"Devoir" Quotes from Famous Books
... en termes qui prennent leur source dans le coeur, le devoir qui a t enseign et pratiqu parmi vous, par des prdicateurs loquents et des ... — Memories of Canada and Scotland - Speeches and Verses • John Douglas Sutherland Campbell
... and extravagances: for Profusiana has wit, and is not totally destitute of reason, when she suffers herself to think. But her conduct procures her not one solid friendship, and she has not in a twelvemonth, among a thousand professions of service, one devoir that she can attend to, or a friend that she can depend upon. All the women she sees, if she excels them, hate her: the gay part of the men, with whom she accompanies most, are all in a plot against her honour. Even the gentlemen, whose conduct in ... — Pamela (Vol. II.) • Samuel Richardson
... huit cent un, le vingt-deuxieme jour d'Aout, les Etats, a leur premiere tenue depuis la nouvelle de la victoire qu'a remportee l'Amiral Sir James Saumarez sur la flotte combinee de la France et de l'Espagne, dans les Passages de Gibraltar, ont un devoir de manifester la joie et la satisfaction que leur inspire cet heureux evenement. Les divers exploits qui ont signale les armes de sa Majeste ont toujours excite la plus vive allegresse dans le coeur ... — Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross
... and reverend father," said he, "here standeth the good knight Brian de Bois Guilbert, knight preceptor of the Order of the Temple, who by accepting the pledge of battle which I now lay at your reverence's feet, hath become bound to do his devoir in combat this day, to maintain that this Jewish maiden, by name Rebecca, hath justly deserved the doom passed upon her—condemning her to die as a sorceress. Here, I say, he standeth such battle to do knightly ... — Coronation Anecdotes • Giles Gossip
... cannot, have been. [Footnote: Ozanam (Les Germains avant le Christianisme, p. 155): Dans le vocabulaire d'une langue on a tout le spectacle d'une civilisation. On y voit ce qu'un peuple sait des choses invisibles, si les notions de Dieu, de l'ame, du devoir, sont assez pures chez lui pour ne souffrir que des termes exacts. On mesure la puissance de ses institutions par le nombre et la propriete des termes qu'elles veulent pour leur service; la liturgie a ses paroles sacramentelles, la procedure a ses formules. Enfin, si ce peuple ... — On the Study of Words • Richard C Trench
... restaurant, that he saw Maurice Delarey, with the reverential expression on his face that had been so pleasing. Yes, the boy Ruffo looked like him in that moment, as he stood there, wishing to do his devoir, to be polite, but not ... — A Spirit in Prison • Robert Hichens
... I wish I could pay here that devoir to his memory and fame which squalid circumstance forbade me to render under the roof that once sheltered him. One can never say enough in his praise, and even Valladolid seems to have thought so, for the city has put ... — Familiar Spanish Travels • W. D. Howells
... kinswoman, what we might have been, had this sly and avaricious monarch permitted us to be seen at his Court. The first Prince of the Blood of France, and the valiant Dunois, whose name is known as wide as that of his heroic father.—This young gentleman did his devoir bravely and well, but methinks 't is pity that he did not succumb with honour, since his ill advised gallantry has stood betwixt us and ... — Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott
... Donadieu, "d'aimer d'un amour total un art dont l'ironie parfois atteint a la cruaute! Et quand, tous les usages admis qui veulent qu'on ne presente un homme que sous ses bons cotes, quand l'amitie meme que j'eprouve pour M. Marquet m'eussent engage, a me taire, un devoir plus imperieux me sollicitait, et j'aurais eu le sentiment de me rabaisser moi-meme ... — Since Cezanne • Clive Bell
... tiennent lieu de conviction et de preuves; ils se prosternent et prient, parce que leurs peres leur out appris a se prosterner at prier: mais pourquoi ceux-ci se sont-ils mis a genoux? C'est que dans les temps eloignes leurs legislateurs et leurs guides leur en ont fait un devoir. 'Adorez at croyez,' ont-ils dit, 'des dieux que vous ne pouvez comprendre; rapportez-vous-en a notre sagesse profonde; nous en savons plus que vous sur la divinite.' Mais pourquoi m'en rapporterais-je a vous? C'est que Dieu le veut ainsi, ... — The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley
