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Dalmatic   Listen
Dalmatic, Dalmatica  n.  
(R. C. Ch.) A vestment with wide sleeves, and with two stripes, worn at Mass by deacons, and by bishops at pontifical Mass; imitated from a dress originally worn in Dalmatia.
A robe worn on state ocasions, as by English kings at their coronation.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Dalmatic" Quotes from Famous Books

... rich, as became a monarch's court. When Arthur was seated in his chair upon the dais, the lords and princes sat around the board, according to the usage of the country, each in his order and degree. The king's seneschal, hight Sir Kay, served Arthur's table, clad in a fair dalmatic of vermeil silk. With Sir Kay were a thousand damoiseaux, clothed in ermine, who bore the dishes from the buttery. These pages moved briskly about the tables, carrying the meats in platters to the guests. Together with these were yet another ...
— Arthurian Chronicles: Roman de Brut • Wace

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