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Corky   Listen
Corky  adj.  
Consisting of, or like, cork; dry shriveled up. "Bind fast hiss corky arms."
Tasting of cork.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Corky" Quotes from Famous Books

... acorns in a hollow in the timber, and had not returned to them—what tragedy intervenes must be left to the imagination. The Polyporus had then invaded the hollow, and the acorns, and had dissolved and destroyed the cellular and starchy contents of the latter, leaving only the cuticularized and corky shells, looking exactly like fossil eggs in the matrix. I hardly think geology can beat ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888 • Various

... many of 'em back on th' old Force again, an' glad to get their rations. There was some that talked like you, Mister Bloomin' Reddy!—fed up, an' goin' to quit—an' did quit—for a time. There was Corky Jones, I mind. Him that used to blow 'bout th' wonderful jobs he'd got th' pick of when he was 'time-ex.' All he got was 'reeve' of some little shi-poke burg down south. Hooshomin its real name, but they mostly call it Hootch thereabouts. ...
— The Luck of the Mounted - A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police • Ralph S. Kendall

Words linked to "Corky" :   corked, cork

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