... Kent are on the way to London to speak with King Richard, and to tell him that which he wots not; to wit, that there is a certain sort of fools and traitors to the realm who would put collars on our necks and make beasts of us, and that it is his right and his devoir to do as he swore when he was crowned and anointed at Westminster on the Stone of Doom, and gainsay these thieves and traitors; and if he be too weak, then shall we help him; and if he will not be king, then shall we have one who will be, and that is the King's Son of Heaven. ... — A Dream of John Ball, A King's Lesson • William Morris
... promotion: I must bide At home, command the Guard! 'Tis an old hurt, But scalded on my memory.... Well, they sailed! And from the terrace here, sick with self-pity, Wrapped in my wrong, forgetful of devoir, I watch'd them through a mist—turned with a sob— Uptore my rooted sight— There, there she stood; Her hand press'd to her girdle, where the babe Stirred in her body while she gazed—she gazed— But slowly back controlled her eyes, met ... — The Vigil of Venus and Other Poems by "Q" • Q
... Bible and destructive to liberty?... Would any one believe that I am master of slaves of my own purchase? I am drawn along by the general inconvenience of living without them. I will not, I cannot, justify it; however culpable my conduct, I will so far pay my 'devoir' to virtue as to own the excellence and rectitude of her precepts, and to lament my want of conformity to them. I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil: ... — Patrick Henry • Moses Coit Tyler
... far from the moment of our first meeting; but even on my way to venerate those New England luminaries, which chiefly drew my eyes, I could not pay a less devoir to an author who, if Curtis was not, was chief of the New York group of authors in that day. I distinguished between the New-Englanders and the New-Yorkers, and I suppose there is no question but our literary centre was then in Boston, ... — Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells
... ne part que dans l'aprs-midi; encore quatre heures attendre! Le petit Chose en profite pour aller parader au soleil, sur l'esplanade, et se montrer ses compatriotes. Ce premier devoir accompli, il songe prendre quelque nourriture et se met en qute d'un cabaret porte de son escarcelle.... Juste en face les casernes, il en avise un propret, reluisant, avec une belle enseigne ... — Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet
... is due." As soon as Abu Bakr saw the coin and gold[FN51] and the bundle of clothes, he answered Mubarak saying, "I crave pardon, O my lord, of thy master the Emir for that I have been ashamed of waiting upon him and repentance is right hard upon me for that I have failed to do my devoir by him; wherefore I hope that thou wilt be my deputy in imploring him to pardon my default and, the Creator willing, to-morrow I will do what is incumbent upon me and fare to offer my services and proffer the honour which beseemeth me." Rejoined ... — Supplemental Nights, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton
... des enseignements moraux de la religion: ils fermerent les yeux sur les violences, le meurtre, le dereglement des moeurs; ils autoriserent en quelque sorte publiquement la poligamie, et ils precherent le droit divin des rois et le devoir le l'obeissance ... — The Roman and the Teuton - A Series of Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge • Charles Kingsley
... "Mais, Monsieur Beevre, mon devoir, et, ma foi, suppose la mer was plus agreable, mon desir shall be to suivre Mam'selle Alide. Jamais personne de la famille Barberie love de sea; mais, Monsieur, comment faire? I shall die sur la mer de douleur; and I shall die d'ennui, to rester ... — The Water-Witch or, The Skimmer of the Seas • James Fenimore Cooper
... Gouvernement Allemand se vit force de s'adresser au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste l'Empereur de Toutes les Russies en insistant sur la cessation desdits actes militaires. La Russie ayant refuse de faire droit a (n'ayant pas cru devoir repondre a[198]) cette demande et ayant manifeste par ce refus (cette attitude [198]) que son action etait dirigee contre I'Allemagne, j'ai l'honneur, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, de faire savoir a Votre ... — Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History
