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Chub   Listen
Chub  n.  (Zool.) A species to fresh-water fish of the Cyprinidae or Carp family. The common European species is Leuciscus cephalus; the cheven. In America the name is applied to various fishes of the same family, of the genera Semotilus, Squalius, Ceratichthys, etc., and locally to several very different fishes, as the tautog, black bass, etc.
Chub mackerel (Zool.), a species of mackerel (Scomber colias) in some years found in abundance on the Atlantic coast, but absent in others; called also bull mackerel, thimble-eye, and big-eye mackerel.
Chub sucker (Zool.), a fresh-water fish of the United States (Erimyzon sucetta); called also creekfish.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Chub" Quotes from Famous Books

... the very oysters may be accurately judged by their shells. I discovered this at Lisbon, where they are all deformed, hump-backed, and good for nothing. Is it not possible by the appearance of a river to tell what fish are in it? In the slow sluggish stream you will find the heavy chub. In the livelier current, the trout and the pike. If a man loves prints you have an excellent clue to his character; take for instance, the inventory of mine at College:—Four views of the ruins at Rome; Charles Fox; Belisarius; Niobe; and four Landscapes of Poussin; and Claude ...
— Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey • Joseph Cottle

Words linked to "Chub" :   cyprinid, sea chub, cyprinid fish, chub mackerel

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