"Drie" Quotes from Famous Books
... sayles, the snow being aboue halfe a foote deepe vpon the hatches of our ship, which did so wet thorow our poore Mariners clothes, that hee that had fiue or sixe shifts of apparell had scarce one drie threed to his backe, which kinde of wet and coldnesse, together with the ouerlabouring of the poore men amiddest the yce, bred no small sicknesse amongst the fleete, [Sidenote: Extreme winter.] which somewhat discouraged some of the poore men, ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt
... wynd may come thereto and wan thou hast ycuver yt wel led yt hom and do yt in a soler that fonne ne wynd may come thereto and dimembre it and do yt in a clene water and lef yt there half a day and after do yt up on herdeles for to drie and wan yt ys drye tak salt and do after thy venisoun axit [1] and do yt boyle in water that yt be other [2] so salt als water of the see and moche more and after lat the water be cold that it be thynne and thanne do thy Venisoun in the water ... — The Forme of Cury • Samuel Pegge
... haue a license to brew strong Ale thrise a week, and he that comes to Goteham and will not spende a penie on a pot of Ale if he be a drie, that ... — Kemps Nine Daies Wonder - Performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich • William Kemp
... unablest, the unfamous & cowarliest people that I have seene amongst fower score nations that I have frequented. O yee poore people, you shall have their booty, but you shall pay dearly for it! Every one cryes out for hungar; the women become baren, and drie like wood. You men must eate the cord, being you have no more strength to make use of the bow. Children, you must die. ffrench, you called yourselves Gods of the earth, that you should be feared, for your interest; notwithstanding you shall tast of the bitternesse, ... — Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson • Peter Esprit Radisson
... thing in shape of a browne dogge, which his mother called Ball, who spake to this Examinates mother, in the sight and hearing of this Examinate, and bad her make a Picture of Clay like vnto Iohn Robinson, alias Swyer, and drie it hard, and then crumble it by little and little; and as the said Picture should crumble or mull away, so should the said Io. Robinson alias Swyer his body decay and weare away. And within two or three dayes after, the Picture shall so all be wasted, and mulled away; so then the said ... — Discovery of Witches - The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster • Thomas Potts
... then came an old palmer, And an ill death may he die! For he's away to Pickeram Side As fast as he can drie[69]. ... — Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 3 • Various
... could not tell whether wee had any bounds or no between our towne, but now we begine to think we have—this therefore are to desier you to send some men to meet with ours upon the third Munday of ye next month by nine a'clock in ye morning, if it be a faire day, if not the next drie day, and so to run one both side of the river and to meet at the vesil place and the west side of ... — Anne Bradstreet and Her Time • Helen Campbell
... on for Puddinburn, Even as fast as he may drie; Dickie's come on for Puddinburn, Where there was thirty ... — Ballads of Scottish Tradition and Romance - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Third Series • Various
... showed herselfe more and more monstrously huge." After eleven days' passage, the exact time that Arago allowed for a cannon ball to reach the moon, "another earth" was approached. "I perceived that it was covered for the most part with a huge and mighty sea, those parts only being drie land, which show unto us here somewhat darker than the rest of her body; that I mean which the country people call el hombre della Luna, the man of the moone." This last clause demands a protest. ... — Moon Lore • Timothy Harley |