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Cranial   Listen
Cranial  adj.  (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the cranium.

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"Cranial" Quotes from Famous Books

... spelling, there is no elision of syllables and no difficulty in finding the words desired. The face is symmetrical on the two sides. There is no evidence of paralysis of the facial muscles. In fact, the cranial nerves, by detailed examination, are intact, except in so far as respiration and speech are concerned. The right leg is held entirely spastic, the muscles on both sides of the joints, that is, flexors and extensors, being equally contracted. It is impossible ...
— The Journal of Abnormal Psychology - Volume 10

... sporting friends for measurements of their largest skulls, with a view to settling the question about tigers exceeding eleven feet. The museum possesses the skeleton of a tiger which was considered one of the largest known, the cranial measurement of whose skull is 14.50 inches, but the Maharajah of Cooch Behar showed me one of his skulls which exceeded it, being 15 inches. Amongst others I wrote to Mr. J. Shillingford of Purneah, and he most kindly not only drew up for me a tabular ...
— Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon • Robert A. Sterndale

... proved to take an effect on this vaso-motor centre. If, as is probable, different forms of cerebral action induce or depend on different cerebral conditions, or involve different sections of the cranial masses, this effect would necessarily be different, and the influence on ...
— The Education of American Girls • Anna Callender Brackett

... difficult to calculate the odds against the independent occurrence and conservation of two such complex series of merely accidental and minute haphazard variations. And it can never be {76} maintained that the sense of hearing could not be efficiently subserved otherwise than by such sacs, in cranial cartilaginous capsules so situated in relation to the ...
— On the Genesis of Species • St. George Mivart

... a New Zealand and Australian Ray, the fish Rhinobatus banksii, Mull and Heule. In this genus of Rays the cranial cartilage is produced into a long rostral ...
— A Dictionary of Austral English • Edward Morris

... origin of sleep which has gained the widest credence is the one that attributes it to anaemia of the brain. It has been shown by Mosso, and many others, that in men with defects of the cranial wall the volume of the brain decreases during sleep. At the same time, the volume of any limb increases as the peripheral parts of the body become turgid with blood. In dogs, the brain has been exposed, and the cortex of that organ has been observed to become anaemic during sleep. It is ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898 • Various

... lower jaw of which is missing, is that of a Tarahumare woman over fifty years of age. The age of the specimen itself is impossible to arrive at, on account of the peculiar circumstances in which it was preserved. However, the cranial walls still contained some animal matter, were still somewhat fatty to the touch, and retained some odour. A spindle provided with a whorl made from a piece of pine-bark, which was lying among the bones in the cave, indicates that the body of this female had not been put there in recent ...
— Unknown Mexico, Volume 1 (of 2) • Carl Lumholtz

... The uniformity in cranial type prevailing all over the British Isles is amazing; it is greater than in either Spain or Scandinavia. The cephalic indices range chiefly between 77 and 79, a restricted variation as compared with ...
— Influences of Geographic Environment - On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography • Ellen Churchill Semple

Words linked to "Cranial" :   cranial nerve, eighth cranial nerve, cranial index, fifth cranial nerve, cranial cavity, cranium, tenth cranial nerve, twelfth cranial nerve, sixth cranial nerve, seventh cranial nerve, ninth cranial nerve, third cranial nerve, second cranial nerve, fourth cranial nerve, cranial orbit, first cranial nerve, eleventh cranial nerve

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