding from curvature of the spine; but palpitating motions of the limbs, ...
— An Essay on the Shaking Palsy • James Parkinson

... teeth requires that they be frequently examined. When a part of the enamel is removed, and a small portion of the body of the tooth has become carious, in many instances such teeth may be preserved from further decay by having them filled or "plugged" with gold foil. All amalgams, pastes, and cheap patent articles for filling, should be avoided, if you would preserve both the teeth and ...
— A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (Revised Edition) • Calvin Cutter

... us that in the very earliest times living creatures died from the same causes which kill them now. Many were overwhelmed by floods and volcanoes, or engulphed by earthquakes; many died of old age or disease, for their bones are found distorted or carious, and their limbs twisted with pain; while the greater number were devoured, according to the general law of the struggle for existence. Death ruled universally before the human race made its appearance on the earth, and has absolutely ...
— Bible Romances - First Series • George W. Foote

Words linked to "Carious" :   caries, unhealthy

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