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Double-cross   Listen
double-cross, double cross  v. t.  To betray or swindle (a colleague); to promise (a collaborator) one thing and to treacherously do another, to the detriment of the collaborator.
Synonyms: cross, betray.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Double-cross" Quotes from Famous Books

... oratorical attitude, "we now comes to the next num—ber on the program, the which is costin' a lot o' cold coin. Fif—ty thous—and dollars, gents, is what it costs to have the Perfessor put on his little stunt. Fif—ty thous—and dollars! We calls it 'The Double-Cross an' the Get-Away.' The Perfessor has double-crossed our friend an' worthy leader, Red McIvor, an' refuses to say where he has buried the hidden treasure. Instead of fifty thousand good bucks, he hands over a wad o' phoney bills. Instead o' fifty thousand genooine plunks we will ...
— Every Man for Himself • Hopkins Moorhouse

... legitimately outwitted me. But your ancient Turpin overcame you by brute force; you hadn't a run for your money from the moment he got his eye on you, and no percentage of the swag was ever returned to you has in the case of the Double-Cross Edition of Kipling, in which you get at least fifty cents worth of paper and print for every nineteen dollars you ...
— R. Holmes & Co. • John Kendrick Bangs

... that he is breaking faith... And a man that will double cross his associates will double cross you if the opportunity presents itself... Would you put a man in charge of your cash drawer when you knew that he had looted some one ...
— Broken to the Plow • Charles Caldwell Dobie

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