... ressorts, il eut soin de laisser tomber la poudre de l'amorce. Le lieutenant de son ct maniait le sabre; et, Tamango se trouvant ainsi dsarm, deux vigoureux matelots se jetrent sur lui, le renversrent sur le dos, et se mirent en devoir de le garrotter. La rsistance du noir fut hroque. Revenu de sa premire surprise, et malgr le dsavantage de sa position il lutta longtemps contre les deux matelots. Grce sa force prodigieuse, il parvint se relever. D'un coup de poing, il terrassa ... — Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen
... done, the marshals of the field bade them do their devoir. And then every creature avoided the lists, save Dame Rukenaw, who stood by the fox, and bade him remember the words and instructions she had given him, and call to mind how, when he was scarce seven years old, he had then ... — Children's Literature - A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes • Charles Madison Curry
... on the Frontiers, shew itself as a glorious Pro patria mori. Ever since Dumouriez's defection, three Convention Representatives attend every General. Committee of Salut has sent them, often with this Laconic order only: "Do thy duty, Fais ton devoir." It is strange, under what impediments the fire of Jacobinism, like other such fires, will burn. These Soldiers have shoes of wood and pasteboard, or go booted in hayropes, in dead of winter; they skewer a bass mat round ... — The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle
... premier rang, M. l'Abbe de Lokkum, comme un homme, dont le scavoir, la candeur, et la moderation le rendolent un des plus capables, que je connusse, pour avancer CE BEAU DESSEIN. Cela est si veritable, que j'ai cru devoir assurer ce docte Abbe, dans la reponse que je luis fis, il y a deja, plusieurs annees, par M. le Comte Balati, que s'il pouvoit faire passer ce qu'il appelle ses Pensees Particulieres Cogitationes Privatae, a un consentement ... — The Life of Hugo Grotius • Charles Butler
... a Dieu, mon premier devoir est d'offrir a votre Majeste l'hommage de ma reconnaissance pour la genereuse assistance qu'elle nous a donnee, a moi et a tous les miens et que la Providence vient de couvrir d'un succes complet, puisque j'apprends qu'ils sont tous a present sur la terre hospitaliere ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria
... reellement. Le plaisir de causer nous est defendu." Nevertheless, however much she may have mentally appreciated the solitude of a crowd, she determined to adapt herself to her social surroundings. "C'est un sacrifice," she says, "que je fais a mon Dieu et a mon devoir comme Anglaise." Impelled, therefore, alike by piety and patriotism, she cast aside all ideas of leading an eremitic life, plunged into the vortex of the social world, and mixed with all the ... — Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913 • Evelyn Baring
... me preoccupent; car autant je me sens de force quand je crois etre dans le vrai pour inculquer mes idees a mon pays et pour lui faire partager ma persuasion, autant je me sentirais faible si je n'etais pas sur d'avoir raison ni de faire mon devoir. ... — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria
... simply because I have seen it. In a word, Senor Don Alvaro Tarfe, I am Don Quixote of La Mancha, the one that fame speaks of, and not the unlucky one that has attempted to usurp my name and deck himself out in my ideas. I entreat your worship by your devoir as a gentleman to be so good as to make a declaration before the alcalde of this village that you never in all your life saw me until now, and that neither am I the Don Quixote in print in the Second Part, nor this Sancho Panza, my squire, the ... — Don Quixote • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
... am right sory but not wrooth; But, for my devoir and your hertes reste, 1045 Wher-so yow list, by ordal or by ooth, By sort, or in what wyse so yow leste, For love of god, lat preve it for the beste! And if that I be giltif, do me deye, Allas! What mighte I more doon or ... — Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer
... He was not without some tincture of patriotism; but it was resolvable into two parts: a preference for life among his fellow-countrymen, and a barren point of honour. In England, he could comfort himself by the reflection that "he had been taken while loyally doing his devoir," without any misgiving as to his conduct in the previous years, when he had prepared the disaster of Agincourt by wasteful feud. This unconsciousness of the larger interests is perhaps most happily exampled out of his own mouth. When Alencon stood accused of betraying Normandy into the ... — The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 3 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson
