"Corage" Quotes from Famous Books
... of the yeare; But eft, when ye count you freed from feare, Cornes the breme Winter with chamfred browes, Full of wrinckles and frostie furrowes, Drerily shooting his stormy darte, Which cruddles the blood and pricks the harte: Then is your carelesse corage accoied, Your careful heards with cold bene annoied: Then paye you the price of your surquedrie, With weeping, and wailing, ... — Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama - A Literary Inquiry, with Special Reference to the Pre-Restoration - Stage in England • Walter W. Greg
... Whereof when he was wakened with the noyse, And saw the beast so small, "Whats this," quoth he, "that gives so great a voyce, That wakens men withall?" In angry wize he flies about, And threatens all with corage ... — The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5 • Edmund Spenser
... knew what I sufered from my first wrong-doing, and yet you plunged me into the same misery, and then abbandoned me to my dispair and sufering. Yes, I will say it, the belif I had that you loved me and esteemed me gave me corage to bare my fate. But now, what have I left? Have you not made me loose all that was dear to me, all that held me to life; parents, frends, onor, reputation,—all, I have sacrifised all to you, and nothing is left ... — The Thirteen • Honore de Balzac |