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Dactylic   Listen
Dactylic  n.  
A line consisting chiefly or wholly of dactyls; as, these lines are dactylics.
pl. Dactylic meters.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Dactylic" Quotes from Famous Books

... ayqually contimptible. But in this neetive Oirish loine we have not only doialictic advantages, but also an ameezing number of others. It's the doirict riprisiuteetive of the Homiric loine, fust, in the number of fate; secindly, in the saysural pause; thirdly, in the capaceetee for a dactylic an' spondaic inding, an' fowerthly, in the shuperabundince of sonorous ipithits and rowling syllabeefeeceetions. An' all this I can prove to ye by spicimins of me ...
— The Lady of the Ice - A Novel • James De Mille

... good, appropriate, and the singing very fair. The theatre itself is dirty and gloomy. The German language appears to me to be better adapted to music than either the French or English. The number of dactylic terminations in the language give to it all the variety that the sdruccioli give to the Italian. As to poetry, no language in the world suits itself better to all the vagaries and phantasies of the Muse, since it possesses so much natural ...
— After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 • Major W. E Frye

... particular kind, we do not mean that every foot in that line is necessarily of the same kind. Verse is named by stating first the prevailing foot which composes it, and second the number of feet in a line. A verse having four iambic feet is called iambic tetrameter. So we have dactylic hexameter, trochaic pentameter, iambic ...
— Composition-Rhetoric • Stratton D. Brooks

Words linked to "Dactylic" :   prosody, dactyl, metrics

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