... Arose and awoke at the dawn of the day: As she wended along, She heard fairie song— "Si doulce est la Margarite." There the Ladye the Flower and Ladye the Leaf, With knights and squires of fairie chief, Were met upon mead, For devoir and deed— Homage unto ... — Fables of John Gay - (Somewhat Altered) • John Gay
... sublime de devoir!" said Madame de Frontignac, who, with the airy frailty of her race, never lost her appreciation of the fine points of anything that went on under her eyes. But, nevertheless, she was inwardly resolved, that, picturesque as this "sublime of duty" was, it must not be allowed to ... — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. IV, No. 26, December, 1859 • Various
... commissaires, on a cru devoir changer, dans les deux medailles du general Gates et du general Green, le mot Provinciarum en celui de Regionum. Et dans les medailles de Gates, du cote de la tete, au lieu de Duci provido on a ... — The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat
... in a post of anxiety and danger, with such responsibility upon him as few could ever have endured. Let them remember Montholon's remark: "An angel from heaven would not have satisfied us." Let them recall also that Lowe with ample material never once troubled to state his own case. "Je fais mon devoir et suis indifferent pour le reste," said he, in his interview with the Emperor. They were ... — Through the Magic Door • Arthur Conan Doyle
... Civic virtues, unless they have their origin and consecration in private and domestic virtues, are but the virtues of the theatre. He who has not a loving heart for his child, cannot pretend to have any true love for humanity.—Jules Simon's LE DEVOIR.] ... — Character • Samuel Smiles
... fortune, Rinuccio nevertheless went not home, but, as soon as the street was clear of the patrol, came back to the spot where he had dropped Alessandro, and stooped down and began feeling about, if haply he might find him, and so do his devoir to the lady; but, as he found him not, he supposed the patrol must have borne him thence, and so at last home he went; as did also Alessandro, knowing not what else to do, and deploring his mishap. On the morrow, Scannadio's tomb being found open and empty, for Alessandro had thrown the ... — The Decameron, Vol. II. • Giovanni Boccaccio
... lien compris vous pouvez voir Ce qui comprend beaucoup par renommee Plume, labour le langue & le devoir Furent vaincus par l'aimant de l'aimee O gentille ame, etant tant estimee Qui le pourra louer quen se laissant? Car la parole est toujours reprimee Quand le sujet ... — A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse
... our present public safety, when a Devorant is ambitious, he builds houses, lays by his money, and leaves the Order. There is many a curious thing to tell about the "Compagnons du Devoir" [Companions of the Duty], the rivals of the Devorants, and about the different sects of working-men, their usages, their fraternity, and the bond existing between them and the free-masons. But ... — Ferragus • Honore de Balzac
... Angelique, "the Honnetes Gens do, who think themselves bound to oppose the Intendant, because he uses the royal authority in a regal way, and makes every one, high and low, do their devoir to Church and State." ... — The Golden Dog - Le Chien d'Or • William Kirby
... him a right of praising himself, who has nobody else to do it for him: for really, I cannot but admire at that ingratitude, shall I term it, or blockishness of mankind, who when they all willingly pay to me their utmost devoir, and freely acknowledge their respective obligations; that notwithstanding this, there should have been none so grateful or complaisant as to have bestowed on me a commendatory oration, especially when ... — In Praise of Folly - Illustrated with Many Curious Cuts • Desiderius Erasmus
... point of parting he turned to me: "Senor, j'espere que je ne vous ai pas fache, si je me suis exprime trop fortement devant vous qui m'avez tant rendu service, il faut me pardonner, je suis pauvre et malheureux, mais je pensois que c'etait mon devoir." ... — Before and after Waterloo - Letters from Edward Stanley, sometime Bishop of Norwich (1802;1814;1814) • Edward Stanley
