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Comitia   Listen
Comitia  n. pl.  (Rom. Antiq.) A public assembly of the Roman people for electing officers or passing laws. Note: There were three kinds of comitia: comitia curiata, or assembly of the patricians, who voted in curiae; comitia centuriata, or assembly of the whole Roman people, who voted by centuries; and comitia tributa, or assembly of the plebeians according to their division into tribes.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Comitia" Quotes from Famous Books

... fellow-advocates. If to speak, therefore, in a dry and lifeless manner, is the true criterion of Atticism, they are heartily welcome to enjoy the credit of it: but if they wish to put their abilities to the trial, let them attend the Comitia, or a judicial process of real importance. The open Forum demands a fuller, and more elevated tone: and he is the Orator for me, who is so universally admired that when he is to plead an interesting cause, all the benches are filled beforehand, the tribunal crowded, the clerks ...
— Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker. • Marcus Tullius Cicero

... were not only represented in the senate, but met also in a public assembly called "comitia curiata." In these comitia the kings were elected and invested with royal authority. After the complete change of the constitution in later ages, the "comitia curiata"[6] rarely assembled, and their power was limited to religious matters; but during the earlier period of ...
— Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome • Oliver Goldsmith

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