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Crees   Listen
Crees  n. pl.  (singular Cree) (Ethnol.) An Algonquin tribe of Indians, inhabiting a large part of British America east of the Rocky Mountains and south of Hudson's Bay.

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"Crees" Quotes from Famous Books

... the first to see it,' replied Holt. 'The Indians call him "the forest man," and the Lower Canadians the "bourgeois;" they attribute to him a sagacity almost human; the Crees and Ojibbeways fancy him an enchanted being, and will enter into conversation with him when they meet in ...
— Cedar Creek - From the Shanty to the Settlement • Elizabeth Hely Walshe

... began suddenly, "ye are a missionary to the Lone Moose Crees. It will be a thankless task; a tougher one nor I'd care to tackle. I ha' seen the job undertaken before by folk who—beggin' your pardon—ha' little conception of the country, the people in it, or the needs of ...
— Burned Bridges • Bertrand W. Sinclair

... indications are unsystematic and even contradictory. The elder brother has naturally no hesitation in saying that the highest gift of any writer is his power of creating on paper real beings—comme des etres crees par Dieu, et comme ayant eu une vraie vie sur la terre—and he is bold enough to add that Shakespeare himself has failed to create more than two or three personages. He protests energetically against the academic ...
— Rene Mauperin • Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt

... told his people this," finished Wabi, "and from that hour there was no more thievery in the land. And because the Great Spirit came in the form he did the rabbit is the good luck animal of the Crees and Chippewayans of the far North, and wherever the snows fall deep, men set their traps side by side to this ...
— The Gold Hunters - A Story of Life and Adventure in the Hudson Bay Wilds • James Oliver Curwood

... movement of their respective charges with the utmost concern. There was never a more gorgeous assembly of its kind than this one. The day was perfect. The Crees, displaying their characteristic horsemanship, came in groups; the Assiniboines with their curious pompadour well covered with red paint. The various bands of Sioux all carefully observed the traditional ...
— Among the Sioux - A Story of the Twin Cities and the Two Dakotas • R. J. Creswell

... Peace River itself is the monument of a successful effort on the part of the Company to bring about a better understanding between the Crees and ...
— The Arctic Prairies • Ernest Thompson Seton

... consequence to the Hudson's Bay Company, but at present it exhibits unequivocal signs of decay. The Indians have of late years been gradually deserting the low or swampy country, and ascending the Saskatchawan, where animals are more abundant. A few Crees were at this time encamped in front of the fort. They were suffering under hooping-cough and measles, and looked miserably dejected. We endeavoured in vain to prevail on one of them to accompany us for the purpose ...
— Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819-20-21-22, Volume 1 • John Franklin

... country, but Jingoss is a Georgian Bay Ojibway. Down near Missinaibie every Injun has his own hunting district, and they're different from our Crees,—they stick pretty close to their district. Any strangers trying to hunt and trap there are going to get shot, sure pop. That makes me think that if Jingoss has gone south, and if he's trading now at Missinaibie, and if he ain't chummed up with some of them Ojibways ...
— The Silent Places • Stewart Edward White

... razon!—respondio la mujer, subitamente inflamada por la misma creencia.—?Y lo has encontrado ya? ?Es muy grande? ?Lo has vuelto a tapar bien? ?Son monedas de 25 plata, o de oro? ?Crees tu que pasaran todavia? iQue felicidad para nuestros hijos! iComo van a gastar y a triunfar en Granada[79-7] y en Madrid! iYo quiero ver eso! Vamos alla.... ...
— Novelas Cortas • Pedro Antonio de Alarcon

... fact, one of the Dhyani-buddhas, though not called by that name in our Sutra, forms the chief object of its teaching, and is represented as coeval with Buddha Sakyamuni. ("L'idee d'un ou de plusieurs Buddhas surhumains, celle de Bodhisattvas crees par eux, sont des conceptions aussi etrangeres a ces livres (les Sutras simples) que celle d'un Adibuddha ou d'un Dieu."—Burnouf, Introduction, p. 120.) The larger text of the Sukhavativyuha would certainly, according to Burnouf's definition, seem to fall into ...
— Chips From A German Workshop, Vol. V. • F. Max Mueller

... gone by, teeth and bones highly polished, which belong indubitably to this animal, of which so little is known. Mr. Ross Cox, in the relation of his travels across the Rocky Mountains, says, "that the Upper Crees, a tribe who inhabit the country in the vicinity of the Athabasca river, have a curious tradition with respect to these animals They allege 'that these animals were of frightful magnitude, that they formerly lived in the plains, a great distance in ...
— Monsieur Violet • Frederick Marryat

... was not a success. He was a disappointment to the missionaries; the officials of the Hudson's Bay Company said he was "no good;" the Mounted Police kept an eye on him; the Crees and Blackfeet would have nothing to do with him; and the half-breeds were profane regarding him. But Little Hammer was oblivious to any depreciation of his merits, and would not be suppressed. He loved the Hudson's Bay Company's Post at Yellow Quill with an unwavering love; ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... inhabit the North-West Territories and are divided into Plain, Wood and Swampy Crees, according to the region of the country they dwell in. The Swampy Crees reside in Manitoba ...
— The Treaties of Canada with The Indians of Manitoba - and the North-West Territories • Alexander Morris

... this expedition with great notions of making such a trip as no man had ever before attempted, passing up a branch of the Saskatchewan, making a portage with the assistance of the Crees or Chippewas to some convenient branch of the Athabasca River, and voyage on to the lake of that name by fall, winter there perhaps at the Hudson Bay Post, and in the spring by means of the chain of lakes and rivers that I understand connect ...
— Canoe Mates in Canada - Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan • St. George Rathborne

... y en tanto, ya se pintaba el asombro en sus facciones, ya ardia la colera en sus ojos. ?Que haces, imbecil? iVes que la pieza esta herida, que es la primera que cae por mi mano, y abandonas el rastro y la dejas perder para que vaya a morir en el fondo del bosque! ?Crees acaso que he venido a matar ciervos ...
— Legends, Tales and Poems • Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

... status like that of the Crees Our society's fabric arose,— Develop'd, evolved, if you please, But deluded chronologists chose, In a fancied accordance with Mos es, 4000 |B.C.| for the span When he rushed on the world and its woes,— 'Twas the ...
— The Book of Humorous Verse • Various

... the Thracians and Scythians, some of the Greeks, the Lithuanians, the Basutos, the natives of Congo and other African countries, the inhabitants of New Zealand, the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Fiji Islands, the Crees, Comanches, Caribs, and various other Indian tribes in ...
— Primitive Love and Love-Stories • Henry Theophilus Finck

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