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Declarant   Listen
Declarant  n.  (Law) One who declares.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Declarant" Quotes from Famous Books

... [1032] "Declarant (Alencon) qu'il ne pouvoit approuver vn tel desordre, ny qu'on rompit si ouvertement la foy promise, qui fut cause que sa mere luy dit en termes clairs que s'il bougeoit elle le feroit ietter dans vn sac aual l'eau." Tocsain contre les ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... January 1677. Annabil Stewart, the girl of fourteen years, when brought before the court for the crime of witchcraft, stated that, in the previous harvest, the devil, like a black man, came to her mother's house and requested the declarant to give herself up to him, under pretence that if she did so she would never want. Enticed by her mother and Bessie Weir, she put her hand to the crown of her head, and the other to the sole of her foot, and swore ...
— The Mysteries of All Nations • James Grant

... Fundy (and noe further), by Capt. Peter Rodregross and Company; As by A Charter Partie, Refferance being had thereunto, more fully may Appear; and allso will therein Declare thatt I your Poore and Humble Declarant Edward Youring had not the Least Intention of anything thereby but onely and honestly to Improve both myselfe and my Interest in the foresaid Barque, in an honest Lawfull way; And it being well knowen and seen, both in Towne or else where wherever my caulling haith Led mee, thatt I have been according ...
— Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Illustrative Documents • Various

... its issue of the 23rd: "... Marguerite Vandenabeele, 10 ans, de Nieurlet, hameau de Hedezeele, (Nord), est arrivee avec un des trains de Paris, portant un certificat du Docteur Dantois, date de St. Momeleu (Nord) le 25 mai, 1908, la declarant atteinte d'atrophie de la jambe gauche avec pied-bot equin. Elle ne marchait que tres difficilement et tres peniblement. A la sortie de la piscine, vendredi soir, elle a pu marcher facilement. Amenee au Bureau Medical, on l'a debarrassee de l'appareil dans lequel etait ...
— Lourdes • Robert Hugh Benson

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