... then continues M. Ronsard's report: "M. Ronsard croit devoir penser, d'apres la conformation generale et la couleur de la partie du continent voisine, qu'elle est d'une nature semblable et volcanique. C'eut ete, sans doute un objet d'autant plus important a verifier, que, ... — Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia - Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 • Phillip Parker King
... thou regardest not thy malady? Am I so hateful an object, that thine eyes condemn me for an abject? or so base, that thy desires cannot stoop so low as to lend me a gracious look? My passions are many, my loves more, my thoughts loyalty, and my fancy faith: all devoted in humble devoir to the service of Phoebe; and shall I reap no reward for such fealties? The swain's daily labours is quit with the evening's hire, the ploughman's toil is eased with the hope of corn, what the ox ... — A History of English Literature - Elizabethan Literature • George Saintsbury
... existe encore en Serbie relativement a la position des Israelites. Son Altesse Serenissime, sans vouloir entrer dans l'examen de la question, fait remarquer que les mots "la voie legale" semblent une reserve qu'il signale a l'attention de la haute assemblee. Le Prince de Bismarck croit devoir constater qu'en aucun cas cette reserve ne saurait infirmer ... — Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question • Lucien Wolf
... as this sayd boke so translated is rare, and not spred ne knowen as it is digne and worthy for the erudicion of such as ben ignoraunte, atte requeste of a singuler frend and gossop of myne, I, William Caxton, have done my devoir temprynte it in ... — Notes & Queries 1849.12.22 • Various
... Rennes entered, "take Orange's chair. He doesn't care a bit about the play, or anything in it. He is going to get married to-morrow. You know Robert Orange, don't you? You ought to paint him. Saint Augustine with a future. Mon devoir, mes livres, et puis ... et puis, ... — Robert Orange - Being a Continuation of the History of Robert Orange • John Oliver Hobbes
... history, which he thought had been approached from the wrong side, i.e., the metaphysical, "par consulter les lumieres de la raison" (p. 8). He continues, "j'ai pense qu'il devait y avoir quelques circonstances particulieres. Un fait et non une speculation metaphysique m'a toujours semble devoir etre et tribut naturel et necessaire de l'histoire." Curiously enough the central fact in history appeared to Boulanger to be the deluge, and on the basis of it he attempted to interpret the Kulturgeschichte of humanity. ... — Baron d'Holbach • Max Pearson Cushing
... n'ai pu retenir plus longtemps le General Major Fleetwood avec moi, son desir le portait si fort de se trouver a Upsale, au couronnement, de crainte qu'il ne semblerait negligent, et manquer a son devoir envers son Altesse Royale; mais la raison de ce qu'il a presente ma requete a votre Excellence est qu'il vous plaise moyenner envers son Altesse Royale, afin qu'il retourne a Stockholm; et que je puisse jouir de sa compagnie jusqu'a mon depart, qui en apparence ... — A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke
... his own family at least, an interesting scene. A numerous assemblage of the parishioners and the reverend brethren was convened; and the arrival of the latter, successively or in groups—their friendly greetings in the parlour, their progress to the church, and their solemn devoir during the service of the day—bore a character of dignity and impressiveness which does not now generally belong to such ceremonials. It may, perhaps, be unphilosophical, and not in accordance with more modern sentiment, to ascribe any ... — Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume VI • Various
... plusieurs culots separes, et un peu aplatis, comme ceux que l'art produit; beaucoup plus gros, a la verite, parce que les agens de la nature doivent avoir une autre energie, que ceux de nos laboratoires; et cette ressemblance si exacte, semble devoir vous faire penser que la mine native a ete produite par le feu, tout comme son regule. La presence de la chaux argentee de la manganese, me permettroit de croire que la nature n'a fait que reduire cette chaux. ... — Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton |